Summer in the Twin Cities!

Like many summers, this summer is gonna be chock full o'movies. Of course, as we all know, the summer kicks off with Indy 4 and won't stop through the Sex and the City movie (I hear rumors Mr. Big dies!!!!! And Charlotte is having a baby!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, that show is for chicks, man) or for The Dark Knight (I totally watched part of Batman Returns on HBO yesterday and that Penguin sure was scary!) or even the X Files movie (which Chris totally proposed we watch all nine or whatever seasons to get ready for it.) Yes, it will be an eventful summer in the cineplex. I can already taste the movie theater hot dogs at Block E.

Sure, John Adams ended this evening, but HBO isn't done with filling our homes with historically significant seven-part miniseries. This time around, they take a break from the powdered wigs and liver spots of Johnny-boy and air Generation Kill, yet another seven part miniseries but this time about the war in Iraq and written by the obviously genius David Simon (The Wire). Sadly, due to the writers' strike, the summer will be without Big Love or Flight of the Conchords and will not return to the schedule until Fall 2008 / Winter 2009. Thankfully, we can all re-watch our other favorite shows on DVD until HBO comes back with its slate, such as Six Feet Under (which Brigitte and I have already scheduled for our own summer re-viewing) and season four of Beverly Hills 90210 which comes out April 29, 2008, where we will all learn that the University of Minnesota is boring and not at all as exciting as Beverly Hills.

Neither Hannah Montana nor Miley Cyrus are expected to release any new albums, but I will spend the summer listening to the new M83 album Saturdays=Youth, as well as listening to Band of Horses' Cease to Begin (Paal! This album is amazing!!) and jamming to Why's Alopecia. Yes, even Oldy Olsons like me can re-discover the magic of summer jam tunes.
So, even if you prefer Miley Cyrus and her working-class brown hair, or you would rather enjoy Hannah Montana and her sunny and artistic blond hair, this summer in the cities will be greatly enjoyed by all. It truly is the best of both worlds! Yes!
p.s. I totally have only seen the Hannah Montana show on television, like, once. I swear.
I'm so serious about X-Files. I want to feel like I'm 12 again.
New Music Summer Preview: Constantines, Death Cab, Islands, Scarlett Johansson (ha!), Gavin Rossdale (ha!), Spiritualized, My Morning Jacket, Coldplay (ha?), The Notwist, Weezer (ha?), Wolf Parade, Silver Jews
hahaha, i love the twin cities as hannah montana and miley cyrus simile.
also, i cannot WAIT for the sex and the city movie. even if it turns out to be terrible.
and, season 4 of 90210 out this month! things are looking up...
1.) If Big dies, I will leave. Seriously. I did NOT go through so much with Carrie just to have her boyfriend kick it in the end. It would be much more in character if he left her, as I think Big might be immortal.
2.) I AM SO UNIRONICALLY EXCITED FOR THE X-FILES MOVIE. I've already started revisiting my favorite episodes (seasons 1-7 on DVD, what what!) and dorkily talking about it to anybody who will listen, sneaking it into conversation (like today there's a giant cockroach in the hallway of our floor at work--I love you New York!--and I went on for about five minutes about that X-Files episode where Mulder thinks a bunch of cockroaches are aliens and Scully cleans her gun and washes her Pomeranian, Queequeg). Did you know that the new movie's subtitle is "I Want to Believe"? Fun fact!
The Twin Cities just got a lot sexier?
(sees Chris with headphones on)
Hey, man! You're listening to the new Coldplay, aren't you? Sweet.
(runs Chris over with car)
hey, did you finish paying all the taxes? reminds me of a screenplay i wrote about paying all the taxes. wrote? nope, just thought about it.
You should be embarrassed about using Hannah Montana at any level, yet at the same time you should pat yourself on the back because it works so well.
Glad to have the Blogulator as the official pop-culture reference of the Rumble
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