And the desashing goes to...

There she is, Miss and Last night's episode of the CW's "Crowned" ended the season (and series?) with a live pageant featuring the four final mother-daughter pairs. The winners of the pageant don't stand out quite so much as the definite LOSERS--the Sincere Sexy Reds, or as I like to call them, chinless and skeletor. This was clearly the most evil pair, and just as would happen in a made for television Disney channel movie, they competed horribly in the final showdown and were eliminated. They didn't just lose, they really, really lost.
Before the pageant began, the red headed devils were shown in their dressing room, daughter screaming and having a temper tantrum because mother didn't know exactly where to walk on stage. The, cut to mother and daughter, poised and sitting together for the camera, daughter saying that they were sure to win because they showed the most poise, class, have the best relationship, etc. They were doomed from the beginning, because in this reality series, good triumphs over evil. And sure enough, during the talent portion, the daughter hit a strange note during "Climb Every Mountain" and she actually stopped in the middle of the song (in front of the live audience and judge) to turn around and lecture her mother about playing the correct note (the mother would play the piano as the daughter sings). It was clearly embarrassing for our panel of judges and for the viewer at home, and even with starting the song over she couldn't quite hit the correct note. Yikes.
They were soon eliminated after the evening gown competition, and we were down to three couples, which consisted of a mother who had a kidney transplant a year ago, a mother and daughter who lost their husband and father in a helicopter accident and also lost their home and livelihood, and the season favorite, a pair so sweet and adorable that you want to invite them to all your bake offs. So, it really didn't matter who would win (the team who lost their father, the poor ones, ended up taking the crown, after promising to donate the $100,000 prize to charity....hmmm) since the last remaining "bad" team, who didn't learn anything about working together, kindness toward their competitors, or sportsmanship, had already been eliminated.
So, in "Crowned," as in most reality shows, the real lesson is that of friendship! The mother daughter team with the best bond, who always went out of their way to help the other teams and to listen with a kind ear, won. Hooray for kindness! Hooray for beauty pageants! Hooray for finding out that inner beauty really does count in this crazy world of ours!

True, Katherine Heigl's character probably does have inner beauty, but it's good that she also has outer beauty!
you're wrong! inner beauty is all that counts! i saw it on "Crowned!"
So what's going to be on the CW now???? No more Gossip Girl, no more Top Model, no more Crowned...what will we do???
Fret not, Chris -- ANTM is coming back with a new "cycle" in mid-February!
I thought for sure that the evil, red-headed pair were at least going to be in the top two, but I'm glad those bitches were eliminated. I'm disappointed that Hollis and Ginger didn't win, though. They were the cutest, the sweetest, and the ones who stood up to The Sincere Sexy Reds the best.
The probably didn't win though because last week Ginger (the mom) was making out with her husband in the middle of the party the house threw for their families. That is not behavior befitting of a pageant winner!
OK, that it's all the love of Crowned purely ironic? 50% ironic? 0% ironic?
there was a show called crowned?
wow, someone hasn't been reading my blog posts... tear. :(
Haha so is that why they call it "cycles" instead of "seasons"? Because they have a new one every like 5 months? Doubly hilarious.
How can there be so many top models??? I read Tyra is starting a fashion reality show...I fell asleep reading it before I could find out the deets...
a fashion reality show? will it be an elimination based show? and yes, how many "top" models can there be? i kinda thought there could only be one, but really, there's one every five months.
I'm such a nerd: I felt like making sure irony was what I thought, and I learned that there are different kinds!
So love of crowned might be "post irony," defined by wikipedia as "the juxtaposition of empty symbolism and loaded evocations to humor whose roots lie not so much in the mocking of any one ideology proper so much as in mocking the stupidness that lies at the roots of the propagation of modern of modern ideologies." :pushes up glass: I concur.
my love of crowned is sincere. completely sincere.
....or am i being ironic, now?
seriously, am i? could someone let me know? cause, i can't tell anymore :(
oh, no, i read your posts, my eyes just glaze over when anything "reality" related is mentioned
i'll forget about crowned again tomorrow!
and THAT is sincere!!
my heart is breaking, just like the hearts of all the losing mother/daughter teams.
I wrote "of modern" twice. And I think that you're into the realm of sarcasm, b.
wow, someone's too good for REALITY?
i'm being post-post-ironic-sarcastic-esque.
here's the thing: whether or not i'm watching the show "ironically" i'm actually enjoying myself, and i'm watching it every week. i hate to say it, but i think that doing something ironically is just a way of making excuses for enjoying something silly, like crowned. sorry, qualler. but way to spurn a debate! and hey, check out that scary red headed girl's face while she sings! see how scary?
paal, you should really be reading the entire post, no matter what, because i'm a comic genius and you wouldn't want to miss something brilliantly funny.
*suffocates on adding machine tape*
23% What are the chances? 23? The Number 23? It's all coming together, now...
Here is an example of when the percentage comes into play: I watch WWF 100% ironically, since I'm watching a wrestling show to promote GOOD behavior in my students. But I guess the irony is in the purpose for watching, not in the enjoyment from stupidity (which is the "post" type).
And I AM too good for fake reality. I prefer hyper-reality!
Hyper-reality? Is that something like hyper-color t-shirts? comments! The Number 23!
4 8 15 16 23 42
I loved these comments, hyper-ironically.
Good job Paal, now you're going to crash a plane!
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