A Fiery Passion

Now, I don't know about you, but as a 25 year old, who has been out of college for two or three years (yeah, I don't even remember how many years anymore) and been attempting to be less of a fanboy for even more years, the panic does set in a little bit when confronted with what to say to your favorite band. As it turns out, my reaction to meeting Eleanor Friedberger of the Fiery Furnaces was akin to fourteen-year-old socially awkward Qualler's first meetings with a pretty girl. Lady Amy introduced me, saying "This is my friend, Mark" and Eleanor extended her hand out, saying "Hi Mark, I'm Eleanor" and I responded by weakly shaking her hand, saying "Nice to meet you" and staring at my shoes and puking. I may have blown my chance to make an impression on my favorite band, but there are a number of ways I could have screwed it up even more. Below is a list of things I could have said that would have made it worse (thanks to Chris, Brigitte and Lady Amy for thinking of them.)

1) "Um, I buy your albums when they come out, and listen to them, and sometimes analyze the lyrics, and it's fun!"
2) "Matthew, you look like another person who alternative people like me enjoy, comedian Michael Showalter."
3) "What's the inspiration for your songs? You guys seem like you get along really well!"
4) "Will you autograph our dogs? We named them after you -- this one is Eleanor and this one is Matthew!"
5) "Sometimes, when I'm having a bad day, I come home and listen to your songs, and it makes me feel happy!"
Yes, I had to settle for shaking Eleanor's hand and getting both Matthew and Eleanor's autographs on a free poster, and luckily I didn't stumble over myself too much. And aside from their fantastic music, Matthew and Eleanor seemed to be really, really nice people. So nice, that some day Brigitte and I will undoubtedly name dogs after them.
blogulator staff?!?!?
i didn't attend. and i don't think harry did either. this post is riddled with lies.
p.s. i am very jealous of you. eleanor is very attractive and also talented.
p.p.s. pics or it didn't happen. someone must've had a digital camera with them!
Qualler, you forgot the best part when they played "Tropical Iceland" just for us. Because when they heard Brigitte screaming it at the top of her lungs they knew - "THAT'S a girl who is going to name her dogs after us!"
I'm glad you guys had a good time!
Alas, no digital camera to prove any of it. As Joe of ijfp.com pointed out at the show, the last time he stayed after to meet a musical artist was our sophomore year of college, when Todd Bell of Hey Mercedes wrote on his shirt, "Good luck with the rash" along with his signature.
So to say the least, none of us were really planning on staying after to meet the band, thus no camera.
they totally did play that song just for us...and i totally will name dogs after them someday.
...or maybe even children. then i'll make those children form a band...and they'll hate it...and grow to hate me, too.
i'll stick with dogs.
another embarrassing thing you could have said to them: "um, you guys are from Chicago, and that's where you grew up, and my wife used to live in Chicago, and on your album you made with your Granmother, you sing about the Garfield El, and we used to ride the red line train and get off at the Garfield stop, and we were wondering if you'd be our friend, cause it seems like we all have a lot in common..."
um...i'm sure amy was planning to stay after to meet the band, chris. elenore is her new best friend after all.
I'm a bit more interested in the other side of the story:
What did the Fiery Furnaces have to say about The Blogulator?
They thought it was the best thing since sliced bread and my new BFF, Eleanor reads it every day.
i totes spelled Eleanor wrong. embarrassed face!~
Probably because you don't know her that well - like I do. :)
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