Target Marker

Are my favorite reality series nothing but a series of commercials??
Undoubtedly, yes. Do I continue to watch? Again, yes. Always. However, this week while watching America's Next Top Model, I thought I'd try to pay closer attention to just what target market category I fell into, rather than fast forwarding through the commercials as I usually do.
The show began with an ad telling me “if you love to hate Domanique on America's Next Top Model, then you’ll REALLY love Farmer Wants a Wife's Josie!!” Lovely way to begin the evening of television viewing. I DO love to hate Dominique, so maybe i WOULD like this! No, no, no!! I don't want to be that target audience...what does that say about my viewing choices? It's kind of like when told me that based on my recent purchases I might also like the movie Crash. So my night began with a bitter taste in my mouth. But, it has to get better, right?

As her prize for winning the challenge, she got yet another private photo shoot and $10,000 from 7up (could it be that even when I skip the ads, I can't really get away from the advertising? I'm beginning to think that maybe Tyra and Cover Girl don't just have my entertainment and making some girl's dreams come true on their minds...). Not too shabby, Anya! I want $10,000! Maybe I too could be America's next top model...or, at least I could purchase some 7up. It's super fresh! :)
The remaining six girls got to hop on the private plane waiting for them at the shoot…not! The judges are already stars, said Tyra, so they travel first class on a private jet. The girls had to fly on a commercial flight…hahahahaha SUCKERS! And so our show comes to an end. But wait! The worst commercial of all, the one which might actually make me rethink being the "kind of lady" who watches this show every week, came right before the photo shoot, immediately following Fatima complaining about not having her documents (while standing, by the way, in front of a hand written sign that said "Please put dishes in sink--no pots and pans! :) ), featured the winner of last season's cycle, Saleisha (who?).
She began by saying: “I’ve never voted before, never even thought of it.” Wait--what? You've never even thought about it??
After Meredith Wagner of Lifetime: Television for Women (who?) informed Saleisha, and me, that during the last presidential election, 35 million women who were eligible to vote didn’t, Saleisha remarked that as a young woman (who wears Cover Girl) her voice really does count. Wow! I guess maybe mine does too...naw, I'll just continue to not even think about it until I'm also a model. Immediately following this ad, Drew Barrymore (another role model!) told us the season’s new make up trends.
Have a great time in Rome girls! I'll see you next week!
I forgot to mention another favorite line from the show--when the judges were looking at Dominique's photo, they actually said "she doesn't look too much like a man in this one.."
Oh man excellent MS Paint job, Brigitte! At first I was like, what does this have to do with ANYTHING? American Gothic? Pitchfork? Ooh farmer! Farmer's wife! Who will it be?!?! I get it!!!
We need to do this more often on the Blogulator.
hahah, i love thinking about the target market of a show based on the advertisements that accompany it.
evening news: old people that need 50 different prescription drugs to live.
late night crappy movies: bankrupt alcoholics that are turned on by chatlines.
daytime tv: women and children.
Not that I saw ANTM last night because I was watching my coworkers get drunk and feel each other up and then confide their love woes to me, but I love how "has a better portfolio" is basically code-word for "crazy ass bitch who's entertaining". Poor Stacy-Ann--cute as a button but nobody wants to watch her paint the world with hugs and butterfly kisses and rainbows, you know? Still, I don't like it when the show blatantly overlooks dumbassery, like not having a passport FATIMA. Which reminds me, I should get a new passport...
I hate that too -- it's BS! If I came to work and knew there was a chance I would need to use a passport and didn't have one, I'd expect them to leave my ass at home. I get angry in a similar way at The Hills -- Lauren Conrad is so incompetent at her job that I scream at the TV when she does idiotic things like "I'm gonna call Whitney and see how she's doing with this personal thing she is taking care of while at work" or "I'm gonna use the one ball dress that I have and sew it for our night at the night club, then accidentally leave the curling iron on it so I ruin the dress for the thing I was supposed to wear it for."
But then I realize Joel McHale is right -- on The Soup this week, they showed a clip of Spencer's sister yelling at Spencer for not having a job, and Joel delivered this priceless line:
"Uh, Stephanie, doesn't Spencer have a job, and aren't you on it?"
What I'm trying to say, is Fatima's an idiot, but the rules of reality television are made just to piss me off, I guess.
Ok, ok, ok. Fatima is NOT an idiot for not having a passport - or accidentally leaving it somewhere in Atlanta. And Tyra's comment that the judges were disappointed that she didn't have the proper travel documents is not exactly accurate or fair..
She IS and idiot, however, for never once mentioning to a producer or to Tyra that she had lost said documents and needed to schedule an appointment to get replacement ones. THAT'S why you're disappointed, Tyra!!
Though I think it is total B.S. that Fatima gets a pass on this one because she is so "high fashion" and a crazy but entertaining bee-atch, I am happy Stacy-Ann went home. She's got a squished face and can't work a crowd for crap.
Oh, and I'm relieved to know that my college-house frustration with dishes is also shared by models.
They're just like us!!!
they ARE just like us! maybe we could be america's next top models?!?!
i know, right! doesn't that just PISS YOU OFF ROYALLY?
i hate to tell you chris, but some movies even sneak advertising into them.
Like place products in the shots???!!!
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