If you're in the market for some land, there's prime real estate for sale in Hollywood. According to
CNN, land surrounding the famed HOLLYWOOD sign is up for sale by the investment group that currently owns the property above and to the left of the "H." Now when I read this, I was not only surprised that this property was not owned by the public, but that it is parceled off. So one group owns the land surrounding the "H" and others must own parts of land surrounding the other letters. What would happen if one of the owners decided they didn't like that big hunk of steel and concrete on their yard? Is is possible that we could have an "_OLLYWOOD" sign? Just think, if you had the money to make that purchase, you could be the jerk who tears down the H!
Now, if you're going to make your move to L.A. and you're going to build your mansion in place of (or maybe OUT of) the giant "H" on the hill, you'd better make sure your body is in tip top shape. Yeah, I'm talking about plastic surgery. As you know, I am a dedicated
People and
US Weekly reader, and I'm telling you there is no surviving L.A. lifestyle without a little nip/tuck here and there. But once you decide to get that boob job or lipo, how are you going to explain it to the kids? What will they say when mommy comes home with giant bazoongas and a flat butt? That's going to be a
really difficult adjustment for them.
Good thing for you, a plastic surgeon in Florida is five steps ahead of you.
The Newest Addition to Your Library's Children's Section...
Having the sex talk with your kids can be a little awkward. Teaching two-year-olds how to do a #2 in the toilet can be frustrating (and gross at times). For years, many parents have relied on children's books to explain "adult issues" to kids in a way they can understand. Well now, along with picture books helping you get through those uncomfortable heart-to-hearts with your toddlers about where babies come from or the importance of potty training, you can get a little guidance on explaining why mommy hates her body.
According to a Reuter's article, a plastic surgeon in Florida has written the first-ever picture book for kids about plastic surgery. In the article, Dr. Michael Salzhauer is quoted saying the book is meant "for the mom who has already booked her plastic surgery and now has to tell her kids, why she is going to be in bed, why daddy is picking the kids up from school and all thoseother issues." Well, I guess you've got to get 'em young.
I think it goes without saying that this is a terrible idea.
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, TV
This entry was posted by Lady Amy, on
Tuesday, April 22, 2008.
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hahaha...i now know that my mission in live is to raise enough money to buy the H property, make my mansion out of said H, and then get plastic surgery to look like a letter H myself.
if I owned the land near the "H" i would totally spell something going downwards, like a cross-word!
that'd be sweet!
Holy crap! The best idea ever -- the Hollywood scrabble game!!
OK--that didn't look as pretty as it should have.
Hahahahahaha whaaaaaa???
Where does the AL go?
'D' after OMG?
Qualler, I think a movie needs to be made about the mental state of accountants around tax day. Ruffle-butt would be a good protagonist.
hahahahahaha....what are you trying to spell, mark? i actually laughed out loud at that.
also, i think you would be played by christian bale. i love you.
Well, you see, if you move the E and the I underneath the W, and the A and the L under the D, you get "WEIRD AL"....you know, Weird Al Yankovic! Don't the kids love him still?!? (ruffled hair and unblinking eyes)
Yeah, Ruffle-butt would make a great me in the Hollyweird movie about working.
WHAT? That doesn't even make any sense, qualler!
I would try to buy the property by the two "O"s and then make googley eyes out of them - with glasses!
Haha I get you now, Qualler.
But what I don't think you people realize is how big these letters are. Take that into consideration along with the unstable/variable landscape of the Hollywood Hills and I don't know if this plan of yours would feasibly work. Not to mention the additional capital we'd need to hire out a contractor to build said letters AFTER we purchased the original land of the Hollywood sign.
Kind of like how you guys suggested once that we purchase an actual foghorn (they're way too big to carry around) for when people make lame jokes.
yeah, the land around the sign is so unstable that those current letters have only been there for decades..
i would turn the two O's into boobs or testicles to help advertise the latest judd apatow comedy.
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