The Name Kasdan Gets You a Movie Deal

What's that? Copyright infringement? This is the "plot" of the new film In the Land of Women? Sorry, I must have dragged that out of my unconscious. See, I took a nap through the last 20 minutes of the movie. I don't remember much of it, other than that a lot of people were talking about quasi-"events" in their lives of which we didn't even get to see cheesy flashbacks. In fact, the only thing I remember about this movie was that a raccoon tried to get into a window, and Chris said out loud, "That's a scene?" Then I fell asleep again, only to wake up to another shot of a stuffed raccoon. The lessons I learned from In the Land of Women? a) Films that show people talking about stuff that happened that is boring are GREAT movies to fall asleep to. b) If your last name is Kasdan, you too can make your high school short stories class rough draft into a feature-length film featuring teen-throb Adam Brody and former mega-star Meg Ryan, as well as waif Kristen Stewart. Me, I can't wait to legally change my name to Qualler Kasdan and finally make my 2nd grade magnum opus, "The Day the First No-Hitter Was Born" into a feature-length film, starring Shia LaBeouf.
Shia LaBoeuf is my new fake boyfriend, and I shall not tolerate anything negative said against him. But otherwise, you're right on about Land of Women--and I didn't even see it.
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Shia LeBouef is basically the best actor of our time.
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