2007 Will Eat Your Family!

So in honor of this big year of change (and staying the same), here are some of the highlights of the Blogulator in 2007. Think of it as one of those awesome clip show episodes of your favorite sitcom starring us: Qualler gets arrested for accidentally stabbing a Santa Monkey while we're all shopping for presents at the mall, so Brigitte, Sean, Nicole, Doktorpeace, Lady Amy, and I have to sit in front of mall security awaiting his release, looking through the various DVDs and CDs we've bought for family and friends, only to recount all the great times we had the past year and eventually learn the true meaning of Christmas.
Before our new contributors jumped into bed with us in September, 2007 offered quite the number of personal dilemmas from the lonely duo of C&Q: Qualler got premium cable and often pondered whether it was worth it or not, I started listening to a lot of Top 40 and worred that I analyzed it too much (The Whiny Alt-Rock Spectrum Graph), and we had two very controversial point-counterpoint series of postings (Heroes vs. The Sopranos, Why I Saw/Won't See 300). Plus Chris bid adieu to 24 after a terrible season and Qualler gave a touching tribute to the officially canceled OC.
But probably the highlight of the pre-transformation Blogulator of this year was the post This is the Best Amateur Filmmaker in Minnesota? in which the subject of the post himself, On the Lot contestant Andrew Hunt, left a comment in semi-third person after Googling himself basically asking for "a duel of the minds" of sorts at a local Minneapolis coffee shop. I e-mailed him to set up the duel, then he said he'd get back to me when he got back from LA. I guess he's still in LA. Oh well, that could have been great.
Luckily so much more is now covered on the Blogulator thanks to our new auteurs and we don't have to resort to petty fights with competitive reality television stars anymore! Let's take a look at some of their highlights: Brigitte's weekly Top Model updates have been riveting and informative about that one mild behavioral disease that one contestant had, Jigsaw proudly took over Doktorpeace's account and guest-posted in support of yet another Saw installment this Halloween (with the best piece of audio that has ever been on the Internet!), Sean gave an in-depth and insightful look at the depressing decline of Wes Anderson, Nicole set the AFI straight about the best love stories ever told on film, and Lady Amy has been bringing the celebrity gossip juice to the Blogulator in full force. Man, there's been so much content in the past four months...2008 is gonna be crackin'!
This almost makes me sad that we're going to be off the online now until the new year, but it's okay, because starting January 7th, we'll have our official Blogulator Top 10 lists! Check back in two weeks for our favorites in movies, TV, music, and guilty pleasures from 2007!
When did all this Hunt drama happen? Anyone who hasn't read that guy's comment needs to go do so now. It is the most pompous thing I have ever read, and I read my own diary!
Still, Chris, look out. Try not to battle Hunt's/God's/my idol's mind in a midtown coffee shop, as that is a pretentious jerk's wheelhouse. Try something more neutral, like an actual wheelhouse.
To be fair, that Santa Monkey was really asking for it.
Andrew Hunt, where are you?? Maybe you, the author of "Blood on the Tracks", Chris and I could have a blog-off somewherss.
it is now 1/4/08, and there's still no update? Holy shnikes, blogulator! 7 people can't think of anything to say for 2 weeks?
Dear LQ,
Please note the closing paragraph:
This almost makes me sad that we're going to be off the online now until the new year, but it's okay, because starting January 7th, we'll have our official Blogulator Top 10 lists! Check back in two weeks for our favorites in movies, TV, music, and guilty pleasures from 2007!
Well to quote the great Jesse Ventura: I ain't got time to read! And he definitely said read, not bleed.
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