[insert barely witty and overly lengthy title about watching bad movies].

born into brothels: i thought i was getting into another "check out this problem that's going on in the world - doesn't it suck?" documentary, so i was prepared for a big disappointment. however, it turned out to be one of the few documentaries that recognizes a problem, presents a solution, and enacts that solution within 110 minutes and doesn't make it feel like a patchwork job. highly recommended and yes, i cried sad tears and happy ones. but then again, i cried at the end of the pursuit of happyness. see it! grade: A.
night watch: at one point, i must have thought to myself, "this might be what underworld would have been like if it was good," so i added it to my nerdflix queue. and britain's the descent made me consider that possibly all horror movies outside the u.s. might have redeeming qualities, but i was wrong. i now unfairly want to stay away from all russian cinema. there's a sequel out now called day watch, and unless you like hyper-stylized and hyperactive editing and ridiculously convoluted plots about vampire hunters, then stay away. grade: F.

klute: donald sutherland is way creepier than his son, kiefer sutherland. he just stands around in this movie as a stoic private eye staring at prostitute jane fonda, who's whacked out and sultry. it's one long drawn-out episode of law and order: svu with good acting. nothing terrible, but nothing to write home about. grade: C.

bobby: so i wanted to rent a bad movie. i thought this would be a sure fire laugh riot - emilio estevez directing and half of hollyweird (including ashton kutcher, demi moore, shia laboeuf, sharon stone, freddy rodriguez, and more) starring in a pastiche of what happened the night bobby kennedy was assassinated? and yet, it somehow wasn't terrible or totally full of itself. in fact, the only part i really laughed at was when it said "an emilio estevez picture" during the credits. there's a lot of forced dialogue pretty cannily delivered to the point of melodrama, but other than that, good characters and a well-executed closing sequence. grade: C+.
Labels: chris, Movies, Nerdflix I Love Thee
I read your review of "Born into Brothels" to my dad, who've I've been telling to see if for at least a year (but he doesn't trust my judgment about movies since the "Y Tu Mamá También" fiasco). After I finished, though, he said, "Hmm, maybe I will see it" and "Chris should be a writer." The Blogulution has reached the middle-age set and succeeded! Maybe it's time for a link to AARP online ;)
You weren't at my NightWatch party? We had it in my basement last year I think, and we put mirrors all around the television to both set the mood and protect ourselves.
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