Blogulator Staff Says No No No to Bad Amy Winehouse Headlines

See how annoying that is? I beg the media to cease and desist all use of the phrase “no, no, no” or any other variations of it in headlines related to Amy Winehouse. I get it – as a journalist (or gossip rag writer/stalker) one is expected to come up with clever tags for stories, and the popular line from Winehouse’s award-winning song is an easy target. But it’s not funny!! For the love of all that is holy, please, please stop!
Now that I’ve got that off my chest, let’s talk Grammys.
“Old Fashioned Reality TV” - Qualler
The American public has lost touch with its reality TV roots. We've been so inundated with the Survivors and American Gladiators of the television world that we've forgotten where it all started - the awards shows. I guess that's why this year's Grammys ratings were so low. Reality TV has come to mean overly-produced scenes of people's dramatic reactions to unrealistic situations, which I suppose is much more entertaining than watching Andrea Bocelli team up with Josh Groban. Still, I would have thought viewers would jump at the opportunity to see something remotely scripted after months of reruns and reality, but I guess it's hard to change your viewing habits.
And speaking of change being difficult, it’s good to know that I can totally neglect the country music portion of my radio dial for 20 years and not miss a thing. The Grammy for Best Country Album went to Vince Gill, who beat out both Tim McGraw and George Strait…the same musicians who were popular when I went through my awkward country phase in middle school, which makes me question, “is country music dead?” I guess that’s not true. We've got Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, and Carrie Underwood, but it still makes ya think.
Handing out the award for Country Album was Ringo Starr, who collected the Grammy for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album for the Cirque du Soleil Las Vegas show, "Love," which he was only involved in by virtue of being a Beatle. I think Ringo was called up from the bullpen because Paul McCartney is waste deep in divorce doodie at the moment.
And it all comes full circle back to Amy Winehouse...who will be lining the walls of her rehab quarters with a crapload of hardware. In all, Winehouse won five awards for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, and Best Pop Vocal Album. For all you out there who have yet to hear this year's hottest artist, here's something to get stuck in your head for the rest of the day:
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, music, TV
to be fair, she looks better than she did before her stint in rehab. and she's not as super skinny as that youtube video suggests; i'm pretty sure the aspect ratio for youtube is 4:3 and the grammy's were in a widescreen format on tv.
Well done, Grammy committee. You finally tricked Cuba Gooding out of the country. Still, despite my monthslong efforts to do the same, I kind of miss him now that I see how street he is. You know what I'm sayin'!?
"Amy's in the too much wine-house." There are so many possibilities!
Wow, could Amy Winehouse's back-up singers maybe dance a little more ridiculously? Because they totally aren't just flailing all over the place. Nope.
Also, why was 2/3rds of Amy's post written by Mark?
Slam -- I didn't write any of this post, LQ, it was all Amy! I said, Amy, Amy, Amy. She was just quoting me as saying award shows are like old fashioned reality television.
Also, Lady Amy's name is Amy. Also, Lady Amy was drinking a glass of wine Saturday night. Also, Lady Amy was drinking a glass of wine at a friend's housewarming party Saturday night. AMY! WINE! HOUSE!
It was a beautiful moment of clarity.
wow, lq, for someone who is supposed to be so great at math*, you should know that a one-line quote does not equal 2/3 of this post. a-doi doi! let's look at the post mathematically, shall we? (this is where someone else should step in and actually dissect the post using charts, grafts, ratios, formulas, etc).
also, i'm going to have to say "yes, yes, yes!" to those backup dancers! if you ask me, they were the best part of the performance. loved it!
*author's note: "so great at math" = you studied engineering.
Grafts, huh? What is a graft, exactly?
I assumed that this thing written in big blue, bold letters and written in the style of a title was, indeed, a title for the text below it. And since Qualler's name was there, I assumed that this body of text under what I thought to be a title was all written by the one and only Qualler. So I just made a bad assumption!
it wasn't a title it was a link!
graph? :( are you happy now :( know what happens when you assume things, don't you, my friend?
ok, as i look at it again, it was a quote, and a title, but still, giving someone credit for a quote isn't the same as giving someone a byline.
i guess the question that i'm really trying to ask, lq, is: why do you hate lady amy and refuse to give her credit for her work? who else do you hate? what are you after? what's really your story??
uhhh....lasers PEWPEWPEWPEW!
Ok, that's the last time I quote Qualler in a post. From now on, I'm just gonna steal his quotes and not credit him at all - would that make you happy lq?!!!!
Yeah LQ, do you really want people to not properly quote me anymore and make sure I never get any credit?!?!?!? Best man?!?!?! More like WORST man!!!!!!!!! Ohhh, schnap.
And the Blogulator loses another faithful reader...
It's kind of unfair when the writers outnumber the I will stick up for LQ.
You are a very nice fellow, LQ. Quite amiable.
what? lose a reader? because of a little verbal roughhousing? please! in my day, you weren't friends until you exchanged a few mudslings and name digs and quick ones to the jab...and we liked it! we loved it! hot dog, lay it on me!
Ok grandma, that's enough.
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