Counter Counter Counter Point: Tina Fey--Hot?

And, once again, I spent my Wednesday night watching Twin Peaks and America's Next Top Model, one of the best bad/good shows ever.
This week on America's Next Top Model the models get makeovers! The model I like to refer to as "horse-face" (because she has a horse face) got a "horse mane weave" which was invented by Tyra just for her! It was as if I had reached a moment of clarity in my life--I knew she was a horse! I totally called it! While describing her hair style, Tyra even whinnied like a horse. It was beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful moment on America's Next Top Model ever.
The other makeovers were pretty tame; no one really lost her hair and there was not crying. Well, Fatima cried while stylists put in her hair weave, but I would cry too if someone was sewing hair extensions into my scalp. The plus sized contestant is the thinnest plus sized model in Top Model history, so look really hard to pick her out of the crowed!

This week the models posed in lingerie, not much else happened, and the bitchy former anorexic girl was cut. I'm not sure why--apparently she had the worst photo. Also, she was too arrogant? And thought she knew everything about modeling? Well, Tyra had news for her! She didn't know as much as she thought she did, and she was cut. However, when she began to cry, Trya told her not to worry, and said that she would still make it as a model. Perhaps she felt a tinge of guilt for her harshness? Or perhaps this model just didn't have what it takes to be on top.
Always on top: Tina Fey.

Conclusion: Tina Fey= hot. Television=good (even when it's bad).
Labels: Brigitte, celebrities, TV
Full circle! Please let this counter-counter-counter post string continue!!
Haahahaha she plays the typewriter like the accordian!!!
now that it is clear tina fey is hot in a mainstream way, i can't help but say that i'm not as attracted to her anymore.
she sold out.
she didn't sell out...she just embraced her sexy. good for her!
Tina Fey is just surviving, Sean. Vanity Fair had a big article this week all about how female comedians have transitioned from having to be ugly to having to be sexy.
okay, honestly... i had trouble reading your words this time brigitte. could you do me a favor and repost your words without the photos? i'm easily distracted...
that was sort of the point...
you see, the photos were a comment on how women are viewed in our pop culture society; it isn't enough for Tina Fey to be smart, or funny, or a damn fine writer, she has to be hot. it ties in the America's Next Top model, because really, do we look at these photos of Tina Fey any differently? etc.
Were there more photos in your first draft, Blogette? While I was over at the Quallsack household last night, Brigitte said something to the effect of - "there's nowhere for me to type!" because she had imported so many delish Fey photos.
What the blog is she blogging about?
I'm all hot and bloggered!
there were more photos...but the "rules" said that there must be "words" as well in a blog post.
What the blog are you blogging about, Sonic the Hedgeblog?
blog the bounty hunter
the real question: which tina fey picture is hottest?
i vote no. 4.
she looks sorta old in the third one.
and no. 1 is old. (though i generally like the glasses look, those frames are bad).
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