Indiana Jones and the Babies of Recounting Crystal Skulls Made of Bowling Balls

First off, my overall opinion of the film: m'eh. I enjoyed it more than I enjoy many recent new blockbusters, I instantly forgot about how I felt about it soon after beginning the aforementioned Gone at Chris' place. I think the main problem I have with the movie has to do with second chances. Recently, many bands have gotten second chances in my head and at least partially succeeded (Weezer, Death Cab for Cutie, Nada Surf). This second chances thing doesn't work for me, though, when the star is 84 freaking years old (joke alert)! Many shots of Harrison Ford had more soft focus to take the focus off his wrinkles than a Barbara Walters special. Most

Lady Amy:
Speaking of old, Harrison Ford was clad in total old man pants in this movie. It was like typical Indiana Jones garb but with a hint of flab peaking out over the pleated waistline. That didn't bother me as much as Shia LaBeouf's character being super impressed upon first contact with Indy by a fairly mediocre move where he thwarts an attempt by the "natives" to kill them with poisonous darts. An impressive feat for most, but not really worthy of a "Wow, you're a teacher?"
I agree, Amy -- it made me uncomfortable to see Harrison Ford kind of hunched over, like a grandpa who is dressed up as Indiana Jones to impress his 20-something grandkids. Worse yet was the wooden dialogue -- although the screenplay was written by David Koepp, I definitely felt some George Lucas style cardboard-cutout dialogue throughout the movie (though Harrison Ford's delivery occasionally saved it.) But both points are nitpicking -- time can't help Harrison Ford's old age, and a movie series that is technically made as an homage to 1940s-era matinee adventures is already somewhat of a spoof of itself. If you didn't want to see a few clunky one-liners or unrealistic situations in favor of fun,

