Today's Top 40 Spectrum: The K-K-K-K Took My Sadness Away

"Knock You Down" by Keri Hilson (feat. Kanye West & Ne-Yo): Blogulator friend, commenter, and occassional guest poster Molly emailed me a link to this song weeks ago, before it finally hit the top 20 on Twin Cities Top 40 radio and back then I couldn't wait until it finally caught on here. I knew it was only a matter of time, really, what with the reverse-Brandy & Monica "The Boy is Mine" set-up and intensely warm and dramatic production work. Kanye has a lot of zingers too; from "tell me now can you make it past your Caspers? / so we can finally fly off into NASA" to "this is bad, real bad Michael Jackson / now I'm mad, real mad Joe Jackson," Mr. West proves he may actually have been better when he was twisting phonemes and crafting illogical metaphors than when he discovered 8-bit analog synths and Autotune. I mean I love that stuff too, but frealz, the man's rhyming delivery is incomparably awesome and hilarious, especially when he's having fun and acting.

"Waking Up In Vegas" by Katy Perry: And so we are left with Perry herself as the final "K" in this post's title. Right now, having listened to the much-more-rocking-than-usual single only a few times, I can already tell it's going to be grower. It's not outstanding nor is it insipid (the video tells a cute-enough story in a way that fondly recollects story-telling pop music videos of the 90s). It's just fine. But in a way that feels good instead of just meh. It's a cathartic song minus the screaming-in-the-rain self-actualization moment or any kind of incendiary orgasm of cleverly mapped-out production. Perry has stepped down from the pedestal of shock (or even the ADD jingle "Hot 'N Cold", which I like) and created just a glossy pop-rock song with a capable guitar lick underlining a straight-line chorus belt-out. This is the expected step from an artist who had slambang success the first couple times and it might sink her career, but I like the calmed down Perry. I can almost forgive her for "I Kissed A Girl". Almost.

"The Climb" by Miley Cyrus: I was ready to put this song at the bottom of this month's rankings until I fast-forwarded to the final minute-and-a-half. Even if it's not totally worth it, it's at least fascinating and refreshing enough (though the titular metaphor I'm sure helped convince the record execs to let it happen) to hear a Top 40 song with linear production work rather than the usual circular verse-chorus build-release convention. Stick with it though (or just fast-forward like I can't keep myself from doing each time I listen) and you'll find a synthetic symphonic cacophony of plastic intensity in that climax that is (if only just a tiny bit) worth the wait/fragmented listening experience. The percussion is especially crash-tastic, even if the lyrics and Miley's flatline conveyance are pure trash (and not in a good way).
"Goodbye" by Kristinia DeBarge: More like Kristinia DeGarbage. That old Steam song she's sampling ("Na na na nah / hey hey hey / goooodbyyyyeee") wasn't fun the first time it was played at that Milwaukee Bucks game I attended at age 8 and there's no way, even with Babyface himself behind the mixing board, that it will ever be fun again. It doesn't just suck, it sucks my soul. It rips it from my being, throws hot nacho cheese on its face, decorates it with cheerleader pom-pom plastic stringy things, and makes it wear stilettos. My soul belongs inside me, warm and listening to any of the songs above, not this one. Go away and stay, Miss DeBarge.
Labels: chris, music, Today's Top 40 Spectrum
All right, I realize I'm the only one who listens to this trash, but in case you're interested, I added Lala widgets so y'allz can add your two cents more easily.
Haha hey I actually kinda like "How to Save a Life" if only because it's like an AOR good version of Creeper Lagoon's pop masterpiece "The Way It Goes". Can't say I like the new Fray song better than that one, Christoph! Sorry!
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