I'm not talking the kind of summer fling where you fall so madly in love in a mere two weeks and suddenly have to say goodbye to her. Where even though that ivy down by the main lodge gave you that wicked rash, you just wanted to stay at camp forever - but then kablamo she had to head back to Peoria, you had to start middle school, and both of you had to hang up your French name tags once and for all. "Goodbye Claude," she whispered in your ear as the canoe symbolically tipped over in slow motion and you feigned drowning for a couple minutes. No, this is the kind of summer fling where no dream girl in any capacity goes to that lame French immersion camp with you. In fact, the only kind of companionship you have is with a kid named Mathieu who refuses to wash his hair in the lake like everyone else and punches you in your sleep because you ate a stray Toblerone that you swore was yours. Thusly, I present to you a small taste of what new programs I am dreading the most and what I am looking forward to ruining my summer nights with the most...
Dreading Hardcore: Reality shows that resemble freakshows, other reality shows that have both failed and succeeded in the past, and shows from my childhood before they were called reality shows.
Celebrity Circus [NBC] commercials plagued
Last Comic Standing (I was in a grading stupor, don't judge me!) tonight and every one of them showed Greg from
The Brady Bunch (or Peter, I don't know) falling off a trapeze in a new dramatic angle. Pass.
Denise Richards: It's Complicated and
Living Lohan [E!] continue with the Scott Baio/Kim Kardashian trend while I just watch
Starship Troopers and
Mean Girls instead. And finally,
Greatest American Dog [CBS] recalls that competitive canine show that was on The Family Channel (before it was ABC Family) when I was little - anyone remember what I'm talking about? This one I might watch at least once just to see adorable puppies, which is why everyone else will watch it, and then we will inevitably get some crossover like
Dancing With American Next Top Greatest Dog, which will be legitimately awesome and I will watch much more than just one episode of. But until then...more insufferable reality program to begin this summer:
Million Dollar Password, Legally Blonde The Musical:The Search for Elle Woods, Wipeout, Dance Machine, High School Musical: Summer Session, Wanna Bet?, Jingles.
Yeah I'll Watch That. I'll Hate It, But I'll Watch It While Also Semi-Shamefully Eating Brownie Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream: While the Peter Brady Swinging Like a Middle-Aged Monkey ads were total downers, the ads for
Fear Itself [NBC] got me closer to stoked than any other upcoming summer show. It's
Are You Afraid of the Dark? for grown-ups! Or
The Twilight Zone for the inept modern generation! Either way, both respectable directors (Mary Harron of
American Psycho, John Freaking Carpenter of
Halloween) and reprehensible ones (Ronny Yu of
Bride of Chucky, Ernest Dickerson of
Demon Knight) are helming episodes of the show - the first in a long time where a separate story with separate characters will be told with each week. No, it definitely won't be scary, suspenseful, or any good, but one thing I can unequivocally and positively say about it is that I
will watch it. I will also watch
Swingtown [CBS], which is basically that 70s mini-series from a few years back except in episodic form, probably with self-contained plots (it's CBS after all) that will feel forced, rushed, and vomity. Speaking of vomity,
The Baby Borrowers [NBC] and
I Survived a Japanese Game Show [ABC] are two reality shows I will actually try to watch and I am fully ready to admit it. The first's tagline is "It's Not TV, It's Birth Control" and gives babies to teenage couples who think they're ready to rear children. Clearly they're just ready to be on TV, but I'll play along and think of my students as I miss them and mock them throughout the summer. The second is self-explanatory and if you've wasted time on YouTube watching clips of crazy nonsensical Japanese game shows, you know why this show will be interesting for at least one episode. I'd also watch these if I had infinite time and/or the SciFi Channel:
Celebrity Family Feud,
Charlie Jade.
Pssst the whole list of premiere dates for new summer programming is available via Metacritic
here. Check it out and let's talk in the comments about what you're interested in sacrificing sweet sweet outdoor time for this summer!
Labels: chris, TV
This entry was posted by chris, on
Thursday, May 29, 2008.
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Are You Afraid of the Dark? are you serious? amazing!
also, did you really go to a french immersion camp as a child?
I know! I can't wait, even though movies like Saw have most certainly ruined what people might expect (and thusly what producers might create) for a horror TV show...
French immersion camp is to this day in my top 3 most memorable/traumatizing elements of my youth....right up there with church camp.
The writers' strike is hitting this summer's television pretty hard -- no Big Love this summer! -- so I am mostly sad. But I would most def give this Fear Itself a try. I'm excited about the HBO miniseries written by David Simon and Ed Burns and featuring Ziggy from The Wire, though (Generation Kill) and HBO is also having a summer documentary series with new original docs every Monday night, starting with June 9th's Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired which should be scandalous. Who doesn't love a little pedophilia?
My worst summer camp memory included my Vacation Bible School outside when I was playing in wet grass with some frogs and a counselor came and yelled at me. I was sad!
How could Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal not make your list of things to watch??!!! Looks awesome.
I loved summer camp. I went with the Girl Scouts in the 5th grade and I was the best swimmer in the whole camp. There was one girl in my cabin, though, who was kind of older and talked a lot about sex and it made me really nervous.
Or Secret Life of a Call Girl?!
Sorry, I tried to cover just network TV, since some of us don't have cable!!!! I also can't wait for Generation Kill - The Qualler/Brigitte DVR will be getting some serious Polley action this summer. (cue crowd yelling "moooooch!")
To be honest, I can't think of one show I plan on watching this summer. I'll be too busy rewatching my illegal copy of Sex and the City.
OMG the Pioneer Press (one of the big Twin Cites papers) had a front page article today about the SATC movie and the whole story was basically detailing suburban housewives' night out.
Front Page!
Welcome to print "journalism" of the 21st century, Amy!
Well, I must say I don't like this new-fangled "journalism!" Back in my day.....
Item! There's a big EW write-up on Swingtown that actually makes it look pretty genius -- it was apparently pitched to HBO and Showtime before CBS came in and said they'd do it, with HBO and Showtime turning it down only because they both already had some relationship / sex type dramas going. It's taping on our DVR against Fear Itself!
I also would be down for watching Season One of "Mad Men" before Season Two premieres in late July.
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