Counter Counter Point: I'll Wait For You, TV, I Really Will.
Ok, ok, break it up, boys. To your separate corners! The last couple of days have been way too tense here on the Blogulator. Chris, how dare you turn your back on TV, the only friend who's been there for you through the good times and the bad??!!! Can you not be there for a friend who's a little down on his luck? And Qualler, how dare you get us all hot and bothered at work with sexy photos of that typewriter in a compromising position next to a scantily-clad Tina Fey?!
Now let's all take a deep breath and remember that it's been less than a month since the writer's strike ended. Two funny episodes of SNL is a start, but does not make TV good again. Let's also remember that bad television shows are not a new phenomenon, as evidenced by the fact that Two and a Half Men (a multiple Emmy Award-winning sitcom) was created well
before the writer's strike was even a twinkle in Tina Fey's eye. Or remember that Friends spin-off show about Joey moving to California that lasted like half a season? (I think it was just called Joey). Or how about ER - and TONS of people watch that one. I mean think about the percentage of new television shows out there before the strike that you actually watched and thought were good.
The point is, I think you are both jumping the gun and trying to put titles on it before we even know what IT is. With all of the time it takes to get production rolling again, of course we're going to get sub-par TV dramas. And having stockpiled almost four months worth of material, of course we're going to get knock-out sketch comedy.
This pop culture limbo we're in is simply the workplace equivalent of the Monday after a holiday weekend (only, the writers have just come back from a four-month weekend). I mean think about it, when you get to work on Monday after having three days off, do you buckle down and immediately put your nose the the grindstone? No. You drink your coffee. You read the paper. You surf the internet. You have to get caught up on all the slacking off so you can start your work day right. Same for the writers. Great new seasons of shows with high expectations don't just happen overnight. And though we may have to wait until fall for the likes of Big Love or Heroes (makes nervous face and questions whether or not it's cool to like Heroes), some of our favorites will be returning to network television as early as this spring. And while there will always be an influx of bad TV, we KNOW these ones will be great:
30 Rock
Return Date: April 10th
Time: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. central
I can't wait to see what crazy antics sketch-comedy diva, Tracy Jordan, has cooked up while this show has been on hiatus. And what ridiculous and unrealistic task will boss, Jack Donaghy ask head writer, Liz Lemon to do this time?
Predicted Grade: A+++

The Office
Return Date: April 10th
Time: Thursday, 8 p.m. central
The show that perfectly mixes comedy and heart. Yeah, it was starting to lose its edge pre-strike when Steve Carell's character started caring about people, but I'm so invested in the characters and the story at this point that I don't even care.
Predicted Grade: A-
Date: THIS Sunday!!!
Time: 10 p.m.
Though it may not be a new season, the fact that Dexter will be the first cable series to air an entire season on network television is amazing. I was shocked when I read that CBS was actually going to carry this show. Of all the cable shows that could have crossed over this is, in my opinion, the most risky.
Predicted Grade: A++
Now, I am as eager as the next guy to start watching brand new episodes of my favorite shows, but let's not rush the writers. Let the Grey's Anatomy crew pump out sub-standard material. The shows I care about need a little time and TLC to get it right - and frankly, I'm willing to wait for it.
Now let's all take a deep breath and remember that it's been less than a month since the writer's strike ended. Two funny episodes of SNL is a start, but does not make TV good again. Let's also remember that bad television shows are not a new phenomenon, as evidenced by the fact that Two and a Half Men (a multiple Emmy Award-winning sitcom) was created well

The point is, I think you are both jumping the gun and trying to put titles on it before we even know what IT is. With all of the time it takes to get production rolling again, of course we're going to get sub-par TV dramas. And having stockpiled almost four months worth of material, of course we're going to get knock-out sketch comedy.
This pop culture limbo we're in is simply the workplace equivalent of the Monday after a holiday weekend (only, the writers have just come back from a four-month weekend). I mean think about it, when you get to work on Monday after having three days off, do you buckle down and immediately put your nose the the grindstone? No. You drink your coffee. You read the paper. You surf the internet. You have to get caught up on all the slacking off so you can start your work day right. Same for the writers. Great new seasons of shows with high expectations don't just happen overnight. And though we may have to wait until fall for the likes of Big Love or Heroes (makes nervous face and questions whether or not it's cool to like Heroes), some of our favorites will be returning to network television as early as this spring. And while there will always be an influx of bad TV, we KNOW these ones will be great:
30 Rock

