A Very Glamorous Christmas

The episode began with that weird choir singing "Santa Baby," which, I have to say, is probably one of the worst Christmas songs ever written. Some other Christmas songs I hate:
The Twelve Days of Christmas (so annoying)
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (especially the Pedro the Lion version, "let's whine about Christmas")
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (it's totally depressing. who wants to be depressed on Christmas?)
Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel (I find the melody to be creepy)
At any rate, Gossip Girl, despite using one of my top five most hated (and possibly number one most hated) Christmas managed to deliver a bang up episode.
Spoiler alert! We knew that Blair's dad is gay. we get it. But did we expect him to bring his French partner home for the holidays? No, sir! What a situation.
The best part of the episode was that Serena and her boyfriend (I can never remember his name...the "poor" one) decided to give each other meaningful, rather than expensive, Christmas gifts, so they set a price limit of $50. But, of course, you cannot get a decent gift for $50! Everyone knows that. This is why I try to set my spending limits somewhere around 10k when shopping for my friends. In the end, Serena gives him the gift of snow (it hadn't yet snowed in New York because, as Qualler said, they filmed this episode before winter), and he gets her a Christmas tree. It warmed my heart almost as much as the O.C. Christmukkah episode season two in which the gang revives Lindsay's Christmukkah spirit by decorating her home.

Rating: Cast of Frasier
The series taking America's Next Top Model's place during the interim, Crowned, has the most ridiculous theme song. Ever. EVER. But moving on...
This episode featured a swimsuit competition. Hooray! There is absolutely nothing I would rather do than be judged in a bathing suit with my mother. I someday hope to have a daughter, and I hope that she and I can also parade in our bathing suits and be judged on our figures and style choices.
One mother actually said that another mother "has the most atrocious figure." Her daughter chimed in, saying "she definitely has a mom look." Hello! She's a mom! Women in their 50s should not look like women in their 20s. It really frightens me that I often cannot distinguish between mother and daughter.
This episode of Crowned also showcased the moms and daughters bashing another mother's nose. One mom ended the conversation saying, "If I had that big old humpity hump in my nose, I'm not gonna try to think I'm beautiful."
Now, this might sound like I'm complaining about the show, and I suppose in many ways it goes against most things I stand for: beauty pageants, reality television, old ladies in their bathing suits, etc. However, the drama is outrageous (truly, truly, truly outrageous!) and I'm completely hooked. It isn't America's Next Top Model, but it will certainly do as a replacement before they begin the next ANTM cycle.
Rating: Content Kitty.
Hooray for Wednesday night television! Hooray for Christmas and for mothers and daughters competing side by side. And, more than anything, hooray for the child which will be born to Jamie Lynn Spears!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Labels: celebrities, music, qualler, TV
oh damn it! i thought GG wasn't on tonight cause of that other show. that blows.
oh well. i'll have to deal.
I have become a little bit obsessed with finding free tv shows online, so here's my gift of the week (for Sean):
The CW puts entire episodes of Gossip Girl online at cw.com the Saturday following the first airing.
Frugirl (no $ for DVR)
ps- Maybe there's a punny meaning to the title of the post- if so, sorry to be obnoxious, B- but I remember the sp. from the Fergie song: g-l-a-m-o-r-ous.
pps- ...at least I'm assuming the author's Brigitte, since Qualler rarely writes in the third person or references Jem.
Hey! Yeah, uh, I posted this! I take credit! And yes, Nicole, Qualler does refer to himself in third person, and is a huge Jem fan! Uh, yeah, that's the ticket! Oh dear......
Wow, thank you for reminding me of how great the iconic holiday episode of The OC was. Seriously, its a flood of joy over here.
oh shoot...this post was indeed made by me, not qualler...i posted on his computer and forgot to change the byline...i'll take care of this!
also, the spelling error was just a 'i'm very tired and need to go to bed before i care to read this over' error...i'll change that too, haha.
ironically, though i majored in english and teach writing, i've always been a terrible speller. oh well.
oh man, i can't edit it because "qualler" wrote it...i'm the dumbest blogger in the world. :(
i guess christmas will have to be canceled this year.
You know what was an even bigger surprise than Blair's dad bringing Roman home for Christmas? That the Waldorf Women were throwing YET ANOTHER PARTY! Oh, wait...that seems to be the conceit of the show now. Did you know that it has only snowed on Christmas in New York for 37 out of the last 127 Christmases or some shit, and it's only got a 0-25% chance of snowing here this Christmas? So giving Dan the gift of snow was actually sort of sweet and appropriate, although I'm thinking having your brother and boyfriend's ex-girlfriend help you set up what is functionally a nookie pad in...? Dan's dad's gallery? We couldn't figure out where they were.
Also, what's with series regulars disappearing all the time? Chuck was absent now for two holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Nate also? And, um, Erik, who we never see anything of anymore? And yet we get to see Jenny EVERY DAMN WEEK. Explain this, show runners.
Hahaha I can't believe Qualler watched Gossip Girl and Crowned!!! That's for girls, silly!!!
I also didn't know Gossip Girl was new last night, so THANKS for the spoiler alert, Qualler!!! Blast!
To the CW's web site I go then, where they only have two commercials that alternate: the Victoria's Secret xmas pajama sale ("Nobody wants pajamas for Christmas!" -Jerksica "I bought you pajamas for our first Christmas and that's what you bought me too!" -Me) and some phone iPod called a "Juke" that has a really annoying/awesome song to go along with it.
"Watch me move like my Juke, watch me move like my Juke..."
Speaking of Christmas songs, some of my favorite modern classics came from the OC Christmukkah mix. I love them all!
I just assumed that Dan and Serena were doin' it in the natural history museum cuz, c'mon, that's hottt with three T's.
Also, we must remember the true theme of each Christmakkuh episode of The OC -- one character has a dilemma of "Two Girls/Guys" in each season's episode -- Season One is about Seth picking between Anna and Summer, Season Two is about Ryan picking between Marissa and Lindsey, and Season Three is about Marissa picking between Ryan and That Surfer Guy Who Died (*SPOILER!*)
If only Season Four would have tackled Peter Gallagher choosing between his two eyebrows.
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