Hit Me, Baby, One Less Time

For now, let's all just reminisce about Brit's early career successes via recreations of her choreographed dances by up-and-coming sluts until she does something noteworthy...
Making of the Hotties
I finally caught up with the new reality show from the creators of The Pussycat Dolls Monday night, which featured a terrible performance of Brit's smash hit, "Hit Me Baby One More Time." In this series the girls are competing to form a new super (hot) music and dance group consisting of three of the show's cast members. And apparently the sexiest name they could come up with for this new group of hot, barely-legal teases is Girlicious. *I don't recommend googling image results for this title at work.*
*Grandma Rant:
[In my best old lady voice] "What ever happened to leaving things up to the imagination? You know, back in my day we believed in not putting it all out there. We liked a little bit of mystery with our sexy. Why don't they just come right out and call them 'The Whores'?" [end rant]
Girlicious, like The Search for the New Doll, is hosted by lovable douche, Mark McGrath, who looks strikingly similar to Sid from Toy Story.

The group performing the Brit hit came in last in the competition Monday - probably because their performance looked a lot like my middle school slumber party where I forced my friends to dress up and dance like the Spice Girls - and had to send one girl home. The choice came down to Megan or Cassandra, and even though Cassandra was way more off key than Megan, I think she saved her place on the show with the high kick she did in her heels and mini-skirt that seemed to leave a lasting impression with the old creepy male judge. Just goes to show you, I guess, dirty old men will always be able to make a living ogling young girls.
And the paparazzi will continue to make a living reporting the non-events of Britney Spear's life. And I will continue to rant about it all for you. That's all for tonight folks!
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, TV
for your information, britney released already released a new album this past year and from a production/electropop standpoint, it was pretty cool.
sure, her voice was vocoded and edited to hell, but it was still some catchy stuff.
i agree, though, the press should cover better stuff.
You had to send a girl home from your slumber party? Cool, but I hope she got to do "light as a feather, stiff as a board" first.
We weren't allowed to play the Devil's games at MY slumber parties, Doktor!
Yeah, it's funny how fast people have forgotten about her record, of which the title escapes me. But that "Piece of Me" song always catches my ear when I switch CDs and listen to the radio for 30 seconds in the car. I always wonder, "did Crystal Castles remix this????"
hahahahahaha...he DOES look like sid from toy story!!!!!
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