The Island of Online Miscreants: Lost on IMDb

I have officially spent approximately 62 hours of my life in the past year or so watching the first four seasons of Lost via's online streaming episode player. That alone leaves me with a fair amount of shame about my inability to a) be productive, b) go outside, and c) remain the stubborn self I once was, proclaiming the show to be severely overrated, noodly and convoluted, poorly acted with obnoxiously high production values, and the list of miscast insults goes on. With free streaming at my fingertips and a reluctant desire to find out what the fuss was about, I marched through about 4-5 episodes until I was officially hooked into Lost's tentacles. Sitting here typing alone in the dark after finally finishing the Season 4 finale, opening up my calculator application to come up with that attention getting statistic, I ever so briefly sunk into the notion that I had wasted a gooey hunk of my life with this program. Then I remembered the emotionally catastrophic characters, absurd plot twists, mesmerizing chronology bending, and general WTF entertainment value that made it all worth it. Plus, I finally gave in and Googled "Lost theories" in addition to my habitual check of the IMDb message board and realized there's so many more people wasting so much more time than I, so I exhaled rather triumphantly. Enjoy the very real subject lines for threads about Lost at its IMDb page, along with commentary from someone who has finally caught himself up on one of television's most satisfying (read: magnanimously convoluted) shows...
***I don't mean to ostracize anyone, but hella spoilers follow below. You've been warned.***

"Every Epsiode Ranked Best To Worst": This is a ridiculous exercise, misspelled or not, but someone had to do it, right? Obviously, the Season 3 finale is probably the best ever, if only because of Charlie's angelic swan song and the clever fakeout introduction of the flashforward. I actually believe it was seeing this episode out of context that made me give the show a second chance. I remember getting severely ticked off when the polar bear came up in the first couple episodes when I first gave Lost a chance, and now I'm realizing that after four seasons, we still only know a couple things about the polar bears. Dammit. Anyway, totally free associating here, but I also love the episodes where Jin becomes a changed man and not a sexist controlling jackwad, where Sawyer kills Sawyer/Anthony Cooper, where Michael kills Anna Lucia, where we find out Libby was in the mental hospital with Hurley, where Anthony Cooper steals Locke's kidney, where we find out Jin's dead/not on the island through the flashback/flashforward combo, and when Desmond says "brother" like a million times during his semi-lame time travel episode.

"If You Could Remove 1 Item Of Clothing From 1 Character...": Now we're talking. However, if we're talking celebrity fantasy in a dark nasty corner of the Internet where no one's looking, I don't see why we need to limit ourselves to one piece of clothing. That sounds like a minimalism fetish. No thanks, let's max it out baby. Well, I know she was on the show for only about two episodes, but Naomi is clearly a million times more attractive than Kate, Juliet, and Claire combined. Also, Charlotte's looking pretty good now too - I'm rooting for nerdy Farady to whisk her away after helping her "learn" more about her "homeland," if you catch my drift. Maybe I am just a sucker for that British accent. Miles acknowledged the power of the accent when he explained why he was concerned about Naomi's well being when he clearly cared about no one pretty emphatically. And Claire, while cute as a button, has quite the whiny Australian thing going on. Malewise, Jack is soggy tofu and Sawyer is red meat that's just a tad too red. Figure it out yourself. Sayid's man-locks aren't to my liking and Desmond's just a guy I wanna say "brother" to all night long. Hmm, I supposed Mr. Eko is right up my alley...ooh and Richard.

My Lost theory is that Desmond wasn't joking when he called everyone "brother"...everyone actually IS his brother. I know that doesn't solve anything, but if it makes things more complicated, then it's in the spirit of the show!
There's so much about this show that I want to discuss, but I don't want to give anything away either. So I will just say a few things that don't spoil anything: Claire is hot, and...actually that's all I have right now. Claire is hot.
I can't wait until you write a similar post about Dexter!
I think this post's concept was perhaps your best yet. Who doesn't love IMDB?? Well done!
Oh, and Richard > Claire > Kate > Everyone Else > Naomi on the remove one article of clothing scale.
I love imdb threads. In fact, I might totally stop watching television or movies and just read about them on imdb via the threads.
(Restrains himself from getting into a Dexter argument.)
What's wrong with Naomi?!?!?!?!?
I guess if you like nasally whiners, Claire is all yours. Have fun with that.
One year ago you would have just typed "(Restrains himself from getting into a Lost argument.)" Funny, huh?
You baiter! Soooo untrue. One year ago I hadn't given Lost three chances (I had only attempted it once) whereas at our current point in time, I HAVE given Dexter three chances. NO MORE DEXTER FIGHTS!
Dexter rocks! Chris sux! How's that for baiting?
what about those eps where claire has black hair in the flashbacks?
Oh man! Remember when the Claire's psychic put her on that plane because she had to be the one to take care of her baby!? And now she's NOT taking care of her baby! What's going to happen!?
I swear I didn't do that on purpose. I think I may be stuck in a timeloop. Like the lost island.
Remember the shark with the Dharma logo on it?
Remember the episode where the chain clanking noise accompanied the smoke monster and we thought we were gonna get answers?
Remember the numbers? (They were only teh focus of two seasons.)
Remember when they first found the hatch???
Good show...?
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