And how do you FEEL about that?

Still trying to find ways I can pass the seemingly endless summer Wednesdays until America's Next Top Model begins its umpteenth cycle, I've been sorting my way through the pop culture debris and just seeing what else is out there. In the process, I've experienced many different pop culture induced feelings, from happy to oh so sad.
Freaky Friday:

Earlier this week I revisited this old favorite on DVD. What a film. In the words of my then 11-year-old brother, "I really like this movie, cause I just think the acting is really good...I mean, she(Curtis) does a really good job of acting like a teenager." Watching old Lindsey Lohan movies makes me feel: Happy!

Engaged and Underage:
This MTV reality series brings about some mixed feelings. For one, they aren't really underage. They usually have a conflict, though! And I likes me some of that drama. And, it's still a show in which people throw a party, which is always good...but it's often just a lot of filler. All in all, this makes me feel: Confused, because I keep watching even though I know it's crap.
My Super Sweet Sixteen:

What can I say? My old favorite is fading fast. Maybe I AM getting older...or maybe MTV is running out of interesting things to show us about spoiled kids throwing themselves elaborate parties. Yeah, they're really rich. And spoiled. They certainly don't seem to respect their parents. I'm outraged! I'm...let's see what else is on. This program makes me feel: Bored, and sad that I no longer have this series to fall back on when there's nothing else I'm in the mood to watch.
Drew Barrymore's Cover Girl Commercials:

She's a face changer. It makes me nervous. As Michael Ian Black points out on his Blog (which, by the way, makes me happy), her face is huge. I can no longer watch these commercials without crying. They make me feel: Sad.

VH1's I love the New Millennium:
Well it's about time, VH1!! I was hardly able to laugh about things that happened a few years ago...and at the same time feel depressed about how old I'm getting since things that happened in the year 2002 are being "remembered" with "what were we thinking?" commentary. But, it was pretty funny, and as always, self-aware, so I have to say that it made me feel: Happy.
The Fact that Nancy Grace is still talking about Hulk Hogan's Son:
I guess Hogan doesn't know best (hahahahahahaha I'm funny!). Seriously, though. His son caused a car crash. There was alcohol involved (allegedly) and the Hulk himself may h

Christina Aguilera Rocking the Vote on Larry King:
I'm all for getting the kids to vote. Hearing that Christina is really, really excited about politics? Well, for some reason, that makes me feel: Sad.
Shaving Cream Commercial (Gillette for Men, I believe):
In this commercial, the man is smelling his shaving cream, and as the tiny particles go up his nose, they turn

Catching the last hour or so of No one would Tell:
Ah, there's always Lifetime! Revisiting this 1996 direct to

Labels: Brigitte, celebrities, How Does That Make Me Feel, Movies, TV
Brigette, this is my favorite post ever that you have wrote.
The emotion-hearts are the best. They make me feel: HAPPY.
I agree, Lindsay Lohan has some decent movies. I watched about 45 minutes of Mean Girls last night and it was hilarious. I hadn't seen the movie in a while and it was good. Even Tim Meadows is kind of funny in it.
Please keep this rating system going forever!
Be careful what you wish for, qualler. She might start bringing the rating system to the bedroom...
Crackers in bed: Frowny heart!
Hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahaha I told you MS Paint is always a good idea!!!!!!!
We ARE too old for MTV - we're in the VH1 club now.
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