Time: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. central
I can't wait to see what crazy antics sketch-comedy diva, Tracy Jordan, has cooked up while this show has been on hiatus. And what ridiculous and unrealistic task will boss, Jack Donaghy ask head writer, Liz Lemon to do this time?
Predicted Grade: A+++

The Office
Return Date: April 10th
Time: Thursday, 8 p.m. central
The show that perfectly mixes comedy and heart. Yeah, it was starting to lose its edge pre-strike when Steve Carell's character started caring about people, but I'm so invested in the characters and the story at this point that I don't even care.
Predicted Grade: A-
Date: THIS Sunday!!!
Time: 10 p.m.

Predicted Grade: A++
Now, I am as eager as the next guy to start watching brand new episodes of my favorite shows, but let's not rush the writers. Let the Grey's Anatomy crew pump out sub-standard material. The shows I care about need a little time and TLC to get it right - and frankly, I'm willing to wait for it.
Blarf!!! That typewriter totally helped me get through the morning!!!!
Okay, Lady Amy, you win this round.
remember that show called Baby Talk that was on TGIF for a very short time? the TV version of Look Who's Talking? I think Tony Danza might have been in it as the baby's voice?
just throwing out another example of how TV's been bad for awhile...
also, I've stumbled upon the show Joey exactly three times in my life (twice while flipping through channels and once on an airplane) and each time it was the same episode. my theory is that the show only actually made one episode and aired it for half a season hoping no one would notice/watch the show more than once.
and then there are the standard examples of bad TV like King of Queens or My Wife and know, the ones that show us that all men, regardless of how fat, stupid, lazy, or jerky they are, all marry really thin and pretty, but nagging wives.
it's matter what you look like, if you're a man, it is totally likely that you will marry a really hot wife. however, she will probably not like it when you have any fun, so, even though she's way too hot for you, you won't really like her, and will continue to roll your eyes at her nagging, not appreciate all she does for you, and instead just want to hang out with your buddies and ogle other, equally as hot but not married to you women.
yeah, i hope that is real.
yeah, pig!
also, please tell your friends to take their shoes off when they come over for the game because i am NOT cleaning the carpet TWICE this week!
oh, but i wanted to drink beers. this is unfair. i'm going to call up my high school sweet-heart.
This is quite the trilogy we have accomplished here!
I think the conclusion we have all come to is quite profound:
Some TV is good (like, really good), but a lot of TV is bad (like, really bad).
Kinda like Star Wars:
Some dudes become good (like, really good), but a lot of dudes become bad (like, really bad).
don't think the trilogy is complete yet! look for the prequel on wednesday night...because maybe some tv starts good and goes really bad.
two and a half men always makes me laugh
more importantly though, i really want you all to start watching how i met your mother... sure, it's just a friends clone, but i think it's just as funny as friends was in its prime
when/what network is that on, paal?
How I Met Your Mother? I'm taking back that XBox friends request...
Sike please play Culdcept Saga with me!
Chris: Your Star Wars metaphor was fine without the elaboration. Some of it is really good, and a lot of it is really bad. Me's a con Jar-Jar Binks!
how i met your mother is excellent.
i love when they change the past to be acceptable to children.
cbs, monday nights, bob saget narrates and neil patrick harris is a sexist pig, it's amazing -- i honestly haven't been able to relate so easily to a show since boy meets world -- much like boy meets world, it's sorta cheesy, but it treats the basics of relationships very honestly
watch this episode now:
it's the thanksgiving episode -- it was just on tv again last night, but watch it, it's amazing
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