I Don't Laugh at Stand-Up Comedians.

But this is all from the safe proximity of my home in Minnesota. When I took a weekend off to visit the land of egotistical self-loathing, I visited Hollywood's famous The Comedy Store. You might recognize the name of this venue from the short-lived TBS reality program Minding the Store, starring Pauly Shore. Then again, hopefully you don't. Apparently there was an episode that attempted to answer the age old question, "Can hot girls be funny?"
And so I walked into The Comedy Store, high from a nap on the Santa Monica beach and a delicious In-N-Out Burger, fully optimistic and ready to laugh. And so I did. I laughed a lot. Then I returned to my humble unsmogged Minnesotan home, looked for these comedians on YouTube, and got real sad inside.
I laughed? At this guy? Really? And all I was drinking was a cranberry juice? How did I not take a screwdriver to my neck? Well, he wasn't the best. No, let's look for the comedian I remember most fondly...
Better...I guess. Haha, "Big up stool! Respect stool!" Yeah, that's funny. Right? Is it? Why am I thinking so much? I think I might be not laughing simply because I'm thinking too much. Lord knows I didn't think much when I was in LA. Here, let's try this. I'm going to look up the comedian that caused me to stop laughing after my side hurting from laughing at five comedians in a row. Straight up made my face frozen with unfunniness. Maybe back here in MN, I'll think he's funny!
Oh. My. God. I need to take a shower now. Goodbye. Big up Blogulator! Respect!
Are you the girl on the left at the -1:50 mark of the first video? Is anybody going to bother looking that up?
I agree on not liking stand-up. Tracy Morgan visited Georgetown once, and he killed it for me. He tried to do some Eddie Murphy junk instead of just being weird. I guess that's what they all try to do, including me when I tried to write a standup act. Thankfully I got too stagefrought to ever perform and threw all my "what's the deal with roosters being cocks" jokes away.
All that said, I'd totally see a comedian who just did bird jokes.
We waited over 1 1/2 weeks for your new post, and it's a glorified YouTube clip??? Disappointment!!!
i thought amy and i already answered that age-old question....decidedly, yes. hot girls can be HILARIOUS!
whoaaaa there qualler. you're forgetting who saved your ass when you couldn't blog 1.5 weeks ago, aren't you?
i'm sorry, having "teaching conferences" (aka days off) kinda made me want to go lax on the blogging this week and enjoy my time away from responsibilities...(points and laughs).
Explain to me this "responsibility" you speak of.
Also, explain to me if Brigitte's leaving out Nicole in her "hilarious hot girls" response is gonna lead to a super sexy catfight. My tickets are in the Travelocity cart, awaiting an affirmative.
I think that Brigitte was referring to the posts that she and Amy have made; I didn't mention any hilarious sluts in my post. We are obviously all hot, funny girls, but we don't have catfights, per se. But we do fight crime dressed as super sexy cat women...
Oh, no...have I said too much?
Sorry, "sluts" was mean. And I'm not that mean! And just because someone is hot doesn't mean they're a slut (although it's true about all the examples mentioned so far).
I don't know, Nicole, I think you meant sluts, you jerk. I am deeply offended.
Kidding! I think this thread died this weekend.
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