Secret Babies

As Qualler stated, "this is really an acting clinic tonight by Molly Ringwald. As if she didn't have enough on her plate!" And boy is that true. Not everyone thinks abortion is the right answer. Marriage is the other popular option for this 15 year old girl. Her boyfriend's dad thinks that the kids should get married though, once again, the boyfriend is not the father. What? Really? I mean, I guess...what 15 year old boy doesn't want to marry a girl when he finds out that she's carrying someone else's baby? This kid (who, by the way, Entertainment Weekly aptly described as a teenage Bob Saget) is working through some serious mommy issues.
The third option Amy is given is going to live in a group home with other pre

Which option did Amy choose? Will she have an abortion? Marry her loser boyfriend? I'll never know, because my DVR lost the rest of the episode. But I like to think that she didn't choose any of these options. I like to think that Amy decides to run away to a small, quirky town, work as a maid at an inn she will one day run, and raise an unusually precocious daughter whose only dream is to go to Harvard. And then Amy and her daughter can have really quick conversations made up almost entirely of allusions.
Seriously though, I'm mad at my DVR right now. But don't worry--ABC Family replays the episodes later in the week, so I'll catch it the next time.
I don't want to sound like a negative Nelly, but I'm beginning to think that I liked SLAT better the first time I saw it, when it was calle

Speaking of unplanned, secret pregnancies, I saw Mama Mia this weekend, and was practically dancing in the aisles (though, not literally dancing in the aisles, as were some theater patrons). The "plot" revolved around a young girl (my celebrity crush, Amanda Seyfried) who sends a wedding invitation to three potential fathers, and of course hilarity ensues. All three potential daddies show up at once and the only way to deal with this surprise and confusion is lots and lots of song and dance. And boy did they dance! It was pretty much your average musical, complete with romance and a happy ending, and a fiance who was about as femmy as they come. The film took place over just two days' time, the day before and day of the wedding, and so all the action had to do with wedding preparations and then, our grand finale, the actual wedding (but I won't give anything away!). The mother (who was accidentally impregnated...note the theme of our post) has two friends who mirror the daughter and her two friends, showing how the cycle of life seems to repeat itself. Which is both comforting and depressing...sort of like ABBA.

The best scenes had to be the bachelor/bachelorette parties. The bachelor party began with the groom-to-be getting swept away by what can only be accurately described as a gay men's chorus (thanks, Jerksica) who danced along the beach in swimsuits and snorkeling gear. The movie took place in Greece for some reason, so there were plenty of lovely beach and ocean shots which really complimented ABBA's music. It wasn't spectacular, but I really did enjoy this complete escape a the theater. Nothing goes better with popcorn than celebrities singing and dancing.
After your review of MM, now I really want to see it! And maybe instead of moving to a small town and working in an inn while raising her baby, Amy might find a nice suburban couple to adopt it, then have a weird flirtation with the dad, the couple would break up, she'd have the baby and give it to the woman, and her life would completely go back to normal (her baby's daddy would still want to date her, too, because high school boys are emotionally mature)! Problem solved:)
I know Qualler already emphasized it in his post, but I'm so glad I was left doing homework (aka procrastinating and making mix CDs) instead of going to Mamma Mia with you. I'll see anything that comes out to theaters, but I won't see ANYTHING, you know?
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