New First-Kids on the Block
After months of coffee shop blogging, I finally broke down and got the interwebs at home this weekend. Though I'm not happy about paying through the nose for this modern convenience, which by the way is only offered by one company with a monopoly on my neighborhood, it is a huge relief not to be pushed out the door as I'm trying to hit the "publish post" button this evening.
Yes, you, my friend, are witnessing the very first blog post from Lady Amy's kitchen. Who knows what my online future holds. The possibilities are endless! My getting the online at home was not the only big event of the weekend, of course. Here's an update on what your favorite celebrities were doing:
I now pronounce you douche and douchette
Former party girl, Jenna Bush, traded in the Jello-shots this weekend for her Prince Charming, a soon-to-be energy industry businessman. Last Saturday, President Bush's daughter married the son of some rich Virginia republican she met on Bush's 2004 campaign. Best part (besides the President's idea to build an enormous cross/alter out of limestone) - they hired a wedding singer who goes by Super T and whose regular gigs are at Southern fraternities. Nothing says "the best day of my life" like recreating that good old frat party feel. I guess all that "networking" really paid off for old Super T.
Sex and the City World Premier

Check out that hat! It's like an acorn sprouting an exploding pineapple, covered in bugs. This is a fashion stretch even for Sarah Jessica Parker, who wore the flower tower hat that housed a live butterfly (if I understand the article correctly) to the London world premier of the Sex and the City movie. Why London? I have no idea. You would think that a film all about the adventures of four women in New York City would premier in New York City. The movie doesn't come out in the U.S. until May 30th.
Speaking of the U.S. premier of this movie - men of the blogulution, you must be warned. Do not go to the movie theater that weekend. Stay at home. Go hunting, or whatever it is you guys do. If you dare venture to the movies, be prepared for flocks of women of all ages dressed as if they were going to the prom. They are the Sex and the City crowd. They will mostly be in groups of four. One of the four will likely be crying, as she will have been deemed the "Miranda" of the group. Be warned, your girlfriend may ask you which character you think she is. Say Carrie. Always say Carrie.
Finally I Have an Excuse to Use my New Kids on the Block Bedsheets Again
I don't know how I feel about this. New Kids on the Block are back together for the first time in 15 years. They kick off their reunion with a performance on the Today show this Friday, followed by a tour. I have not heard it yet, but their brand new single, Summertime, comes out tomorrow (Tuesday). WHY??!! Why is this happening? Why does everything I knew and loved from my childhood have to be rehashed and re-marketed to today's kids? Cabbage Patch Kids, Transformers, Janet Jackson, Care Bears and now New Kids on the Block. Get your own toys! Get your own bands! Stop making making men in their late 30's believe that they can still be teenybopper idols!
The most depressing part of all of this, however, is that I sold my Danny and Jordan collector's dolls ten years ago in a garage sale for a dollar. A dollar! Yet I held on to all of my Beanie Babies till long after they were worth less than a penny. I am the WORST businesswoman in the world (pounding forehead on table)! It's not a complete loss for Lady Amy, though. My childhood crush, Joey McIntyre is STILL a total dreamboat - and probably the only one young enough to be in a boy band at this point.

That about wraps it up for your weekend celebrity update. I've got to go dig up my New Kids on the Block VHS tapes and relearn the moves to "Step by Step" before Friday!
Yes, you, my friend, are witnessing the very first blog post from Lady Amy's kitchen. Who knows what my online future holds. The possibilities are endless! My getting the online at home was not the only big event of the weekend, of course. Here's an update on what your favorite celebrities were doing:
I now pronounce you douche and douchette

