As American As...
Last week our nation turned another year older. I've always enjoyed the Fourth of July because it's the time of year when all Americans are allowed - no, encouraged - to adorn themselves and their homes, children, pets, cars, etc. in fantastically kitschy American garb. It is the one day of
the year that I would be slightly less embarrassed to wear the XXL "USA" sweatshirt my grandma was so proud to give me for Christmas several years ago. But darn! It's just too hot to wear a sweatshirt this time of year. And it looked like everyone around me chose to forgo their American flare this year as well. I spent an entire 9 hours at the beach on the Friday and didn't see a single American flag bikini, towel, or t-shirt! It was perhaps the least patriotic (in terms of kitsch) 4th I've ever seen. The best and only physical display of American pride that I saw came from the Qualler dogs, who each wore a tiny red, white, and blue bow.
So I celebrated our nation's independence by laying around in the sun and reading the most American literature around me - People, Cosmo, and In Touch. What's more American than solving the mystery behind the anonymous blogger voice on "Gossip Girl" (Kristen Bell, if you're slow like me) or expanding my knowledge of the legal system on the matter of celebrity sex tapes (just a news article - ok for work)? Here are some of the juiciest, most American celeb gossip items I found this week:
Country Music = American
I didn't think Jessica Simpson and pop music meshed very well. Now, she's making her move to pop-country. The new single, "Come on Over," features the same over-processed vocals - but now with twang. I admit I was skeptical at first, but compared with her pop hits, this country stuff ain't bad. I predict we will see a short revival of Jessica Simpson's music career. Here's a sample:
Medical Breakthroughs = Pretty American
Ooooohhhhh, you thought Junior was just a mediocre Schwarzenegger flick based on the wildly unrealistic concept of male pregnancy. You were wrong! Last week an Oregon man gave birth to a baby girl. Yes, there is a legitimate medical reason that this man could have babies. You can read all about the medical stuff in the article. And I know what your follow-up question is - and yes, he was artificially inseminated. He's not a worm!
Actors Doing Their Patriotic Duty = Very American
Actors and big egos generally go together like peanut butter and jelly, but just like too much of one spread can ruin a good PB&J sandwich, actors' egos can get out of control too. For example, Dennis Haysbert, a black actor who plays the President on "24," is taking credit for helping win Barack Obama the presidential nomination. He believes that his character helped "open the
eyes of the American people" to the possibility of electing a black president. While the Obama campaign is certainly a groundbreaking one, it seems absurd to me that "24" is responsible, since Hollywood has been "opening America's eyes" for a long time, portraying black presidents like Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact (1998) and James Earl Jones in The Man (1972) long before "24" was even conceived. Hollywood has even come so far with the subject that comedies about black presidents, such as Head of State featuring Chris Rock, have hit the box office. Not to mention that Haysbert has been off the show since early 2006, meaning that he thinks his TV character from two years ago changed voters' opinions today. Now I'm not a big "24" fan, but if it was really that good - well - bravo!
Showing a Little Skin = As American as Apple Pie!
Plumbers may, for once, be on the hip side of a fashion trend. Perhaps it is our slipping decency standards on television or perhaps it is the popularization of boob jobs in the 21st century that has left the the over-sexed American public yearning for change. Voluptuous breasts spilling out of low-cut v-neck tank tops isn't good enough anymore. They want something new, something exciting, something a little naughty - the public is screaming for butt cleavage! Yes, there is a clothing line that is selling ladies underwear with revealing shapes cut into the backside. I would describe them as sort of inverse thongs - where they cover the bottom of your bottom, but leave your crack peaking out the top. The idea is based off of the low-rise jeans trend, which I always thought was created to solve the "pouch problem" of high-waisted pants. This new underwear line has taken the trend too far. Is this fashion going to catch on? I'm not sure I am the right person to answer that question so I'm going to pass the ball here to someone with more fashion sense - and magazine subscriptions - than I (ahem, Brigitte). My guess is that a milder version the butt cleavage trend may spark, but will quickly die out when women realize how uncomfortable it is. But then again, pain is beauty.
That's all I've got for this week. God Bless America!

So I celebrated our nation's independence by laying around in the sun and reading the most American literature around me - People, Cosmo, and In Touch. What's more American than solving the mystery behind the anonymous blogger voice on "Gossip Girl" (Kristen Bell, if you're slow like me) or expanding my knowledge of the legal system on the matter of celebrity sex tapes (just a news article - ok for work)? Here are some of the juiciest, most American celeb gossip items I found this week:
Country Music = American
I didn't think Jessica Simpson and pop music meshed very well. Now, she's making her move to pop-country. The new single, "Come on Over," features the same over-processed vocals - but now with twang. I admit I was skeptical at first, but compared with her pop hits, this country stuff ain't bad. I predict we will see a short revival of Jessica Simpson's music career. Here's a sample:
Medical Breakthroughs = Pretty American
Ooooohhhhh, you thought Junior was just a mediocre Schwarzenegger flick based on the wildly unrealistic concept of male pregnancy. You were wrong! Last week an Oregon man gave birth to a baby girl. Yes, there is a legitimate medical reason that this man could have babies. You can read all about the medical stuff in the article. And I know what your follow-up question is - and yes, he was artificially inseminated. He's not a worm!
