The reviews are in!!

In this season, the gang goes to college, and I think my old friend Mr. Spelling did an excellent job of capturing my experience as a college freshman--sex, sex, and more sex. Oh, yeah, and drug addiction caused by trying to keep up with my demanding college radio late night DJ shift. And my beach front apartment. Memories!
Brenda defied her parents and stepped out of the

The shots of Minneapolis included a view of the skyline photo shopped behind Lake Calhoun so as to appear closer to the lake than it actually is, a lovely shot of Loring Park, and several of the University of Minnesota. The rest of the action took place in somewhat rural looking neighborhoods, in a car, with no traffic apparent on the road.
As soon as Brenda arrived in the Sin Cities she knew it was a mistake, as her cousin barraged her with questions such as: "Cousin Brenda, have you ever been to a Hard Rock Cafe? Or Planet Hollywood? Cousin Brenda, what are movie stars like?" Things didn't get much better for her when she moved into the dorm, where she had to field questions such as: "Brenda, what's Tom Cruise really like?" "Brenda, what kinds of cars did people drive? Were they all spoiled? Do you know any celebrities?" Brenda tried to open all our minds with responses such as "You know, Beverly Hills actually isn't that different from the rest of the country" but the Midwestern hicks would have none of it. She didn't make any friends, and eventually dropped out and returned home after overhearing her roommate and several others complain about how stuck up she was and how no one liked her. Poor Brenda! Luckily, her move home means that the show can continue pretty much in the same way it had been going when they were all together in high school. Hooray!
I'm excited to see what the season will bring. So far, I have to say that it is much higher in drama and over the top storylines. I'm going to give the first bit of this season a Cast of Frasier rating.

Hmm.. cast of frasier ratings are handed out all too frequently.
passive voice
Haha I like that probably about 3 people that read this blog know what Humor Visits Jay Leno is. Oh wait, that's about 33% of our audience!
Ohhhhh Jerksica said last night, "Brigitte's already on disc 5?!?" and I assumed she was talking about S4 of THE WIRE. I should have known better.
sorry chris. my priorities are just a little bit different...also it's easier to watch many episodes of 90210 in a row because you don't really have to pay attention. i actually slept through much of it.
also, a cast of frasier rating has never been given out by me when it was not completely deserved. (passive voice)
also, chris, soon all our readers will know what humor visits jay leno is...mwahahahaha
I like the diabolical laughter accompanying your statement, Brigitte...yes....yes, I like it very, very much....mua-hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
p.s. Why did the writers of 90210 deem it necessary to make it look like the gigantic skyline of Minneapolis is right behind the Calhoun Beach Club? Does Mpls really need a bad photoshop job done to make it look good???
i give that comment reply a 'cast of frasier' rating.
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