a sentimental pause before the barrage of lists.
this post-holidaze vacation has been driving me stir-crazy and i feel like a jackass for it while everyone else goes to work and scowls at me from their cubicle/non-cubicle. i'm trying to enjoy lazing around the apartment in my jammy-jams, perusing indie rock blogs until i literally feel dumber for reading "beirut is like my personal indie-gypsy god" in countless different semantic formations, watching bad movies from the hollywood video atm thingy in the grocery store, and eating pizza rolls and fudge.
it's hard, but i think these few days after xmas/n.y.e. (that's what the kids call the eve of the new year nowadays) have been beneficial in the long run. mostly because i've watched the following things that i enjoyed and hated myself for enjoying (nothing new, i know, get over it).
lucky number slevin (a.k.a. "lucky # s7evin" HA!): have you heard of this guy called quentin tarantino? apparently he's some filmmaker from the 90s that makes movies that are like really violent, but it's okay because he pays homage to really old "noyr" movies from the 1800s that are really bad. so it's like he's trying to make really cool good movies from old bad movies. i know this one guy who has a reservoir dogs t-shirt, so it must be true. well anyway there's this new movie that people for SOME reason have been calling "another film student's I HEART QT project" that has more twists than a 50s sock hop and it's got the insufferable josh hartthrob in the leading role as a man whose identity is mistaken for some guy who owes the black mob and the jewish mob TONS of money. i won't say anymore except that if he doesn't rev your motor, then all you asia fans will get growling over the sleek beauty that is lucy liu. by the looks of this photo, you might think this is a slapstick comedy ripe with hilarious antics, but that's only 1/3 of the movie! to fill the recipe for L#S, you'd also need a third of thrilling whodunits and a hearty helping of SUPER AWESOME.
beauty and the geek: the new season began on wednesday and i KNOW tons of people missed out on it, so let me recap. smokin' hot chicks aren't very smart. in fact, they're downright dumb-zillas!!! and pale and/or asian males who wear glasses?? they don't know the FIRST thing about courting ladies!!! hot chicks' first mission: find three books using the dewey decimal system in a library. nerds' first mission: get a stranger to give them their phone number AND put sun tan lotion on their back!!! who got the short end of the stick there you ask?? well c'mon the internet is like SOO much easier to search than a library!!! hello!!!! ALSO it looks like next ep some of the hot chicks are going to "deflower" one of the dweebazoids!!! TUNE IN!!! thank you ashton for inventing such wondrous CW infotainment.
shopgirl: this movie was BOOOOOORINNNNNG. yet had a KILLER symphonic score. claire danes is SOOOO uninteresting when not in my so-called life. yet jason schwartzmann is always charming and quirky. (often to the point of hatred, but i still like it). steve martin is such a horny old toad who has quite possibly some of the worst narration in a movie ever. yet mark kozelak from red house painters and sun kil moon has a pretty significant role in the movie including playing "lily & parrots," which perked my interest. so in the end, i LOVED it. of course. i've got some kind of disease i think. in my head, the aforementioned should average out to make it an "okay" movie. yet i don't want to call it that. do i? no. it was a good movie. don't listen to me.
BONUS! #s 45-41 of the top 50 songs of 2006 are up on the listulator!
it's hard, but i think these few days after xmas/n.y.e. (that's what the kids call the eve of the new year nowadays) have been beneficial in the long run. mostly because i've watched the following things that i enjoyed and hated myself for enjoying (nothing new, i know, get over it).

BONUS! #s 45-41 of the top 50 songs of 2006 are up on the listulator!
what the fuck are you talking about? shopgirl was poignant, albeit not as good as the book. your sarcasm has proved counter-revolutionary!
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