Emmy Liveblog, The Next Day, Via Twitter

Sounds like Neil Patrick Harris is the real winner tonight! Peeps reportedly love him! (Too bad I can't watch it! Feel guilty, Blish Bletwork, for your inability to fix things on the actual day things break?)
Brendan Gleeson and Jessica Lange winning for actor and actress in TV movie/miniseries just proves that one's best way to a major media award is through imitating historical figures (Winston Churchill and Edith Bouvier Beale).
Michael Emerson, aka Ben from Lost, won for Best Supporting Actor in a drama! His hilariously creeptastic acting helped carry the show through its only rough patch in season three. Another winner -- Brigitte and I! For missing any Lost season five spoilers! (Shut up, we haven't seen season five yet.)
Mad Men sweeps up for writing (and Matthew Weiner gave a shout-out to everyone else for the whole "hey, I have total creative control of my show. BOOYAH!" thing he's got going) and for Drama series. What a conundrum for Blogulator best-of voting because Mad Men season two was good, but not as good as In Treatment season two, but that wasn't as good as what has gone on so far in Mad Men season three. How do I vote when Blogulator time periods (calendar year Dec 31 2009) are different than Emmy time periods (fiscal year May 31 2009)?
Glenn Close picked up an Emmy for best actress, which she probs deserves, as much as I love Elizabeth Moss as Peggy Olson in the aforementioned Mad Men. Even when Damages gets too full of plot holes, it's entertaining to watch if only to see Glenn Close act totally insane and intense. If there were an ensemble acting award, Mad Men should win. Oh yeah, that's the Screen Actors Guild awards, right?
Bryan Cranston won his second straight best actor Emmy for Breaking Bad. Must...finally...watch...the first two seasons...
Semi-disappointed (but not really surprised) that Generation Kill, in a category with only one other miniseries, lost to PBS' Little Dorrit. It's hard to hate on sumpin' you haven't seen, but I'm assuming Little Dorrit was more pleasant than the violent, hard-to-keep-track-of-the-similar-looking-characters of Generation Kill. Poor Iceman.
Meanwhile, being a really cool president is cool and all, but Cherry Jones don't hold no candle to In Treatment's Hope Davis (although I believe Allison Pill should have gotten the nom for her heartwringing acting in the still-unmatched-for-the-year second season of IT).
Does anybody think that last season of 30 Rock was really the best comedy series of the year? Sure a few funny eps here and there but mostly inconsistent. I guess The Office actually deserved it more last year. Even moreso than Flight of the Conchords, mayhaps. Yes...I just went there...a show on NBC gets more love from me than a show on HBO.
On the other hand, NBC be a bunch of losers after Tina Fey zinged 'em for thanking them for keeping the show on the air despite costing more money to make than a talk show (i.e. The Jay Leno Show.)
On the other hand, NBC be a bunch of losers after Tina Fey zinged 'em for thanking them for keeping the show on the air despite costing more money to make than a talk show (i.e. The Jay Leno Show.)
Weird stuff
Wait, so there's actually a category for best song in a TV show? And Hugh Jackman won for a song in the Oscars? Over an SNL Digital Short? This has to have been the most meta moment in Emmy history.
"I Will Remember You" by Sarah Maclaughlin was sung over the In Memoriam montage. I guess that's not so weird, but...kinda seems a little too Dawson's Creek-ey for the occasion, dontcha think?
The guy who directed the last episode of ER won for best directing. Seems like this award is the "Hey, it's old and we haven't given this award to this show in a while and this is our last chance" of the night, much like the "Hey, Derek Jeter never won an MVP and he's old so he should win" arguments. (Duh, Joe Mauer is so the MVP, future voters of the MLB MVP award.)
Apparently there is a public-voted Emmy now for "Breakthrough" something-something. True Blood won. Hey, I didn't know the Emmys became the Peoples' Choice Awards.
Maybe the weirdest part is that people are saying this year's Emmys were mostly entertaining, highly watchable, and funny. Of course, it would be the one awards show that I am unable to view.
Crikey! We would have invited you guys over to watch if we knew that you couldn't even watch regular TV without your satellite. Sorry!
It was moderately entertaining, thanks to NPH making fun of himself, Jon Cryer, and the Emmys. And he popped up as Dr. Horrible, which was cute.
The highlight, though, I hate to admit, was Jimmy Fallon's very obvious yet very funny use of Autotune while presenting an award. It was awesome. Yes, I'm growing to like the jackass.
I forgot about the emmys and instead watched penn and teller on youtube! What a waste of my pop-culture quota!
Maybe a different topic but does anyone watch network tv anymore? I suppose I forgot about the emmys because we never watch whatever channel it was on so didn't see any promos to remind us to tune in. Plus, isn't Neil Patrick Harris technically gay? (mentioned for Brigitte's sake.)
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