Lady Amy:
The best part came during one of the final action scenes, after 3/4th of a movie full of things like Indy running straight through a barrage of bullets without one so much as grazing his skin and multiple duels on top of speeding cars through the Amazon, my mom leaned over and said "that was kind of unrealistic." I almost LOLed in the theater. The only thing that actually made the nerd in me want to point out its unrealisticness was the crystal skull, which was clearly made out of plastic. If it were really made out of crystal, wouldn't it be pretty heavy? Wouldn't it be quite difficult to run and jump with it and pick it up with a sword? Plus, it looked like a large, injection-molded children's toy. As for the dialogue, it was pretty much what I expected, but at times made me uncomfortable with it's bluntness.
Well, Lady Amy, one thing we can agree upon is that the summer movie season is truly upon us, and it is time to enjoy ourselves some summer movies. Now, how much does it cost to get the giant plastic crystal skull at Target? Most importantly, how heavy is it?
Ha, injection molding! Hooray for engineering stuff! Must have been quite a shot of resin to make that if you know what I mean, wink wink!
Also, I agree that Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was superior to this and is practically just as good as the other Indiana Jones movies. But this way, at least you don't have to spend hours figuring out that you were supposed to line up the camera with the left and right sides of that horn thingy to make an X and make your next big discovery. With the movie version of Indiana Jones, he can figure things out immediately, like being able to count 13 people in a hieroglyph less than a second after looking at it.
the cheap look of the crystal skull annoyed me, too...but my annoyance was overcome by my joy that the skull looked like a conehead skull. crossover anyone??
That would be a GREAT crossover. Coneheads meets Indy and hilarity ensues!
I liked this movie a lot. Mutt Williams is sooooo cool. I can't wait till he gets his first film. Mutt Williams and The Mysteries of Knock-off Island!
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Haha bowling is pop culture? I guess it is when Bryant-Lake Bowl looks like Daniel Plainview's house.
I really wanted an intermission during Indy. I could only handle so much wham-bam golden brownness before I got exhausted. Plus I can't help but compare it to Iron Man, which proves you can balance fun non-sucky dialogue with action. I understand it's supposed to be part of the charm that the old Lucas dialogue is corny, but honestly, I don't remember the first three movies for the cute annoying dialogue. Who says we can't update Indy so that there's actually good dialogue plus amazing set pieces that razzle dazzle?
Aaaand I know it just makes the title factually incorrect, but the skull wasn't actually crystal, right? It was the alien equivalent of bone, which happened to resemble crystal, yes?
ok, whether the skull is bone or crystal, i think it should have appeared to be heavier. doi.
also, i actually thought the movie went by really quickly. if there had been an intermission, then it would have felt really awkward for me. also...the dialog is supposed to be unrealistic because it's supposed to resemble a popcorn flick of days gone by. If it had tried to be more realistic i would have been annoyed that it was taking itself too seriously. i'm pretty sure the other three movies (though, it's been awhile) sound about the same in terms of dialog, we were just younger when we saw them.
having said all qualler, i felt m'eh about the movie. it seemed like it was just more or less the same thing, but i don't know what else i would expect from indiana jones.
was anyone else totally grossed out by the ants? did anyone else want the ants, when they were carrying away indy's hat, to climb on top of each other and form an indiana jones shaped ant man, placing the hat atop their "head"?
It would have been awesome if they'd formed an Indiana Jones shaped ant man, put on the hat, and then punched Kate Blanchett.
Also, there were a few scenes in Iron Man where the dialogue was uncomfortable - I'm mostly thinking of the scene where Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. are on the balcony at that fancy party. But I would agree that Iron Man's dialogue in general just had more zing to it. Whereas I kept waiting for the witty punchlines in Indy and didn't get them.
p.s. LQ, I totally forgot about that part where Indiana Jones has to look through that level thing and find the thing that is shaped like a horn. That part of the game always frustrated me, but to this day, when I see people doing construction and looking through one of those things, I always think of IJATFOA.
I'm not saying it has to be more realistic (the dialogue in Iron Man was by no means realistic), but it shouldn't be cringe-worthy. It should be cleverly awful (see Death Proof, which is an homage and a fun tongue-in-cheek update at the same time, or Cabin Fever). It should be entertaining and lively, not plodding and contrived.
Personally I didn't cringe at the dialogue, nor did I find the dialogue plodding and contrived. It could have been more lively and entertaining, but maybe that was a function of making the first new movie in the series in 19 years.
cabin fever is an homage to a different kind of genre...and it was sort of aimed at a different audience. i don't feel like one can compare cabin fever and indiana jones. this was a continuation of a series. i already had certain sexpectations (whoops, i guess i'm getting to excited for sex and the city hitting theaters this weekend!) going into this movie...the dialog was "indiana jones like"...i guess i wasn't really looking for anything more. the dialog was bad, but...i guess it didn't bother me that much.
again...i was more bothered by the GIANT FREAKING ANTS or the fact that the "female lead" kept smiling a big dumb smile at stupid times when she shouldn't have been smiling...but, like the dialog, i assumed that the ridiculous smiles, the ridiculous plot, and the ridiculousness of the whole thing was just part of the indiana jones experience. had i gone into the theater expecting a witty tongue-in-check,a cabin fever, i would have been extremely disappointed. seriously, though...those ants!
i said tongue-in-check on purpose. try to figure out why.
That's what I'm saying...why accept the status quo? Why should we cut a movie slack when it's the exact same thing as what we were given 19 years ago, except with CGI gophers and a teen heartthrob? I wanted an update because of so much time passing, not as a function of it....I'm not saying I expected it, but should we only critique movies based on what we expect? "The greatest treasure is knowledge"? Indy setting up every scene by saying, "I have a bad feeling about this"? No contrivance or plodding? When it wasn't wowing me with effects or choreography, the movie felt like a chore.
I'm going to the drive-in movies this weekend to catch up with my fellow blogulateers movie-watching... double feature: IJATTOTCS and IM! Then I'll be an informed commenter :)
You make a good point, Chris -- I did think they could have done more with everything, and cut the idiotic CGI gophers out. But both lines you pointed out I actually liked -- the first could have been fleshed out a little better if we had known Cate Blanchette's motivations more, and the second made me laugh because it was obviously a reference to the more famous Han Solo "I have a bad feeling about this" quote. I thought the middle act was especially plodding, but the first third and final third were fine.
Hilarious youtube commentary!
One thing we can all be thankful for is no Hayden Christensen in any of the new Indiana Jones movies.
Hilarious youtube commentary!
One thing we can all be thankful for is no Hayden Christensen in any of the new Indiana Jones movies.
what movie is IM?
Iron Man!
OOOHHHHH!!!11 one.
me stupid.
what about those monkeys? that scene was the only part i could do without. but then i remembered that marion was good with the monkey in RotLA and i was all, "oh, yeah, of course her son is also good with monkeys."
that charmed me.
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