the blogulator begets the bloguletter. gross.

that's DEFINITELY a bomb...a bomb at the BOX office!
if you are reading this, there is a 99% chance you have received the first EVER "bloguletter," a new weekly newsletter put out by chris and qualler's pop culture blogulator. we thank you for not barraging our inboxes with unsubscribe requests. because even if you did, we would ignore them.
IF for whatever reason you are reading this and did NOT receive the first bloguletter, it was probably a mistake or we don't know each other in the non-digital world. so send us an e-letter at chrisandqualler[at]gmail[dot]com and we'll add you to the list.
"i'm interested, but i don't know what the bajoinkers a bloguletter is!"
i'm glad you brought that up, sweetums. it's merely a weekly reminder to check out chris and qualler's pop culture blogulator, with a quick rundown of what we've been complaining about. it also featuring the "blog buddy of the week," highlighting a friend's blog that we find enjoyable and want you to check out. so if you'd like such a thing, please let us know at the address above!
finally, the e-mail address has ALSO been created to gather thoughts and possible guest posts from our friends on all things pop culture. so if you ever have a strong like/dislike toward a movie, tv show, or music thing, send us your love/hatred in longer-than-a-smarmy-comment form! we'd love to hear about it and if we think it's entertaining enough, we will most indubitably post it on up on the blogulator to share with the rest of (wo)mankind. (with due credit of COURSE).
yay, the blogulator is more interactive and an obsession of mine has outdone itself once again! consider this from here on out, the blogulator v.2.0 (with berries).
p.s. #15-11 from the top 50 songs of 2006 are up on the listulator. also, qualler should be putting up his top 10 songs of 2006 on this vewwy site vewwy soon!
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