Been a real pop culture bum lately..
That's right, in the two weeks since I last blogged at you I've consumed very little in the way of fresh pop culture poppings. I'm a total pop culture bum.
Why have I seen and heard so little lately?
1. Summer TV is terrible
Oh, dear, nothing is worse than summer TV. The networks are a hopeless wasteland of reruns and reality programming and it's hardly my cup of tea. America's Got Talent??? I don't care. Searching for a brand new comedian? Keep searching, cause the people you find probably suck.
I'll be honest, unlike my fellow bloguteers, I do not subscribe to any form of advanced/enhanced/romanced TV. I get straight up no-frills broadcast. Summer for me doesn't mean a fresh HBO series or watching Top Gun on TBS three times a day. Nope, it means avoiding network TV like the plague and secretly hoping for this little gem to appear on Reading Rainbow as I browse in vain for quality programming.
2. Sports?
No, not the Huey Lewis and the News album. Actual sports! I'm being athletic. Better watch out
nerds... I've been playing tennis a few times a week. Now, I'm no Andre McEnroe or Martina Kourikova, but I can play pretty swell sometimes. Plus it makes me feel healthy. Go health! By the way, that HLatN album cover is easily one of my top ten favs. Just look at that sweet thin-tie action. Yikes!
3. Movies are hard to see
Between my two days a week internship in the state capitol and my love of video games, I barely get a chance to catch the latest blockbusters in theatres. And because I'm such a stickler for only seeing movies in theatres during the opening week (or not until DVD release/at all) I haven't seen a film in theatres since IJatKotCS. Okay, not a great acronym.
4. Music!
I'm behind on music, too! The new Coldplay came out today and I haven't even downloaded it online yet. I saw the iTunes commercial with the song in it and woooow, it sounds like it could be magic. Hopefully C.Martin and the boys really knocked it out of the park. My expectations are set. Any early listeners? Your thoughts? Does it live the vida loca?
Oh, I guess I took in a concert the other weekend. My little sister was in town and she had a spare ticket for the Kooks. They're this simple sounding Brit-rock quartet out of Brighton. The show wasn't half bad. The openers looked like they were 14-years old but they sounded pretty slick. I believe they were the Morning Benders out of Berkeley, CA. And the Kooks themselves were pretty rocking, too. They played all but one of the catchy songs off the first album, and thankfully they didn't play too much of the bilge off their latest release. Plus it was at one of those Milwaukee venues where they serve tall-boy PBRs. Rock'n'roll!
Why have I seen and heard so little lately?
1. Summer TV is terrible

I'll be honest, unlike my fellow bloguteers, I do not subscribe to any form of advanced/enhanced/romanced TV. I get straight up no-frills broadcast. Summer for me doesn't mean a fresh HBO series or watching Top Gun on TBS three times a day. Nope, it means avoiding network TV like the plague and secretly hoping for this little gem to appear on Reading Rainbow as I browse in vain for quality programming.
2. Sports?
No, not the Huey Lewis and the News album. Actual sports! I'm being athletic. Better watch out

3. Movies are hard to see
Between my two days a week internship in the state capitol and my love of video games, I barely get a chance to catch the latest blockbusters in theatres. And because I'm such a stickler for only seeing movies in theatres during the opening week (or not until DVD release/at all) I haven't seen a film in theatres since IJatKotCS. Okay, not a great acronym.
4. Music!

Oh, I guess I took in a concert the other weekend. My little sister was in town and she had a spare ticket for the Kooks. They're this simple sounding Brit-rock quartet out of Brighton. The show wasn't half bad. The openers looked like they were 14-years old but they sounded pretty slick. I believe they were the Morning Benders out of Berkeley, CA. And the Kooks themselves were pretty rocking, too. They played all but one of the catchy songs off the first album, and thankfully they didn't play too much of the bilge off their latest release. Plus it was at one of those Milwaukee venues where they serve tall-boy PBRs. Rock'n'roll!
I assume that the Blogulator staff will be choreographing their own Teamwork routine?
omg.. that'd make my dream work.
Can this routine PLEASE be the first "official" entry to Sean's Apartment (but not really an apartment, a house)?
p.s. Even though I didn't vote for you, I still loved your There Will Be Blood dance.
i'm still pretty sore about that voting treachery.
it looks like i'll be losing for the 4th straight week tonight..
on the plus side i'll probably post a B-side movie that i made for this week but didn't submit. in a way, it's actually funnier.
p.s. Update! i listened to the new coldplay on the drive to work today and it's pretty cool so far.
Nice! I genuinely love the title track, I'm excited to hear the rest of the album. I hope it doesn't mostly suck like X&Y.
X&Y is a gem! there's a lot of solid stuff on that album. what's not to like? sure, the middle is a bit weak, but c'mon, over half that album rocks my socks.
High five for not having cable/satellite TV! You just need to find a Milwaukee version of Qualler and Brigitte, who let you sleepover at their house and watch their DVR.
I haven't listened to X&Y since it came out, but I just remember being bored by it. I would like to listen to the new one though - Brian Eno produced!
That picture you posted is the primary reason why 99% of British pop/rock music is completely forgettable.
Oh man, British pop/rock is great! Much better than most American pop/rock -- Supergrass > Panic at the Disco. At the very least, British pop rockers probably drink more beer and watch more Futbol.
I wasn't a big fan of X&Y other than when Chris Martin sang "Fix You" with Ricky Gervais on Extras.
Ahem, Chris, now that I know why you really want to sleep over, maybe we won't let you sleep over so often, moocher!
Two clips from that episode of Extras!
I think we've set up a fair system. You take music from my computer when I sleepover, I get to watch The Soup. Plus you get the awesome liberty of not having to be raped by Comcast just for Internet every month.
I've never been able to get into Supergrass. All bands like that are so much more about looking cool and cocky with a guitar (not that Panic!'s any different, but at least emo bands have catchy hooks and ridiculous crescendos). The only Brit pop/rock guys I've really ever gotten behind are Pulp and Blur, because at least those bands had something interesting to say, either lyrically or sonically.
I'd much rather listen to mediocre stuff that sounds British than mediocre stuff that sounds annoying like Panic, but that's neither here nor there.
Haha alright, you make a point about sleepovers. Wait, uh, I mean, we don't have sleepovers! The Blogulator staff isn't actually made up of 12 year old girls! Right...right. in return for the sleepovers and cable, mark gets music from your computer. what do i get, huh? WHAT DOES BRIGITTE GET??? and after i slave over cookies and cakes for you boys... :(
Haha near as I've been able to tell, he puts the music on YOUR computer, actually. So, really, it's your music. What does MARK get? He's even doing all the work FOR you!
Yeah! What do I get is the real question, Brigitte!!!
hahah, when i see pictures of cliche brit-rockers i just want to go "oi, roighto".
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