Sex and the City World Premier

Check out that hat! It's like an acorn sprouting an exploding pineapple, covered in bugs. This is a fashion stretch even for Sarah Jessica Parker, who wore the flower tower hat that housed a live butterfly (if I understand the article correctly) to the London world premier of the Sex and the City movie. Why London? I have no idea. You would think that a film all about the adventures of four women in New York City would premier in New York City. The movie doesn't come out in the U.S. until May 30th.
Speaking of the U.S. premier of this movie - men of the blogulution, you must be warned. Do not go to the movie theater that weekend. Stay at home. Go hunting, or whatever it is you guys do. If you dare venture to the movies, be prepared for flocks of women of all ages dressed as if they were going to the prom. They are the Sex and the City crowd. They will mostly be in groups of four. One of the four will likely be crying, as she will have been deemed the "Miranda" of the group. Be warned, your girlfriend may ask you which character you think she is. Say Carrie. Always say Carrie.
Finally I Have an Excuse to Use my New Kids on the Block Bedsheets Again
I don't know how I feel about this. New Kids on the Block are back together for the first time in 15 years. They kick off their reunion with a performance on the Today show this Friday, followed by a tour. I have not heard it yet, but their brand new single, Summertime, comes out tomorrow (Tuesday). WHY??!! Why is this happening? Why does everything I knew and loved from my childhood have to be rehashed and re-marketed to today's kids? Cabbage Patch Kids, Transformers, Janet Jackson, Care Bears and now New Kids on the Block. Get your own toys! Get your own bands! Stop making making men in their late 30's believe that they can still be teenybopper idols!
The most depressing part of all of this, however, is that I sold my Danny and Jordan collector's dolls ten years ago in a garage sale for a dollar. A dollar! Yet I held on to all of my Beanie Babies till long after they were worth less than a penny. I am the WORST businesswoman in the world (pounding forehead on table)! It's not a complete loss for Lady Amy, though. My childhood crush, Joey McIntyre is STILL a total dreamboat - and probably the only one young enough to be in a boy band at this point.

