This is probably gonna be a sloppier post, cuz I'm like that right now. It's summer, alright. Relax. Get out of your cube for a sec and smell the flowers planted on the side of the car lot in the business park you live your life in. I know I do (when I'm not in a meeting).
I was going to center this post around my 0,1 thrashing of fellow blogulator Sean at tennis, but decided that tales of my athletic prowess already tend to clutter the 'net. Also, since we played the womanly best of 3 style, the tale wasn't exactly set right. Oh, but I did make a Match Point joke during match point, so I'm still totally a part of metasociety.
Next I was going to center this post around a local outing (featuring me, Sean, P.Arty, paal, dwip, soccermom415, and more!) to see Paramore at Milwaukee's Summerfest. That would have mainly involved me complaining about how I only saw Hayley Williams' hair like 5 times and heard the concert through a Cold War era megaphone system, so I spared you, the masses. Let's just say that when doktorpeace goes to see a band, he appreciates a venue that doesn't provide benches for everyone in the front rows to stand upon while the back rows wallow in the business of misery. Whatever, Paramore was right: Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone...
Which is why I spent tonight alone with myself and my friend Dan (the aforementioned "dwip"), who took me to see the date movie of the year: Wall-E. He told me he wasn't wearing any underwear before the movie: bad etiquette? Anyway, I'm a sucker for anything that doesn't focus on humans (which why I like apple juice), as well as media that hints at the inevitable path to destruction we're paving for ourselves (which is why I like toxic apple juice). I'm not going to give a real review or a reel review or any of that, because one of the best parts of the Wall-E experience for me was the fact that I knew almost nothing about it. Being a member of the web's top pop culture blogulator, it's hard to avoid knowing everything about anything - what with us always being inundated with e-mail casting alerts, gift baskets filled with next fall's top shows, and pillow talk after doing B-list ex-tweens.

I will say one thing about the film, though, and that is reverse evolution. Pixar is singlehandedly trying to destroy talkies by bringing movies back to a time before Juno awed us with its verbiage. I'm absolutely onboard with this movement, as I am with any other messages about reverse evolution (NOT devolution) that people want to throw at me.
Before the movie, I stood on a soccer pitch in oldtown Brookfield. The goals featured chainlink nets, and an ugly train passed through the background, burdened with a load of long, boring pipes. For a moment, I felt as if I might be frolicking in the Czech countryside, where history really is happening slower than we think (if we want it to). Maybe one day I'll take the messages I've learned through this and other events and make something of myself. I'll beat more people at tennis. I'll reject modern business and find a career where I can exist outside of a business park yet still afford to pay my way to the front of the Paramore concert. And I'll head out to a grove someplace to finish things out in nature, where I really do want to be.

Yet all of this requires effort and, furthermore, responsibility. And I would have to drive quite a far way to see movies like Wall-E .... Hmmm.... I'll think about this more at work tomorrow, in my horrible, comfortable cube...
I was going to center this post around my 0,1 thrashing of fellow blogulator Sean at tennis, but decided that tales of my athletic prowess already tend to clutter the 'net. Also, since we played the womanly best of 3 style, the tale wasn't exactly set right. Oh, but I did make a Match Point joke during match point, so I'm still totally a part of metasociety.
Next I was going to center this post around a local outing (featuring me, Sean, P.Arty, paal, dwip, soccermom415, and more!) to see Paramore at Milwaukee's Summerfest. That would have mainly involved me complaining about how I only saw Hayley Williams' hair like 5 times and heard the concert through a Cold War era megaphone system, so I spared you, the masses. Let's just say that when doktorpeace goes to see a band, he appreciates a venue that doesn't provide benches for everyone in the front rows to stand upon while the back rows wallow in the business of misery. Whatever, Paramore was right: Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone...
Which is why I spent tonight alone with myself and my friend Dan (the aforementioned "dwip"), who took me to see the date movie of the year: Wall-E. He told me he wasn't wearing any underwear before the movie: bad etiquette? Anyway, I'm a sucker for anything that doesn't focus on humans (which why I like apple juice), as well as media that hints at the inevitable path to destruction we're paving for ourselves (which is why I like toxic apple juice). I'm not going to give a real review or a reel review or any of that, because one of the best parts of the Wall-E experience for me was the fact that I knew almost nothing about it. Being a member of the web's top pop culture blogulator, it's hard to avoid knowing everything about anything - what with us always being inundated with e-mail casting alerts, gift baskets filled with next fall's top shows, and pillow talk after doing B-list ex-tweens.

I will say one thing about the film, though, and that is reverse evolution. Pixar is singlehandedly trying to destroy talkies by bringing movies back to a time before Juno awed us with its verbiage. I'm absolutely onboard with this movement, as I am with any other messages about reverse evolution (NOT devolution) that people want to throw at me.
Before the movie, I stood on a soccer pitch in oldtown Brookfield. The goals featured chainlink nets, and an ugly train passed through the background, burdened with a load of long, boring pipes. For a moment, I felt as if I might be frolicking in the Czech countryside, where history really is happening slower than we think (if we want it to). Maybe one day I'll take the messages I've learned through this and other events and make something of myself. I'll beat more people at tennis. I'll reject modern business and find a career where I can exist outside of a business park yet still afford to pay my way to the front of the Paramore concert. And I'll head out to a grove someplace to finish things out in nature, where I really do want to be.

Yet all of this requires effort and, furthermore, responsibility. And I would have to drive quite a far way to see movies like Wall-E .... Hmmm.... I'll think about this more at work tomorrow, in my horrible, comfortable cube...
Labels: DoktorPeace, Movies, music
yes, that tennis match was a close one..
paramore was still kind of fun. remember all those teenagers with swooshy hairstyles and braces? HOT!
Wall-E is one of my top fav movies this summer. did you almost cry like i almost did? cause it's got that kind of power. the hands!!!
I've said it before, I'll say it again:
Summerfest? More like bummerfest!
Paramore was off the chizzain!
haha, it seems that only the attendees to the paramore show are going to comment
Cold War era is right!! I don't know how Summerfest picks its PA crews, but they did a TERRIBLE job. Lindsay brought up a good point too, there was that rather large screen that showed texts... why not show, I dunno... THE BAND??
Also, Wall-E rules my world.
Screw Paramore, how is a line-up of seeing Paramore with Harry, Pat, Paal, Sean, Wipert, and Soccermom415 not the most genius concert attending lineup EVER? Are you KIDDING? Consider me mad jealous. Milwaukee wins this round.
p.s. Who is Soccermom415?
You and your codas, Doktor!!!
The Mpls contingent of the Blogulator was celebrating Lady Amy's birfday yesterday, sorry everyone!
Someday I will see WALL-E and Paramore...
Aside from the awful view and the sound quality, the concert was phenomenal, especially screaming the chorus to That's What You Get with everyone, and holding Paal during Emergency. Yum!
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