And the nominations go to...
Yo, everybody. Hope you had a rad Tuesday.
Lots of news to cover. The Fed cut some rates today due to the impending fiscal blah blah blah.
Okay, lots of pop culture news, too.
The Oscar Nominations were released. No major surprises (except Cate Blanchett for Elizabeth 2: The Revenge. Really? Again? I forgot that playing the noted monarch means instant nomination). Although I haven't seen all the movies I've wanted to see, stuff like Atonement and There Will Be Blood, I feel I can make some predictions/what I want to see happen on Oscar night.
Prediction/Hope #1
That there actually is an Oscar Night and not some lame news conference. Sure, the ceremony always goes too long, the jokes are stupid, and Michael Moore hops up on his soap box while the orchestra tries to play him off stage, but the annual spectacle of Oscar Night is worth all the crap.
Prediction/Hope #2
That Tom Wilkinson wins for best supporting actor and not Javier Bardem. Yeah, this one is a super long-shot especially with every critic foaming at the mouth over No Country.. (which I did enjoy). But let's be honest, outside of acting like a creep and strangling a sheriff with minimal expression, did Bardem really do a lot of outstanding acting? His performance owes as much to the directors and the script as anything. Wilkinson, on the other hand, plays one hell of a crazy lawyer in Michael Clayton and that opening monologue (in audio only) is brilliant. Sure, Wilkinson doesn't have much of a chance, but I'd love to see him win.
Prediction/Hope #3
Any one other than Ellen Page wins best actress. I loved Page in Juno, found to movie to be
pretty solid, but I really tire of seeing super young people winning Oscars. Remember when Anna Paquin gasped for like three minutes on stage? Yeah, that was great.. Plus, I don't want Ellen Page to get all cursed and stuff from winning an Oscar. And without the clever writing of Diablo what's-her-face, I'm afraid my dream of a girl that is simultaneously both super attractive AND super witty will be completely shattered. (I added the adjective "super" so as not to offend the average looking girls of mild wit, by the way.)
Left: Ellen Page looking hot AND witty
Prediction/Hope #4
The monster from Cloverfield emerges from the Pacific Ocean and eats Philip Seymour Hoffman. Dunno why, it'd be funny.
* * *
Bummer about Heath Ledger, too. For a minute I thought it might all be some crazy viral marketing scheme. Tough to trust the news nowadays.
Hmm, I was going to debut a little cartoon I made tonight on the Blogulator but I had some technical troubles. Seems that I don't know how to upload Flash SWF files. Perhaps another time.
That's all for me. Later, everybody.
Lots of news to cover. The Fed cut some rates today due to the impending fiscal blah blah blah.
Okay, lots of pop culture news, too.
The Oscar Nominations were released. No major surprises (except Cate Blanchett for Elizabeth 2: The Revenge. Really? Again? I forgot that playing the noted monarch means instant nomination). Although I haven't seen all the movies I've wanted to see, stuff like Atonement and There Will Be Blood, I feel I can make some predictions/what I want to see happen on Oscar night.
Prediction/Hope #1
That there actually is an Oscar Night and not some lame news conference. Sure, the ceremony always goes too long, the jokes are stupid, and Michael Moore hops up on his soap box while the orchestra tries to play him off stage, but the annual spectacle of Oscar Night is worth all the crap.
Prediction/Hope #2
That Tom Wilkinson wins for best supporting actor and not Javier Bardem. Yeah, this one is a super long-shot especially with every critic foaming at the mouth over No Country.. (which I did enjoy). But let's be honest, outside of acting like a creep and strangling a sheriff with minimal expression, did Bardem really do a lot of outstanding acting? His performance owes as much to the directors and the script as anything. Wilkinson, on the other hand, plays one hell of a crazy lawyer in Michael Clayton and that opening monologue (in audio only) is brilliant. Sure, Wilkinson doesn't have much of a chance, but I'd love to see him win.
Prediction/Hope #3
Any one other than Ellen Page wins best actress. I loved Page in Juno, found to movie to be

Left: Ellen Page looking hot AND witty
Prediction/Hope #4
The monster from Cloverfield emerges from the Pacific Ocean and eats Philip Seymour Hoffman. Dunno why, it'd be funny.
* * *
Bummer about Heath Ledger, too. For a minute I thought it might all be some crazy viral marketing scheme. Tough to trust the news nowadays.
Hmm, I was going to debut a little cartoon I made tonight on the Blogulator but I had some technical troubles. Seems that I don't know how to upload Flash SWF files. Perhaps another time.
That's all for me. Later, everybody.
are you serious? ellen page looks like a 10 year old boy. you have serious issues if you find that attractive.
oh yeah? not as serious as your hiding behind anonymimimity issues.
grow up, dude. grow up.
haha a flame war already? it's not even 9 am! i still have sleep sand in my eye nooks!
