Tyra Banks vs Twin Peaks

And the flavor of the week? Homelessness! The models posed with real homeless girls at a shelter in New York. Real homeless girls! And I have to say, many of them seemed much more at ease in front of the camera than the models did. One model, of course, knew what it was like to be homeless (whatever that means) and another thought back to her childhood spent in a shelter after coming to America as a Somali refugee. Amidst the same-old sob stories, one contestant stood out. She said that she didn't see the point of buying $2,000 dresses, and (in her own unwitting way) pointed out the irony of having these homeless girls pose in such dresses. (the photographer explained that the contrast between the high fashion and the models portrayed as homeless was a poignant contrast and meant to raise awareness blah blah blah. the fact remains, however, that these high fashion outfits cost more than most families spend on food in a month. but I digress.)
This contestant (her name escapes me, but she was blond) was honest with the judges about thinking that high fashion was somewhat ridiculous, saying that she didn't think buying such expensive clothing was really right, and she decided to go home. Even though she left, metaphorically slapping Tyra in the face by being one of the only girls to tell her that she really had someplace better to be, Tyra still had to wield her power and eliminate some other unmemorable contestant.
It may not be "Twin Peaks," and the only scary thing about it is that I can't seem to stop coming back for more, but it does look like things are shaping for a hot new cycle!
oh wow, i only saw the end of the ep so i was thinking 'who is this crazy girl standing up to tyra?'
but not that it's in context, i see why. that's cool.
what a stupid show. they should have the models pose as murder victims again or whatever the last controversy was.
now that it's in context. i forgot to edit for grammar.
Anyone else in the mood for milkshakes?
Anyone else think this picture of Tyra looks almost as scary as the Twin Peaks photo above? She looks high fashion but kind of old and super muscular at the same time. Creepy!
God I love Twin Peaks. Every time I see Ray Wise as Leland, I pretty much lose all sense of reality and just wish he was my dad. There's nothing weird about that, right?
And yes, the pic of Tyra gives me infinitely more bad feelings than Ray or Grace Zabriskie. I get scared by Twin Peaks in a "this is so screwed up and so fun" way and I get scared by Tyra in a "my tummy feels like there's rotting morality inside it" way. One is clearly worse than the other.
yeah, the picture of tyra was much, much scarier, i thought. because she isn't intentionally creepy...she's just...eeeeeeeee.
and yet i keep coming back for more. is Tyra Banks my own personal Bob????
All Tyra has to do is let her hair down and get some scruff on her face and then she's Bob. Oh wait, maybe Bob is inside of ME?!?!?!? Because I'm SICK?!?!?!?!?!?!?
what's the deal with that show? i saw fire walk with me, one time. and it had bowie in it. and he disappeared, i think.
and there was a lodge with secrets. and some freaky scene at a dirty bar / strip club..
man, that movie was messed.
you should watch the show. i haven't seen the movie yet, but i'm working on finishing season 2 of the series so i can watch the movie. but you should really see the series. from the beginning. it's amazing.
Sean, you totally need to see the show before you watch the movie. Fire Walk With Me is sooo much better if you do. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
i just wanted to share this quote i found from an imdb review of Fire Walk With Me:
"Contains a considerable amount of sex, drugs, violence, very loud music and inexplicable imagery."
Well, considering that it's been about a week since I stopped watching season 2 of "Twin Peaks" and I've only just stopped having visions of Bob running towards me, I actually wouldn't recommend watching the whole series unless you want the same to happen to you. Which is probably the highest praise I can give!
It's nice that I don't see him under my table while I'm teaching anymore, though, or running down every hallway in my apartment building.
You haven't lived until you've let Bob haunt your dreams and more importantly, your reality!
huh, i heard the movie was a prequel to the show made after the show. cause the girl is still alive or something. oh well, i'll look into this TP show.
is the box set expensive?
Unfortunately, yes, but totally worth it. There's also Nerdflix. And I don't remember if anyone has dibs on it next, but you could definitely borrow mine when you and Harry come up for a Blogulator weekend!
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