Google Reader, Torchlight of Mine Soul

Today's post is going to have to be brief, but it touches on something oh so rewarding. No, I'm done talking about Iron Man, so you don't have to click away...yet. I'm always a step behind the program of life, but this Google Reader that I finally set up is probably the best thing that has digitally happened to me since my coveted Iron Man-themed Bluetooth. Or my Iron Man-themed Windows 95 screen saver. Unto itself, it's not really a piece of pop culture, but when I set up all my "feed subscriptions" (kind of like food, but with information, HOLYCRAPTHEFUTUREISNOW) I was suddenly bestowed with the convenient ability to NEVER let a piece of pop culture news pass me by ever again. Living for Google Reader for a week, here are just a few highlights I would like to share with you. Beware, though, if you add The Blogulator to your Reader, you won't be able to follow the comment threads! So subscribe, but then click on the article when it comes up in your feed (don't know if I used the term correctly here) so you can join in on the commenting fun!
What's with these interviews where journalists don't do their job and let celebrities stroke each others' egos for 2-4 pages, publish it, and call it an article? The Onion's AV Club is the latest to do this with Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie swooning over Sun Kil Moons/Red House Painters' Mark Kozelak and vice versa. At least it's a more interesting and less ridiculous read than Steven Spielberg having verbal diarrhea with George Lucas in EW a few weeks ago. A better DCFC-related read would be this local write-up on a retrospective from four of the band's best tracks of the past.

He gets trashed a lot by illogical kids who hate it when "celebrities" they like shill themselves out for soda commercials, but I (and I know a couple other Blogulateers do as well) still have enormous respect for Michael Ian Black. I realize the idiocy and comical redundancy of this short essay, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Does this make me an illogical fanboy? Whatever. He apparently also has a book full of this stuff out now that I'd like to get.
We talk about The Wire more than enough, but I can't get over how wonderful and persuasive this Pajiba article is on Season 2 of the show, which poses the argument that this season deserves all the credit, which is tough to believe in if you've seen seasons 3 and 4. And wait, there's more TV news (stay tuned for a Fall TV Preview soon btw!): I don't like repeating sources, but The AV Club also gives a preview of the new Bob Odenkirk and David Cross show, and I have to say, I'm as skeptical as I am immensely excited.
Labels: asides, celebrities, chris, music, TV
Michael Ian Black is a total hottie and I wouldn't care if he were trying to sell me feces - he'd still be hottt (yeah, three "t"'s).
and Two:
Even though I have since changed my mind about Season Two of the Wire, it was my favorite for a long time. Even long after I was finished with Season 3. It was really only reflecting on Season 3 that made me like it better. But it's all a moot point because Season 4 is superior by far to all the previous seasons.
For once I'm the first to comment!
and Four:
I love the short but sweetness of this post! Perfect for Friday after writing a final paper till 3 a.m. Yay Chris! (See, blogulettes like celebrities, can stroke each other's egos every day in the comments section.)
Yeah that Pajiba article makes some great points. I think what they are trying to say is that all of the seasons could stand on their own as the best, but season two is remarkable because it was the season that began its increase in scope while still maintaining watch over the streets and the police.
Also, did anybody see my grrl Amy "Beadie Russell" Ryan on The Office last night? She was the only good thing about that episode.
mid post comment
i read:
holy crap, the future I snow.
I did not see Beadie on the Office, but I did see Rhonda Pearlman on Law and Order the other day.
Amy Ryan's not your girl till you see Gone Baby Gone!!! How is it that I bring that movie over every weekend and we never watch it? But yeah, she was pretty much the only good thing about the episode - I think I snickered two or three times, but I forget at what. I still enjoy the episode where Michael talks about The Wire and goes out to a club with Ryan, but that was the only good one post-strike. And yet I have given up and realized I will be forever watching The Office as long as it exists. Oh well.
oh come now, you don't bring it over EVERY weekend. every other weekend at best.
and yeah, the office makes me sad. i was trying so hard to pull for it, but...bleh. not funny. just...sad.
The highlight of this post is without a doubt the first image you used.
That Death Cab article is so good. I wish I could decipher and interpret lyrics that well.
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