Shameless plug (and news, too!)
Hello bloguteers!
After qualler's blatant subtle promotion of the new Narnia film this past monday, I feel less shame promoting my new summer project.
So yeah, the page is here.
The basic idea is that me and my friend Ryan make short films every week and we let viewers vote on the better film. There are no prizes, but the winner gets to choose constraints, themes, etc for the next week's film. If you've enjoyed the past video posts of mine, I recommend you give it a check.
Any other news to report on? Here are some random news bites..
1. Last week NIN released some free album. I listened to a few songs. The verdict: You get what
you pay for. I was not thrilled. Though I'm no major NIN fan by any stretch, I usually enjoy Trent's stuff. Maybe it takes time. My major irk with Trent's music is that his lyrics are total crap. Like every album is required to have lyrics about subservience or being on knees.
Ex: The Beginning of the End, the hand that feeds, and now 1,000,000.
Reminds me of someone else that writes the same songs over and over...

2. New Death Cab for Cutie album dropped Tuesday. "Dropped" means released in the music biz. I'm listening to this one now. It's pretty neat. People say it's heavier than their old stuff. I agree, which means it sounds like regular alt-rock and not whine-time with the resentful-of-his-fathers. Haha, that's misplaced meanness, I've been a D-Cab fan since the Death & Dismemberment tour (indie cred +50). I've even touched Ben G's hand. Game, set, match.
3. I've been Huluing up a ton of old Arrested Development episodes lately and they are hilarious. I watched season one fully on TV, but I missed some of season two and it's good to see the show again. "Oh, that's right, your wife is dead.." I think Maeby is cute. She should be in a movie with Ellen Page.
4. Speed Racer did poorly. Chalk that one up to something that affects the box office.
5. Office finale this Thursday and I'm stoked. Plus another new LOST. May is shaping up to be a nice month.
That's all for me blogulistas. Be sure to check out that site I mentioned. Take it easy.
Bold text is like wearing a tux. You can never be overdressed.
After qualler's blatant subtle promotion of the new Narnia film this past monday, I feel less shame promoting my new summer project.
So yeah, the page is here.
The basic idea is that me and my friend Ryan make short films every week and we let viewers vote on the better film. There are no prizes, but the winner gets to choose constraints, themes, etc for the next week's film. If you've enjoyed the past video posts of mine, I recommend you give it a check.
Any other news to report on? Here are some random news bites..
1. Last week NIN released some free album. I listened to a few songs. The verdict: You get what

Ex: The Beginning of the End, the hand that feeds, and now 1,000,000.
Reminds me of someone else that writes the same songs over and over...

2. New Death Cab for Cutie album dropped Tuesday. "Dropped" means released in the music biz. I'm listening to this one now. It's pretty neat. People say it's heavier than their old stuff. I agree, which means it sounds like regular alt-rock and not whine-time with the resentful-of-his-fathers. Haha, that's misplaced meanness, I've been a D-Cab fan since the Death & Dismemberment tour (indie cred +50). I've even touched Ben G's hand. Game, set, match.
3. I've been Huluing up a ton of old Arrested Development episodes lately and they are hilarious. I watched season one fully on TV, but I missed some of season two and it's good to see the show again. "Oh, that's right, your wife is dead.." I think Maeby is cute. She should be in a movie with Ellen Page.

5. Office finale this Thursday and I'm stoked. Plus another new LOST. May is shaping up to be a nice month.
That's all for me blogulistas. Be sure to check out that site I mentioned. Take it easy.
Bold text is like wearing a tux. You can never be overdressed.
Whoa, where in the fine print of your Blogulator contract does it say you are allowed to do things outside of the Blogulator??? Kidding! Love it!
Nice! Glad to see this came to light - I'll be watching and voting like a muthafucka
isn't maeby like...16? you're SICK!
just kidding, she is cute.
Love the Sean vs. Ryan site! Love love loooooooove!
One time Gibbard called P. Arty a "major douchebag" in person, or something to that effect. Talk to Pat for the full story. I gotta listen to that in full...I feel like a full review is in need since one of the first posts on the Blogulator was Qualler's reflection on Plans. Which reminds me, I did a similar reflection on The Weight is a Gift by Nada Surf around the same time, and I haven't heard their new album in full yet either...hmmm I smell a gimmicky Remember When? post, Qualler!
True story. Sean was actually at that concert! It was the Death and Dismemberment Tour at the Miramar theater in Milwaukee. Man, remember the Miramar? What a weird place! I saw Rainer Maria play for about 20 people there in 2006. It was an awesome, yet quite depressing event.
Ryan v. Sean is awesome.
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