The Wednesday Night Interlude
America, I wanna be on top. But in the meantime, I wanna be crowned!
While we wait with baited breath the arrival of the umpteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model (the numerous cycles of this series beg the question: just how many "Top" models can this country have? Remember Jaslene, anyone? What was the name of the girl who won the most recent cycle?) this blogger will continue to enjoy the replacement reality series, Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants.
Last night's episode featured whining teams of mothers and daughters working for Habitat for Humanity, just so that we can all realize that winning a crown means more than just being beautiful: it means representing a platform blah blah blah. Of course, most teams did not want to do any actual work, and one mother/daughter team, the Sincere Sexy Reds, spent the entire time complaining that their arms hurt from lifting sod. Sod! Even I wouldn't complain about that. It seems to me that these people must forget that everything they say is being taped for not only the other contestants to eventually see but for all of America. Or, maybe they just don't care. The contestants also had to give a brief public talk about the platforms they represented (which ranged from designer clothes vs bargain shopping to...other superficial topics) and most did not do so well. My personally least-favorite team was eliminated (I don't even recall their team name) and instead of cutting their sashes, which each team must do with an oversized pair of novelty, glittery scissors, they ran for it! And that, my friends, is why they did not win the crown.
I can't say why I keep watching these shows, and I can't say why I'm so looking forward to the next cycle of ANTM to replace Crowned (or if the strike continues perhaps I'll get to watch both shows in the same night instead of ever seeing another Gossip Girl...tear!). Maybe it's just my love for Tyra...and maybe it makes me feel a little bit better about where I am in my life right now. Or maybe I'm just another American idiot.
I guess Tyra will always be a relevant part of not only pop culture, but the American political scene, as well. Maybe she can give Hillary some pointers on how to be on top?
Until next week!
While we wait with baited breath the arrival of the umpteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model (the numerous cycles of this series beg the question: just how many "Top" models can this country have? Remember Jaslene, anyone? What was the name of the girl who won the most recent cycle?) this blogger will continue to enjoy the replacement reality series, Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants.
I can't say why I keep watching these shows, and I can't say why I'm so looking forward to the next cycle of ANTM to replace Crowned (or if the strike continues perhaps I'll get to watch both shows in the same night instead of ever seeing another Gossip Girl...tear!). Maybe it's just my love for Tyra...and maybe it makes me feel a little bit better about where I am in my life right now. Or maybe I'm just another American idiot.
I guess Tyra will always be a relevant part of not only pop culture, but the American political scene, as well. Maybe she can give Hillary some pointers on how to be on top?
Until next week!
Wait, let me get this straight. They were about to get their sashes cut off, and then they just ran away? Like they were standing there, the scissors loomed ominously toward them, saw the symbol of failure staring them in their plasticine faces, then they turned to each other and said, "go!" and they booked it out of the studio into the great unknown?
That. Is. So. Awesome.
that is exactly what happened. only, it was even worse, because they had to cut their own sashes. first the mother removed her sash, all ready to cut and accept fate, then the daughter said something like "I'm running!" and took off. The mother seemed stunned for only a split second, then she dropped her sash and ran away too. It was wonderful. So many stunned and speechless beauty contestants and judges.
i must see a clip of this!
i tried to find it on the youtube and even google was useless.
please! someone! find it!
i agree. that must of been awesome.
also, who did just win ANTM? how did we forget so soon?
we forgot because most of the winners are totally forgettable.
also, i forgot to mention this, but last night's episode of gossip girl was advertised as the last episode of the season, and all they did was rerun the pilot! what the???
i would give up all ridiculous reality tv for more episodes of Gossip Girl. i love me some Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass.
When did the Blogulator turn into a girl's club?!?!
No more Gossip Girl?!?!?! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
get out, chris! no boys allowed! woooo pantie fight!
I was in a secret girls' club when I was little that climbed the exterior of playground equipment, like extreme recess. But Chris, why does talking about a show you like make this a girls' club? We don't call the anime love-fest a boys' club!
speaking of a girls' club, i can't believe no one seems to care that hillary clinton is going to be on the tyra show...look at this!
TYRA:...If you were a contestant on a reality show, would you rather be on Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, or America's Next Top Model?
SENATOR CLINTON: In my dreams I would be on America's Next Top Model but in reality I would have to choose my limited talents and of them dancing is better than singing. You do not want me to sing.
I think the anime love-fest is more of a boy club (singular), held in my basement, with me, an empty poker table, a pack of cigs, and hot cocoa.
Hello, it's called juxtaposition! I'm clearly a girl, what with my ramblings about Gossip Girl, and yet I'm still infuriated that this string of comments (until DoktorPeace's entry, of course) has been commandeered by females! It's a hilarious joke! Laugh!
Hillary? More like KUCINICH! Now that's someone I'd like to see on Tyra's couch.
Have i mentioned that I love Kucinich?
i love kucinich, too! can he and tyra join our girls' club? i bet they'd all watch reality tv with us and eat pizza dipped in ranch dressing...
Uh, you guys, quit forcing your political beliefs on me -- it's kind of rude.
So, America's NEXT Top Model is a siamese twin where one lady is growing out of the other lady's right shoulder? Man, Americans have some weird taste these days.
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