Don't worry Sean, Mr. Anonymous made it to the Blogulator searching for the answer to the eternally burning question, "Is Nick Hexum gay?" Turns out he finds it disgusting to be into chicks that look like boys because she/he's into singers from bad stoner-rap-rock bands.
On the non-flamewar side of things, I actually wouldn't be surprised at all if Tom Wilkinson won. Let's not forget, the Academy is mostly full of old people who probably don't prefer big guys with weird haircuts who kill people with an oxygen tank gun thing. And Tom Wilkinson is an eternally awesome actor who might get it for being "due" for an award (has he won an Oscar before? I know he's been nominated.)
Yeah, he was an early favorite before No Country got all the hubbub. And as much as I loved No Country, I agree that walking around looking detached isn't all that impressive, regardless of how effective it was.
I really want to see Clayton and The Savages because I want something to root for against Juno. Diablo Cody was insufferable on Letterman last night - constantly talking JUST LIKE Juno, except she kept looking at the audience waiting for a reaction and laughing at her own damn witty wordplays!!!!! GRRR!!!
Biggest hope though is that "Falling Slowly" from Once wins of course. Though I won't be in tears if "That's How You Know" gets it.
i liked juno...
i know you're sick and all brigitte dearest but is that really all you could muster??
good thing you didn't go to work today.
also, johnny depp? how did he get in there?
per usual the oscar nominations have proven that i do not see movies in the year's they come out or at least not oscar worthy movies. . .
also, per usual, i miss st.paul house and chris's annual oscar night games.
I also liked Juno. And I think Ellen Page looks like an elf skeleton in that photo. You can see the bones in her chest. Ick.
For the record, I want to back up Sean and say that Ellen Page DOES look hot in that picture. She's probably even hotter when she's not saying all the dumb things that Diablo Cody made her say.
This is my imitation of LQ and Chris: "Wah wah wah! I think Ellen Page and/or Diablo Cody's style of dress/conversation/comedy/entertainment is annoying and/or unrealistic! I can't ever just enjoy myself and/or get over the fact that sometimes the dialogue is gag-i-fying but the end product is still heartwarming and much better than the average dreck in movies! I talk about the genius of The Hills Have Eyes 2/American Gangster for ironic/real purposes yet disproportionately trash something that, while not perfect, certainly is one of the better products of the year! I'm succumbing to the powerful forces of backlash! WAH!"
Katie! Brigitte and I played the Oscar night games from Chicago last year! I suggest you do the same with us this year!
agreed with the LQ. ellen page, elfish or not, is attractive. what about elves is unattractive anyways? nothing besides the weird shoes.
and i agree with Regular Q that Chris is just bitter. if he opened his heart once in a while, he'd be happier and he'd realize the true charm of Juno.
American Gangster was mediocre.
Ahem, I haven't even SEEN The Hills Have Eyes 2, so that is just slander!
The Hills Have Eyes 1, however, when seen by yourself in a sold-out movie theater where people are walking out every 5 minutes, is a truly unique movie-going experience.
And I don't care that it's unrealistic dialogue - I love Wes Anderson for crying out loud. It's that, unlike Wes, which still feels natural and human in its own fantasy world, the dialogue in Juno feels like it came out of a robotic slang thesaurus.
Plus, heartfelt? "I don't really know what kind of girl I am?" That's straight out of an after school special. So is "you just gotta find someone who loves you for who you are." Wow how profound and totally not trite.
Don't get me wrong, there are parts of Juno that I LOVED - Michael Cera saying "Actually I try really hard," the slow dolly out at the end, but this was NOT one of the best of the year. It was a cute movie that was well casted and written by an amateur that has potential if she got her head out of her ass.
I don't think you can call someone an amateur and then criticize how they write/handle new situations ("Gosh, could she please act more like a seasoned professional?"- in my head said like Napoleon Dynamite- I don't know why, Chris), especially if the person really is an amateur! I think Juno was nominated because it's a novelty. I'm almost more angry that Atonement was nominated, because it's so much like every other period piece that's ever been nominated for best picture.
If I have to be angry, it will be because Jason Reitman was nominated for Best Director for was that directed well?
Well, The Pursuit of Happyness and Reign Over Me both had more trite themes and messages, and I secretly cried a little bit at the end of those movies too, so I say Juno's emotions are more valid! I guess overall I wasn't totally bothered by the semi-wacky dialogue, although I can defintely see where one would be turned off by it.
And seriously, Jason Reitman? Director of Juno and Thank You for Smoking is a better director this year than, I don't know, any director? Agreed, Nicole. But I thought you liked Atonement??
Anna has some intriguing evidence that Atonement is interesting, at least from the source material:
Well, Ellen Page is still hot.
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