Stars: They're Nothing Like Us (Rick Steves Edition)

Jessica Simpson Caught the Travel Bug Too

Violence is Never the Answer
Speaking of idioms probably used by Rick Steves, here's a great story about sticks and stones, etc., etc. Perez Hilton got "attacked" this week by a Black Eyed Peas manager in Toronto. I'm sure a lot of people in Hollywood are pissed off by Perez Hilton. He's whiny, annoying, over-the-top, self-righteous, vindictive, and so on. But as angry as he makes you, it is important to remain in control, because if you lash out you know he's going to be really really whiny about it. Remember: you are the adult in this situation. And he's kind of right, violence is never the answer, because some people will twitter until the police come at the thought of a fist fight. Here's a perfect example of why not to engage Perez Hilton in a fight:
***Rick Steves Warning: "Ooooh, be careful with this one here. There's a coupla f-bombs dropping. Plus, you always gotta watch out when you invoke the ratha God. Here we go with part two of the interview."***
So what can we gather from these videos? Well,
1. Perez Hilton has a little trouble remembering his own name
2. He thinks that it is customary to use air quotes or raise his voice when he uses words from the urban dictionary, like "agro," to describe his own run-ins with minorities.
3. Fergie is a musician AND a baseball player
4. Perez Hilton is a very functional shock victim
5. could have a very successful career as a bounty hunter
6. "Victim of violence" is a lot looser term than I had thought
7. When law enforcement fails, you must turn to the one thing that will protect you -- Twitter
8. If you tweet an emergency at 3:30 a.m. and you are a celebrity, people will be awake and they will call 911 for you
Now we can all have a Rick Steves chuckle at this misunderstanding. Next time you're in Toronto, get off the beaten path and hang out with the locals instead of that music awards show after party - and make sure you wear your money belt!
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, Stars: They're Nothing Like Us
Oh my I couldn't get through more than a minute of those videos. 11 minutes?!?!!?
I also have never watched more than a couple minutes of a Rick Steves show, but the man is oddly hypnotic and I always have to shake myself out of it a little bit to change the channel.
In addition to being gay, that Hilton guy is really gay. I also clicked to the AP story and am glad they explained that "f*****" is a gay slur. It's interesting that that was the worst thing he could say to
Plus his real name is much better than his gay name. I guess it's like picking your confirmation name? If you become a celebrity you get to pick out a new gay name?
wow, could you have said "gay" any more times in that comment?
Since our discussion on Sunday, it's stuck in my mind. Like when you told me to get you a drink, any drink, just not Sprite, and I brought back Sprite.
i mean, could you have said "gay" any more times than the article did, of course.
Speaking of gay, I just learned that "my gay boyfriend" is the new saying to describe the lifestyle of "fag hags" from the new The Hater podcast:,29416/
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