That about wraps it up for your weekend celebrity update. I've got to go dig up my New Kids on the Block VHS tapes and relearn the moves to "Step by Step" before Friday!
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, Movies, music
wait, what's so bad about miranda? i like her.
charlotte = lamesville
samantha = old skank
carrie = marginally cute but a terrible writer
miranda = not a total babe, but she's reasonable, right? sort of?
but yeah, carrie is the worst when it comes to those v.o. narrations.
"maybe love is like the stock market. when the markets close at 4pm, you need to sell corn futures on the foreign commodity exchange of love. scrunchies are uglyyyyyyy. don't get between a girl and her shoes!"
i have a love/hate thing going for that show. mostly hate.
My mother referenced that photo today saying, "Well, no more chance for you."
My mother implies odd things some times.
Explain to me: what is wrong with Barbara Bush's body? There is something so...strange there.
I had a Donny doll when I was a kid. Donny! The one who went to jail!
Whoa, without reading this post yet and only having read the comments, I like where it's going -- Sex and the City, the Bush twins, and New Kids on the Block?! Is this that "monster" research paper you are working on, Lady Amy?
p.s. Why didn't you subscribe to the USI Wireless Mpls wireless network?!?!? Down with corporate-run interwebs!!
Because apparently USI Wireless Mpls only DOESN'T work in my part of the neighborhood. Your part - fine. My part - perhaps the most populated area of the neighborhood - they can't figure out how to provide service! So I had to get Crumcast.
And yes, you caught me. The monsters I've been researching are named Barbara Bush, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Joey McIntyre.
Barbara's power is that she can contort her body in creepy ways. Sara Jessica Parker can grow fruit on her head. And Joey, sigh, he's like a Siren - his hottness and falsetto singing draw you in and then he crushes you.
Good post- all topics I have opinions about. First, I feel like the Jenna Bush and Hubby wedding signifies the emergence of a new super-couple of Republican evil. And I'm not being hyperbolic. In a few years, they'll be behind some ultraconservative movement, I just know it.
Sarah Jessica Parker has to stop trying so hard to be avant garde in fashion just makes it look like she's trying really hard to be relevant in fashion, which I don't necessarily think she is without the show behind her. And she's heard that everyone hates the flower/hat she wears in the preview of the movie, so why would she do it again?
New Kids on the Block: I never got into them, but I'm excited to see what happens with this. I feel like it's going to be a little bit like when I had a crush on Duran Duran (from the video "Hungry Like the Wolf") but went to see them in concert and they all looked old and the whole audience was suburbanites. But maybe not.
i had a NKOTB button that was huge, and never came off my jacket. it sent waves through the first grade at St. Mary's elementary school. i was a regular little SJP.
whoa, nicole, you saw duran duran live?!?! i'm jealous. they're my favorite band from the 80's.
i can even name all 5 original members.
simon, nick, andy, roger, and john. the last three are taylors. no relation.
(Pulls collar) Uhh, the Blogulator is completely...uh...nonpartisan!!! Yeah that's right, NONPARTISAN!
With that said, how can I stay away from the theaters on May 30th?!?! That's when instant horror classic The Strangers starring Liv Tyler + Mimes comes out!!!!
Not everything from our youth is ruined until the new Fraggle Rock movie comes out next year...oh wait, it's made by the original cast and crew (replace dead Henson with alive Henson)?!?! SOMETHING FROM MY YOUTH WILL RETURN WITH SOME DIGNITY?!?! YES!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhhh....Jenna Bush seems like a perfectly nice young lady! If Paal thinks so, then I think so, too. For serious, though -- what is up with Barb's body?! It looks like she's pregnant with an anorexic baby.
Amy, you are a total Miranda. I gotta agree with Sean, though -- Miranda's clearly the best and least unstable of the four.
I wanna try my hand at Carrie Bradshaw-style writing now:
"Sometimes, even the best of blog comments can be the worst of humanity. But in relationships, can a man comment on a blog and just be bloggy friends? Can a man blog and a woman blog really be purely platonic? (zoom-in on my laptop typing) Is a comment really only a comment?"
Like Sean, I have a mostly love/hate relationship with SOTC but mine leans more toward the love side.
are you hitting on amy? that carrie bradshaw writing confused me so much...
...are we all just playing games?
Qualler, didn't you read where I said never to call a girl a Miranda? Sure she's the most stable - and the most boring! And she always gets overly angry about stuff and dates the ugly guys (with the exception of Steve).
I'm completely Charlotte and I'm fine with that (I say as adjusting my pearls).
If I were to dub a girl one of the Sex and the City characters, I'd probably choose one of the dogs that appeared on the show, because it would still be less of a bitch than any of the characters.
Sorry I have a hate/hate relationship with the show, to the point where I can't watch more than 2 minutes of it. I've stared at that Paal/Jenna picture for longer than that.
wow, doktor, looks like someone has a problem with strong women! (you go girl!)
I'm totally Mr. Big, by the way.
Yeah it probably does have to do with my fear of women's brains, although my limited experience tells me that the show may actually assuage those fears.
Yes, I was a Duran Duran groupie in High School...which I didn't realize was weird until after the phase was over. I also had a school-girl crush on Michael Hutchence of InXS and saw the band live two months before he died. And that day I spent in my room crying, even though he had looked like Keith Richards only worse.
I'm going to have to agree with the Doktor here. I forget where I read it, but someone I agree with said it best: "SATC is written by gay men about gay men - it's just that the characters happen to be women so that all the sexism our society loves can be rampantly consumed, which is inherently more easily accepted (and more likely to be successful) than a show actually starring a cast of gay male characters."
oh chris, you're just intimidated by strong women, too! (winks, then tosses sexy hair, then crosses sexy legs, then sips cosmo, then giggles, then winks again)
WHOA Chris, I thought we weren't a political blog...
If it's a show written by gay men about gay men, what does that say about gay men? Of the many complaints one could have about SATC, sexism is pretty low on my list. I could name a many other shows that are more sexist than SATC just off the top of my head (any CBS fat guy / hot wife sitcom, 24, etc).
HELLO! we live in a totally sexist culture (tosses hair, winks, sips cosmo, picks up bags of shoes)
p.s. Is the magazine you read that from called "Jerksica"? ZING! (It's funny because she'll never know she's being made fun of.)
actually, though she doesn't comment, i think she does keep up on the comments...LOOK OUT QUALLER! she knows.
anyone read that article someplace about calculating the money carrie would need to live her livestyle in new york as a real life journalist?
i think there was a discrepancy between fiction and reality and it was framed comically.
hahahaha...yes. coming framing is the best.
What does sexism in a TV show have to do with politics? One can't be a feminist without being liberal?
Being outwardly sexist like King of Queens is one thing, but being sexist while pretending to be empowering isn't just offensive, it's dangerously manipulative, giving innumerable women a false perception of what a strong female is.
KoQ is funny. sometimes.
Sorry...political, sociological, etc.
KoQ is funny when Jerry Stiller is on. I found this out on accident. Now I'll keep the show on if I see him in it.
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