Revealing Secrets

Having had an entire week apart, dear blogu-reader, we have so much to catch up on! As you may have read in Qualler's post yesterday, I have some new friends - Eleanor and Matthew Furnace of The Fiery Furnaces (yeah, yeah Brigitte, that's not their real last name)!! Friday's concert was amazing despite the fact that very few people actually attended and despite my having to force shy Qualler to ask for his much-desired signatures. Fortunately he got his poster signed and didn't totally embarrass himself in front of the latest additions to our blogu-friendship circle. That wasn't so bad, was it Qualler?

And speaking of marriages falling apart, it turns out that our beloved Barbara Walters had an affair like three decades ago. Understandably, the public is a little disappointed that the motherly, feel-good journalist who brought us to tears with her interviews was engaged in such foul behavior, but why does anyone care? Isn't all of Hollyweird having one big adulterous orgy anyway? I say, let he who has not had an extra-marital affair with a senator cast the first stone.
But if you're going confess all of your sinful secrets, where better to do it than on Oprah? Oprah's not going tell you to do ten "Hail Mary's" and an "Our Father." Oprah's going give you a hug and positive affirmations of your worth as a human being. Yes, you've got to confess to millions of viewer, but think about the lifetime's worth of heart-wrenching guilt you can avoid.
Perhaps the most important piece of Hollywood news this week, though, is the Miley Cyrus (ok for workplace viewing) topless photo scandal. I'm not going to post pictures this time like when I blogged about Lindsay Lohan's nude photo-op. Apparently some people can't look at half-naked celebrities at work, so proceed with caution if you want to read more about this story. I'll sum it up for those who don't: Miley Cyrus did a Vanity Fair photo shoot where photographer Anne Leibovitz somehow convinced her to take some "artistic" shots in the buff after her parents had conveniently left the room. The photos were made to look like she was topless, but was fully-clothed underneath a sheet - or at least that's the story Disney is sticking to. I just find it incredibly odd that her parents would leave her at a Vanity Fair shoot by herself and not suspect something might happen. Personally, though, I'm more creeped-out by this very intimate picture of Miley and her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus.

Miley wasn't the only one taking her clothes off though. TMZ did a feature just for the ladies this week on Celebrity Packages - and not the kind you get in the mail. Yes, one of the lowest-brow gossip magazines around, actually followed celebrities around and photographed their special areas. Thank goodness they followed up the "package" pictures with "here's what they look like fully clothed" pictures or I never would have bothered to look at their faces. Talk about getting all hot and bloggered!
Which brings me to the final discussion topic for tonight and the latest blogu-feature...

Thus concludes tonight's episode of...
Labels: Angry Amy, celebrities, Lady Amy, music, TV
haha, "all hot and bloggered." that is awesome.
Hahahahaha yes! More Angry Amy features!!! That looks just like you when you're angry!!!
I actually covered your last week's post while having an extramarital affair with Nick Cannon. You can catch more about it on the televised staff meeting (laughs and turns away, holding coffee cup).
I'm so glad someone has finally brought up the TMZ show. My favorite "character" is the surfer guy with long blond hair who talks like Excellent Adventure Keanu. He makes celebrity gossip sound way cooler than it is and somehow way dumber than it is simultaneously!
Also, how did he get that job?!?! How does anyone get a job like that?!?!
BOSS GUY: So how much do you love celebrities?
SURFER GUY IN INTERVIEW SUIT: Like totally, man; they're my life force.
hahaha, i LOVE angry amy!!
And the surfer dude keeps saying "look what THEY took a picture of" as if THEY were not working for TMZ and he just happened to come across some random photos taken by a third party.
I too love that surfer guy... He always seems confused as to where he is!
P.S. I too LOVE Angry Amy, I look forward to you making this a regular feature.
Well, then you're in for a treat, Paal.
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