Actors Doing Their Patriotic Duty = Very American
Actors and big egos generally go together like peanut butter and jelly, but just like too much of one spread can ruin a good PB&J sandwich, actors' egos can get out of control too. For example, Dennis Haysbert, a black actor who plays the President on "24," is taking credit for helping win Barack Obama the presidential nomination. He believes that his character helped "open the

Showing a Little Skin = As American as Apple Pie!
Plumbers may, for once, be on the hip side of a fashion trend. Perhaps it is our slipping decency standards on television or perhaps it is the popularization of boob jobs in the 21st century that has left the the over-sexed American public yearning for change. Voluptuous breasts spilling out of low-cut v-neck tank tops isn't good enough anymore. They want something new, something exciting, something a little naughty - the public is screaming for butt cleavage! Yes, there is a clothing line that is selling ladies underwear with revealing shapes cut into the backside. I would describe them as sort of inverse thongs - where they cover the bottom of your bottom, but leave your crack peaking out the top. The idea is based off of the low-rise jeans trend, which I always thought was created to solve the "pouch problem" of high-waisted pants. This new underwear line has taken the trend too far. Is this fashion going to catch on? I'm not sure I am the right person to answer that question so I'm going to pass the ball here to someone with more fashion sense - and magazine subscriptions - than I (ahem, Brigitte). My guess is that a milder version the butt cleavage trend may spark, but will quickly die out when women realize how uncomfortable it is. But then again, pain is beauty.
That's all I've got for this week. God Bless America!
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, music, TV
"butt cleavage" sounds like the grossest thing in the world. i predict failure.
I've heard about this pregnant man story, but didn't actually read about it until clicking this link... Bunk! The "man" (who was previously a woman) still has his/her sex organs, so, by reproductive standards, he/she is a woman. What a bunch of overblown phooey.
Oprah, you did it again.
Agreed on both accounts, gents (though I do applaud those who helped solve the "pouch problem" of the 90s).
Oh and David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) was the best president to have ever graced television (by semi-ironic standards, anyway). Even though the last season of 24 sucked big time, the first three seasons of that show are unbelievable entertainment.
OH man, I hope that butt cleavage does not catch on. I have yet to read about it in Vogue, so I'm thinking it won't be a major trend--one reserved for certain celebrities only. And that's fine by me.
I was hoping you could tell us if this style was Vogue-approved or not, Brigitte! Thank you!
24 was the most boring show ever. the concept was cool but the plot and execution were terrible.
it would've been better if it was just a huge ensemble cast and you get to see little stories play out from one day over the course of the season. but no, in order for people to watch you have to include terrorists and torture and terrible telling or story. haha, alliteration makes for wonderful writing.
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Oh no you didn't, Sean! You can say anything you want about 24 - it's jingoistic, glorifies torture, terrible acting, one-dimensional characters, but the one thing it is not is boring. Seasons 1-3 are thrill-a-minute powerhouses! The storylines start recycling and meandering in Season 4, but it is really solid twist-turning double-crossing insanely provocative entertainment up until that point. And I just may dare say that 24 is largely responsible for the large re-popularization of the serial drama. Can you think of a wildly popular network show between 1993 and 2000 that didn't have self-contained stories within each episode?
Is HBO a network?
No, and actually, according to the company itself, it's not even TV.
okay, hotshot, how about these?
buffy the vampire slayer, (pre 2001)
the west wing,
all around the 1999 era. before 24.
and also friends which stretched stupid plots way the hell out over seasons.
Regardless of your thoughts of 24 (S3 rawked!!!), I think we can all agree on one thing -- with love to President David Palmer, Morgan Freeman is the best fake black President of all time.
p.s. The phrase "butt cleavage" makes me want to throw up. I'd bury my face in boob cleavage, but I would NOT bury my face in butt cleavage.
I've only ever seen the pilot of Buffy on Hulu (I kind of liked it!) and never watched Angel and while those shows are always touted for their complicated and symbolic mythology, wasn't there basically a self-contained "kill the vampire" plot within most episodes?
I'll give you West Wing though, I didn't think about that one. There's a show I've only seen a handful of episodes of and always was moderately interested in trying to watch it from the beginning.
Amy, just wanted to quell your fears on the lack of American patriotism on this nation's birthday. I attended a Twins game on the 4th, and out of the 18,000 fans a majority of them donned the red, white, and blue (of course, all Twins gear is in this color). Yet aside from the Twins jersey's there were the American flag shirts, and not just T-shirts. I saw a couple polos, one of them made of a material that appeared to be silk, and showed a picture of a giant bald eagle and an American flag over a backdrop of the American constitution. Now that's class, American style.
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