It's Prom Season!

Prom Night v. Prom Night: A Knight Two Remember?
In the 1980 film Prom Night starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Leslie Nielsen, one is reminded that violence on screen is creepier when the murderer is left more to the imagination. In the 2008 not-actually-really-a-remake Prom Night, one realizes that people who do not reconginze a man who terrorizes one's family just because said man shaves off his beard are totally idiotic. One must compare and contrast the two films to fully interpret which is a more worthwhile viewing experience (hint: Whoever wins, we lose.)
1980's Prom Night features a young Jamie Lee Curtis, fresh off her, uh, fame from the now horror classic, 1978's Halloween. It also features Leslie Nielsen, pre-Airplane and thus strangely out of place for the modern audience. Meanwhile, 2008's Prom Night features a slew of "Hey! It's that guy/girl!" actors, featuring Brittany Snow of Nip/Tuck (Matt's neo-nazi girlfriend in Season Two!), Jessalyn Gilsig of Nip/Tuck (GINA!), and, oddly enough, Idris Elba and James Ransone of The Wire (Stringer Bell and Ziggy Sobotka, respectively.) The acting in 1980's Prom Night was wooden enough to be vaguely creepy in a "this is so low-budget it might actually be real" way, whereas 2008's actors give performances so unintentionally (or intentionally?) hilarious that it becomes distracting (or wonderfully entertaining?)
Advantage: 2008
The first film titled Prom Night has the decency to maintain a tone throughout the film. 2008's Prom Night, meanwhile, has a little somethin' somethin' for everybody, as the story shifts stylistically from an episode of a lame O.C. knockoff to an intensely intense episode of CSI to a neutered version of Psycho to a wicked episode of 24 ("I need back-up, stat!" [cue fire trucks, army tanks, many police cars, all to contain one guy that the main detective should obviously be able to arrest / shoot himself]) to a bizzaro Lifetime movie. While one would appreciate an accessible film, especially one who has invested money in the production of the film and thus will receive a slice of the box office receipts, artistically it may not be the most adventurous choice.
Advantage: 1980.
Again, the original Prom Night was creepy, uncomfortable, and a horror movie. 2008's Prom Night, while containing some actual murders, also contained approximately 98.6% more "Gotcha!" scares that didn't even work in my "Goosebumps" collection. Also disappointing that the whole movie wasn't all just a dream, given all of the "Gotchas!" thrown around.
Advantage: 1980.
Production Quality
The DVD transfer to the 1980 version of Prom Night appears to have been recorded off of a late-night local-station Fox telecast on a Sunday night, stuffed in a moth-filled closet, then converted to a video file on my old IBM 386 computer, then transfered to disc through a Super VGA graphics card. The new version, however, features modern music, pretty faces, and crisp color. Oh, and lots of non-dramatic zoom-ins. Whether it is more desirable for one to watch a well-intentioned-but currently-dated-looking production or a highly-produced-yet-so-badly-done-it-is-boring is one's own choice. However, the writer tends to believe nobody wins.
Advantage: Nobody.
1980's Prom Night features an amazing extended disco dance scene (see below) and the most hilarious van-driving-off-a-cliff explosion one will ever see in one's life. 2008's Prom Night features a number of insanely unnecessary directorial flourishes, such as a zoom-in on a handshake, a shot clearly only existing to show the delicious Jones Soda being served to the prom-goers, and awkward dialogue serving as a commercial for Midol ("My boyfriend and I are arguing, I'm uncomfortable, and I'm having the worst cramps!" "Oh, I think I have some Midol...that will help you feel better, at least about the cramps that you are having." "Wow, thanks for the Midol! *winks at camera*)
Advantage: Depends on whether you prefer funny-looking dancing or commercialism shoved down one's throat.
In the end, one might be more inclined to attend one's own actual Prom multiple times than to relive watching either of these films. On the other hand, if unintentional comedy, genuine uncomfortable creepiness, seeing your favorite actors hilariously out of place in a bad movie, real killings, or idiotic characters who can't seem to figure out that the guy who murdered your whole family who had a beard when he did that is the same guy who shaved his beard and is wearing a black baseball cap, are your cup of tea (or, glass of punch!), then these films might be for you. Me, I'm going to go put too much gel in my hair and get ready for some awkward high school non-kisses. Now, cue the Usher, R. Kelly, and that "You And Me Goin' Fishin' in the Dark" song -- I'm ready for PROM!
hahahahaha...i recognize that photo at the top of your blog....
i LOVED the zoom-in hand shake, and the fact that the 2008 Prom Night turned into an action thriller about 3/4 of the way into it.
Hahaha, I really wonder if there are any other schools that actually played "You and me goin fishin in the dark" at their prom. Oh La Crescent.
Ummm, that song is a wedding/prom staple! It's almost as popular as "Sweet Home, Alabama."
I so LOLed at work just now reading this. I don't know if I like the idea of being one of Sean's TWO prom dates! He can take Nicole and I'll just do what I did at every middle and high school dance - stand in the corner, bobbing my head to the music while creepily staring at my crush and praying that he'll come over and ask me to dance.
SET-UP: What do you get between a night of inappropriate drunk-on-power-and-spiked-punch come-ons and a morning of sewing a ripped dress and icing a bruised rib?
PUNCHLINE: DoktorPeace's virginity.
Sounds romantic.
y'all are dirty.
Wait a second... Is that a joke, or did that really happen? Cuz if it did happen, I wish I could remember...
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