Back with a Bang?

This week's return has been getting a lot of buzz in the blogging world, some good, some bad. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, from the opening scene featuring a retake on the final scene of Breakfast at Tiffany's to the closing shot of Jenny being all bitchy and slowly turning evil. I very much liked the idea (however strained) that Blair is, indeed, our Holly Golightly, existing without a self, and that perhaps this could be said of all the youngsters on this show and other popular and even more disturbing portrayals of America's youth (The Hills). I could go on and on about how this return episode gave me hope for the series' strong return and made my stomach hurt because this really does but a nasty spin on our nation's future. I could also talk about how Lauren's (The Hills) ex-boyfriend, Brody Jenner, was mentioned within the first 15 minutes of the show very casually (who is this guy and why is he all over my hip young people radar?) But, rather than give you a play-by-play, or rehash what has already been a blogging hot topic for two days (get with the times, Brigitte!) I'd like to do something a little different--a different vantage point, as it were.
The following snippets of conversation sum up this week's return of Gossip Girl through the eyes of Qualler, upon his return home after having worked a 13-hour day.
After asking him if he'd like me to start the show over so he could watch it with me from the beginning:
"I prefer to watch it without knowing what's going on...cause...I dunno. The plot is so inane that I'd rather not know."
After I told him I was putting what he just said into my blog post:
"That sounds really's not really what I mean...I take it back! I'm gonna be the jerk of the week."
After Chuck made some sort of lewd comment to Serena's mother (who is engaged to and living with Chuck's father! What situationally prompted humor awaits us!):
"I'm officially tired of Chuck. As a character."

"I'm tired of working."
The bulk of this evening's episode revolved around Jenny being too poor to keep up with her friends. Oh, I'm so poor...I like in BROOKLYN, in a really mediocre (re: fabulous) poor person's apartment, with NO SERVANT or designer clothes or ANYTHING! Poor Jenny. I'm worried that she'll let her want of material things cloud her good judgment. They aren't your real friends, sweetie! Run away! Run away! And that Mark put it, "Why does Blair insist on being evil?" (Long pause). "And Chuck."

And now for a recap of this week's episode of America's Next Top Model:
Qualler: So who got eliminated on ANTM?
Me: The Punk girl.
Qualler: Oh, good. Wait...who's the punk girl? Lauren?
Goodnight, Blogulution! I'll leave you with Mark's closing remarks on the following from the evening's television viewing:
On Farmer Wants a Wife: "He's not a farmer."
On the Nasonex allergy medication commercial: "Scary Nasonex Bee! Remember Bee Movie? And how that was supposed to be something?"
do they air GG online anywheres?
that's a good question...does the CW do that? on their website? for any of their shows?
I love it when Qualler comes home and talks crazy!
They do air Gossip Girl online at the CW website, but they don't upload them until the Saturday following the air date.
Anyway! I, unlike Mark, LOVE Chuck. He's my fave. First of all, that sweater he wore at the end of the episode, the one with all the fish on it? The sweater itself is amazingly awesome, but then his last name is "Bass"...oh, I find that sort of self-referential bullshit totes amusing. The Chuck/Blair Satanically evil relationship that is inevitable will probably bring about the apocalypse, both in their world and in ours, but I don't care--I can't wait for it.
Blair insists on being evil because she's lost and evil is at least a very specific vocation that she can throw herself into with abandon. Blair is never more focused than when she is wreaking havoc. Same with Chuck, although I think he's more a fan of the chaos method of evil (why else would he have outed himself to Gossip Girl as Blair's secret lover in the strike finale?). They both have, like, zero happy adults in their lives and probably never have, and so they're both like, "Well, if I can't be happy, I might as well take everyone down with me." This is why they get each other and why a romance between them is really great television. Wait, what was the question?
Jenny, on the other hand, is not evil; she's just a child, and she has a very childish understanding of a very adult world, which they all live in despite being, like, children. She's so out of her league that she's just flailing around, going from one numbskull scheme to another hoping that something will work.
Why do I take this show so seriously? Oh, because it's AMAZING.
wonderful comment/insight! it's true, jenny is way out of her league, and it makes me very worried for her. also, i'm glad you brought up chuck's sweater. LOVED that sweater.
I just covered up that picture of Serena with the comment box because I feel dirty looking at it while at a high school.
In other words, I can't wait for The CW to upload that ess.
I feel like "Tired Qualler in Front of the TV" should be a regular feature on the Blogulator.
I'm sad I missed that episode, but was it actually new? It sounds just like the one from the fall, with the sleepover. Or maybe it's just because those characters are interesting even when the plot stays the same!
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