Ladies' Night!

Last night on America's Next Top Model, we had...a clip show. Really? Are we already at this point in the cycle? I guess it's difficult to get a feel for how far we are into this season when there are so many cycles per year and each is pretty much the same as the last. Needless to say, I was disappointed.
Some highlights from last night's show:
The models have a little to much to drink at dinner, and that, of course, leads to....wrasslin'! We got to see some never before aired footage of the ladies' duking it out on a giant mattress back at the apartment. Of course, no one was REALLY fighting...this was just a little friendly lady on lady faux fighting. And who doesn't enjoy that? Unlike the real (?) lady on lady fighting I've been seeing on the news lately, these models were just having a giggle. Yay, lady fun! I'm glad this is the most scandalous thing you had to show me, Tyra...
The other big scandal was that the horse face model (she's gone now...who can remember her name?) enjoyed walking around the apartment naked. Here's my favorite bit of that dialog:
Stacey-Ann: Do you always have to be naked?
Horse Face: Hey, we live together now. Get over it.
Stacey-Ann: I'm just sick of seeing your butt all the time.
Horse Face: (Begins to rub lotion on her upper thighs as other girls gasp and point)
Stacey-Ann (to the camera, upon reflection): Well, I guess if I had a really great body, I'd be walking around naked, too...
Oh, ANTM! Let's hope that next week's episode has a bit more, shall we say, substance?
We couldn't even begin to pay attention to Girlicious. That was too ridiculous even for a ladies' night.
Earlier yesterday, I was conversing with another lady friend of mine, who happens to be a hip New Yorker, up on all the Internet trends. Latest thing to happen online that upsets and confuses me for no reason? Muxtape. It's all over the Tumblrs. Even my husband's been using it. Where have I been? It actually seems like a very cool way to share music, by creating virtual mix tapes which are accessibly for download to other users. Hey, I love sharing music!

Ok, srrsly, though, this muxtape thing sounds like a good idea. and, you can in fact make mixes to share privately with just one person, so....good for you, music sharing. Way to evolve with the times. It might take me a little while to catch up, but in the mean time I'll be enjoying my good, old fashioned ladies' nights and clip shows.
oh! muxtape!
phayden and i just had a conversation last night about it!
he was hung up on the 12 song limit and the vastness of the wonderful world of music. but i calmly explained with an SAT style analogy
Letter : Email :: Mixtape : Muxtape
hopefully that clarifies everything
some would also argue (not me, but some) that the 12 song format is the ideal mix tape length.
not me. i like 'em long.
Maybe that's why sometimes we feel like we need to just, you know...CRASH...just to feel something in this isolated world we've put ourselves in.
Also, remember this? "Gentlemen...we've got ourselves a broken arrow." (looks at the camera)
Who is that anal about the length of a mixed tape?
Since I missed the ladies night - did I miss any wrasslin?
Quick correction! You can't download a muxtape, only stream it! By the way, I'll be posting mine and Qualler's muxtapes tonight for yalls.
Actually, I feel like a muxtape is much more likely to eliminate radio before an actual mixtape. Because like Brigitte said, it's not like you're making several muxtapes for different people, just one totally intangible stream of sound that identifies "you" at the moment, or whatever. Much like a playlist a DJ makes up and send out into the vastness of nobody and everybody. So in other words, us radio people are screwed.
Nevertheless, long live muxtape!
what's streaming? does that mean you can just listen, but it doesn't stay on your computer?
(embarrassed face)!! because you need to constantly re-prove how cutting edge and indie your music tastes are..
i wonder if they offer an option where it shows how many other people list that song on their tape. that'd be valuable info, especially if duplicate listings triggered an alert on my iphone and i had several backup lists waiting.
eliminate radio?!?! really? i only listen to stations that have a defined list of songs they play and it only changes gradually, over time, with a heavy deference to playing old, established songs. i want to tune in and hear the same songs i always hear, i want my radio station to feel like home. i dont need some random stranger's tastes to throw me for a loop. down with new things! up with radio!
fm 102.1, alternative, milwaukee, radio.
i want to tune in and hear the same songs i always hear, i want my radio station to feel like home.
several of my clients just wet themselves with joy, this is exactly why people advertise on radio!
Haha looks like we won't be getting a muxtape from Sean anytime soon...
I totally understand the ego baggage that all of this newfangled song/music taste sharing stuff (Facebook, iLike,, etc.) comes with, but I feel like muxtape is actually pretty low-key and understated. I want you to hear some songs I like - here they are, no frills, just click on the link and you can listen to what I'm listening to right now. It's not like it comes with my name, college I went to, my top played songs, or anything like that...I like the simplicity of muxtape - it's the reason I never jumped on board with uber-detailed stuff like
But yes, the radio is rarely as indie as muxtape can get - I suppose I was referencing indie, and specifically college, radio.
My concern is the legality of these mp3 streams. Does this site have licenses to stream all these artists songs? Do people upload their mp3s for streaming? What if those mp3s were illegally obtained? It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to turn streamed audio into re-playable mp3 files for offline use.
This site is Pandora's can of worms. Tread warily.
Oh heavens no! The RIAA will surely make a fuss at one point or another, but I used Napster for a solid three years before it finally came down. I'm probably one of the few people who posts mostly MP3s from CDs I actually own or that are free downloads on various other sites on muxtape, I'm aware...actually if you want something more legal, less known about, and thus, probably hipper, try: - you can only use songs that available somewhere on the Internet...
Also, less mixtapey is: - search for whatever artist you want and find their streaming music online...
I love the Muxtape! Katie's has been my sole comfort this last boring week at the work-a-day. HOWEVER, I am very annoyed by how you can't upload any other kind of music besides MP3s...I have a lot of iTunes music that I would have to convert from whatever the hell iTunes uses to mp3, except most of my music is on my home computer and iTunes for the Mac won't let you convert! Clowns. My life is so hard. Also, Sean, I don't know you at all, but thanks so much for using the word "rocket surgeon". I'm pretty much alone on that one in the NYC.
mac itunes lets you convert to mp3. at least intel macs do, dunno about those mac macs. multiple audio formats are the worse. ogg? m4u? aiff? more like, aiff that. just give me good ol' mp3s.
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