Television, you've done it again!

And the winner of America's Next Top Model is...Whitney!!!!!
When Whitney was announced the winner, Qualler and I literally jumped up and hugged each other. I honestly didn't think that the "plus sized" girl had a shot at making it to the final three, let alone win this competition. This is definitely a big (pardon the pun) first for ANTM. And really, she isn't big. At all. She's just hot, as the judges all pointed out. I've never seen Miss J so 100% behind one of the contestants, but he really loved Whitney. And so did we! Go Whitney! Another first for the series: the two finalists were not bitchy. At all. They both seemed like nice girls, and I actually cared about them as characters (er, contestants?) and was happy to see them make it so far.
Now, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I do worry that Whitney's victory won't make as many waves in the fashion industry as it could. For one, she most likely won't just be the winner: she'll be the full figured winner. Most of her "career" post ANTM will center around her overcoming stereotypes (which will be perpetuated as so much attention is drawn to the fact that she is full figured, or perpetuated even in the very act of calling her full figured, since by any standards outside the fashion industry she would be a very normal, even slim, girl).

However, I was pulling for Whitney, and I'm incredibly happy that she won the competition. In my optimistic efforts, I do think this will makes some waves, though it'll be awhile before our standard of beauty really changes.
Setting the standards in outrageous "teenage" drama, Gossip Girl continues to make me clap my hands in pure glee. Unfortunately, I was somewhat disappointed with this week's episode.
****SPOILER ALERT**********
Um, I'm sorry Serena...I know that watching someone O.D. is probably traumatic for a teenage girl, but THAT IS NOT THE SAME AS KILLING SOMEONE!!! When you confessed, at the end of last week's episode, that you "killed someone," I was expecting so much more. So. Much. More. This week's episode wrapped up a little too happily and easily for my taste--that is, until the last five minutes totally redeemed it for me. Georgie and Dan?!?! Yes!! OH, what would Serena say???? And you know she'll find out. The previews implied it. I can't wait for next week!
I was beginning to feel a bit, er, uncomfortable about how much I enjoyed Gossip Girl (and other teenage shows) until I come up with the following list, outlined in a segment I like to call:
Why I know I'm not too old for Gossip Girl

This week's episode actually featured Lisa Loeb as a guest. And she sang her one time hit, "Stay." If I'm a 16 year old kid, I might say something like "who the he** is Lisa Loeb? What's with this 90s whine-y lilith fair sh**? Nice glasses, LOSER!" However, as a mid twenty something, I instead said "Lisa Loeb? Nice!! I remember when I taped that song off the radio and listened to it over and over until I knew all the words by heart! And those glasses? Totally classic! Those will NEVER go out of style!" Lisa Loeb as a guest star=I am the target audience, not little kids who wouldn't know ironic fashion if it came up and bit them in their emo comb overs.
2. Real High School Students
My friend Chris told me that one of his high school students only knew Gossip Girl as a series of books, not as a television show. I'm going to go ahead and apply this to all teenagers. Book series popularity=real high schoolers don't watch this show.
3. College Issues
Come on...these aren't high school issues. Sex in limos? Snuff films? Designer clothes? These

4. I'd Wear Their Clothes
This might be my weakest point, but I stand by it. They don't dress like high schoolers. They dress like they just stepped off the pages of Vogue, and I'm not talking Teen Vogue (hey-oh!). Cool clothes=me like.
And so I look forward without guilt to the season finale next week!! Let the drama unfold!
Labels: Brigitte, Pop Fashion, TV
I too would wear those clothes... however I still haven't watched ANTM, nor have I watched GG. (Why do there have to be two GG shows you kids like? Is this GG2?)
I just realized that I've had an on again / off again crush on Lisa Loeb for like ten years now. Crush on!
[please excuse the horrific grammar of that first paragraph, and now this even still more terrifying grammar meant to be this mea culpa]
wait, is that pic of whitney? the plus sized model? cuz all i see it hott and no plus sized ness
i was pretty confused about lisa being on gg as well. . . is she promoting an upcoming project?
however when i got home i was pleased to find this post on my tumblr dashboard
chuck bass is amazing.
She only looks "plus sized" when she stands next to the other girls who are like skelator.
Who was the runner up? Anya? Fatima?
yes, those photos are both of whitney, the plus sized girl.
Anya was the runner up. I couldn't believe it!! i thought for sure it would come down to Anya and Fatima, and then Anya would win.
I'm very proud of myself for not reading the spoiler.
Haha so once we get to college, we all finally start having sex in limos, starring in snuff films (WHERE WAS THE G-D SPOILER HERE?!?!?), and wearing designer clothes?? Man I have three more reasons to encourage my students to continue their schooling!
don't worry chris, there wasn't really a snuff film. no more spoiler than you get from commercials!
also, yeah...all those things happened to me...where were you?
I was there. I saw it all.
yikes, that girl is big. this is probably a publicity stunt for tyra's new fat line of clothes. america has lost its way..
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