What We're Google Readering: Super Tuna

Kateysagalsopenmind: Now that I'm fully a convert to Sons of Anarchy, I am interested in reading what actress/wife of SoA creator Kurt Sutter has to say about life. If you would have asked me if I thought I'd be into Futurama voice/Married...with Children star Katey Sagal's personal blog thoughts, I'd say "uh...what?" [Qualler]
VH1: "I love where this vampire-obsessed culture is heading next..." says Lady Amy of the new bloodsucker flick called -- err -- Suck starring Henry Rollins, Iggy Pop, and many more currently creepy and formerly relevant rock stars that may indeed already be creatures of the night. [Lady Amy]
Daily Premise: Blogulator tech helper Dave had a guest stint writing updates for these folks, who churn out some of the most hilarious and succinct loglines for hypothetical movies, books, TV shows, or just life scenarios. Of course the one referencing Jurassic Park caught our eye. [Chris]
The Wrap: It's good to know Upright Citizen Brigade is still available in some form for those of us who don't live on the coasts. Here's a younger group of the troupe hypothesizing what it'd be like if The CW brought back Seinfeld like they brought back 90210 and are about to bring back Melrose Place. It's quite funny until the lame ER update teaser at the end. [Qualler]
Hi. Nice To See You: If you haven't been able to tell yet, our friends and readers are awesome. Here's Anita's link to the novelty Twitter page of the week, which is both offensive and hilarious. Always a good combo. I guess I did always wonder how Stevie actually signed, sealed, and delivered those love letters. [Chris]
CNN: Here's an incredulous video news report via CNN -- Tyra shows off her real hair! How brave of her, as Brigitte might say. The very fact that CNN has a man named AJ Hammer reporting news (even if it's just entertainment news) proves that the network is largely a joke. [Qualler]
Minneapolis Fucking Rocks: This week we have Blogulator friend and reader Vogues pointing us to the venerable local music bloggers at MFR, who excitedly announced Minneapolis pop duo Now Now Every Children's invitation to open for Paramore on their upcoming tour! Go local music! [Shared Item 'o the Week]
Labels: Group Post, What We're Google Readering
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