Television is totally supporting my decision to stay in teenage wasteland forever. We're a culture that only consists of meta references and ironic pleasures. Oh, nostalgia! I'm loving this.
Gossip Girl's season finale had everything I hoped it would, without wrapping things up too tightly at the end. Hooray for
Gossip Girl! Now I have to wait with baited breath for the next season to begin.
********SPOILER ALERT******************
OMG I WAS SO TOUCHED BY CHUCK'S SPEECH AT THE WEDDING. And then, just when I was getting all "oh, this is too easy...too predictable...now Chuck's all great...", he did a good ole Chuck thing and left Blair hanging. But Blair had a little treat of her own on that plane, am I right ladies? Hey-oh! Also, Dan's Dad is going on tour with the Breeders? Genius. They're so old and lame, just like you, Dad! And most of the people watching this show.
I can't believe that Dan is such a jerk. He's totally the Brandon Walsh of the show. He acts like

he's so great, always doing the right thing, etc., but he's so judgey....arg! I don't like you, Dan! Get off your high horse. You're such a terrible judge of character and you're so insensitive (though you somehow are type cast as the sensitive guy) that you couldn't really see what was going on with Serena. She shouldn't have been asking you for forgiveness, it should have been the other way around! How could you not have seen through Georgie? Come on. "I am the most understanding person in the world," says Dan. Oh Dan, the only thing you understand is how to feel better than everyone around you. Why should Serena need to ask your forgiveness for something that happened before you were with her? No sir, I don't like you, Dan!
Also, of course what's his name's dad is still in trouble...though I did (like Chuck) think the trouble had to do with his drug addiction. I thought it was interesting that he told his entire plan to his son...he had been pretty good at lying up to this point, but as soon as he seems him get his fake passport AT THE FREAKING WEDDING it all just spills out. I didn't tell you before cause I didn't want you to be an accessory! Well, I guess you are now Nate (that's his name!). Oh well. So much for that plan. Also, being punched by your son outside the big society wedding isn't exactly a stealthy exit...

Oh Blair, get over Nate! He hardly even has a personality. Chuck is SO much better, even with all his flaws. After all, you're pretty flawed yourself. We love Chuck! He says things like "courtship" and he makes bow ties look cool. If only his stupid dad (he really is stupid) didn't ruin things with that speech of his near the end of the episode, in which he basically tells his son "well, say goodbye to your freedom and youth! The women take it away from you! But, seriously...that's a good thing. I'm so happy in my recent marriage (no I'm not)." Silly Chuck's dad. Silly! Still, I'm thinking the Chuck Blair saga will keep me tuned in next season, as more Death Cab for Cutie slow songs wrap up the relationship drama and bring people closer together. The ice WAS getting thin under me and you! The lyrics totally speak to the episode...OMFG it's like amazing.
***********************END SPOILER ALERT*****************************************
Along with waiting for a new season of
GG to begin, I now have to wait for a new cycle of
America's Next Top Model. Boo, in between new scripted television months! Booo! And, sadly (for me, not really for our society as a whole) a new season of
Crowned is not happening. Ah, well. Now, no other mother/daughter team will ever be able to take away what...what's their faces won.
I've been seeing some sweet previews for the
90210 remake, scheduled to air this fall. This fall?! Oh, how will I fill my empty nights? I've enjoyed these previews, dark, mysterious, saying simply that America's favorite zip code is back. I personally always thought that America's favorite zip code was 55318, but...let's not split hairs. I'm definitely looking forward to this remake. In preparation, I'll be watching all of Season four of the original
Beverly Hills 90210 on DVD.

According to
this article the remake is aimed more at my generation (or, really, those a bit older than I am...I'm so young) than current high schoolers. Well, Duh! Everything is aimed at me. Because I'm the consumer...right? Teenagers don't buy sh** (or at least I didn't when I was a teenager...I may have admired the J.Crew outfits worn by the members of
Dawson's Creek but I sure couldn't afford them on my own. And really...what young teenager shops at J.Crew? Isn't that more for...say...20somethings now entering the corporate casual job market?). Or maybe because I'm now the "it" age. Or, maybe I'm just really lucky. At any rate, the cast looks AMAZING so far, featuring Kelly from the original series (the actress AND the character!!), Aunt Becky from
Full House (resident teenager says "you mean that show I see on Nick at Night?), and Michael from
The Wire (SEASON FOUR IS SO AMAZING I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!!!). Hooray for another teenage drama, fit just for someone at my ripe old age.
Labels: Brigitte, TV
This entry was posted by Brigitte, on
Wednesday, May 21, 2008.
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p.s. just saw a midnight screening of the new indiana jones..
best piece of film i've seen this blockbuster season. i loved every minute.
soooooo many subtle references and in-jokes. plus the plot is sooooo spielbergian (from an auteur point of view).
So crossed-out guy and hearts-drawn-around guy are different people? They look exactly the same.
Also, is Michelle Trachtenberg old enough for me to say that she's hot yet? Let me check IMDB....
Oh man, she's almost the same age as me! RAWR
I changed my mind last night -- Serena is a total babe! Schwing!
Don't forget the 90210 cast also features Eden, the "evil" daughter of Portia De Rossi in the latest season of Nip/Tuck, as well as Jessica Walters, i.e. Lucille Bluth. Tristan Wilds (Michael from The Wire) is the shiznit.
LQ, Michelle Trachtenberg is EVIL on GG!
Chuck makes bow ties look SO DAMN SEXY.
Blair's still pretty hot, though, too.
But mostly Chuck.
Kelly Taylor the character is returning as well as the actress who played her, Jennie Garth! She returns to West Beverly as a Guidance Counselor...many hilarious things from the preview that's circulating the Internet (just googlin' "90210 preview cw" should work):
-Shoelace used as headband
-The "Literature teacher" looking the same age as the kids
-"you can live in the zip, but can you live by the code?" or whatever the awesome tagline is.
Call me old-fashioned, but I still feel uncomfortable talking about the attractiveness of actresses who play high schoolers.
oh man, kelly taylor the character is actually returning too?!?! call me under researched, haha. that's amazing. i'm so pumped.
i'm only uncomfortable calling actresses who play teenagers hot when i can't get the image of Harriet the Spy out of my head...bleh. you're sick, LQ!
Oh, I thought for a brief second that Jennie Garth was returning to play Kelly Taylor. THAT would be weird. Especially if she were playing Kelly Taylor still in high school.
What is Jessica Walters going to play? She's soooo old!
And I have no beef calling actresses playing high schoolers hot when they are clearly WAY too old to be in high school. For example, if one thought that Luke Perry was hotttt in the original 90210 I would have no problem with it because he was clearly in his 30s. I know it's a bit different with Michelle Trachtenberg, but still she's in her mid-20s.
She IS returning to play Kelly Taylor. Not Kelly Taylor still in high school, but a returning alumni now working as a guidance counselor at that school.
the question is: what will the sweet theme song be?
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