what upcoming blockbuster will ruin my summer the most? (june edition)

spider-man 3: just because it's entry number 3 in the series doesn't mean there needs to be 3 complicated plots intertwined throughout the movie for the sole reason of bringing them together at the end for an overexcited orgasm of a climactic ending. and emo spider-man with eyeliner and conor oberst hair in the face = evil spider-man that is self absorbed and drunk on notoriety? that's my people they're stereotyping! predicted grade: D. actual grade: D.
28 weeks later: one might say it's a testosterone juggernaut of a gore movie that does not deserve to be the follow-up to the elegant understated masterpiece that is 28 days later. i might say those people are naive purists that can't find the beauty in something so breathtakingly visceral that it's dissimilarity to its predecessor is actually its greatest strength. incurable deadly contagion begets isolation in the beginning, incurable deadly contagion begets the deconstruction of civilization/the hero complex in the follow up. flawless. predicted grade: D+. actual grade: A+.
and i never saw bug. oh well, maybe on nerdflix. let's try this nonsense again this month (click the link for hot trailer action)--

ocean's thirteen: i never saw ocean's twelve and the only reason i saw ocean's eleven was because i was really sick and bored one day and found it in my roommate's movie collection in college. while there's worse people to be helming summer blockbusters than steven soderbergh, and a score by indie-funkster shawn lee is mildly exciting, i think the only reason i'll be seeing this movie is if i get really sick and lonely one day and find it on nerdflix online. will i see it?: 7% chance. predicted grade: D+.

evan almighty: what's with really crappy sequels trying to reel in an audience with good taste by doing something ridiculous like casting the silver surfer or steve carell? it's frustrating, and i'm sick of it, and it's the ONLY reason i'll ever end up seeing anything that could have had been called noah ventura 2: morgan freeman omnisciently narrates. will i see it?: 13% chance. predicted grade: D.

and the rest of june...i will avoid hostel part II like the plague because i'm done with making my humanity rot as i endure gross horror movies with no substance...i will definitely see 1408 because stephen king + john cusack + haunted hotel room is just too 1993 to miss out on...and there's no real reason not to see sicko other than the fact that michael moore controversy makes me fall asleep and remember how apathetic i get when people try to start pointless conversations about whether or not michael moore movies are real documentaries.
melty face + disturbing imagery + middle-aged man hawaiian shirts = best thing cusack's been in since grosse point blank?
chance I'LL see 1408: 100%.
Complicated plot lines? Did we see the same Spider-Man 3?
you're right, i should have written "underdeveloped," - "complicated" gives it too much credit.
That's better.
You're still wrong about 28WL. Expected Grade: D+; Actual Grade: F.
Have any of you recently rewatched 28 days later... its beyond brilliant. Easily top 15 of all time. 28 Weeks Later was...
I was predicting A for Knocked Up... I'm going to say it falls somewhere between A- and B+. It was very good, but it left me wanting when it couldn't decide if it was either romantic or raunchy.
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