the top 40 albums caused by the mid-90s alt-rock explosion.

maybe you've been brainwashed too
hit single: "you get what you give"
$2.79 on amazon
trust me, they'll get better as the countdown goes on. but while there are a lot of crap 90s albums that had only one song i really got into (chumbawamba, deep blue something), i never got emotionally connected to "tubthumper" or "breakfast at tiffany's." wow i'm already infinitely embarrassed and i'm not even done talking about the freaking new radicals. but anyway, this jason mraz precursor singer guy with a shit-eating grin on his face and gilligan cap jumps around a mall and razzes on beck, hanson, courtney love, and marilyn manson all within 12 measures. that's terrible, i know. it kind of ruined hearing malkmus razz on stp and smashing pumkins on "range life" when i finally heard that song about 5 years too late. but there's something about the carefree chorus in this single that makes me act like a priss who just wants to smile all the time and have a good time. most angst i had as an adolescent was exacerbated by listening to faux-angry/depressed faux-rock pop songs, but when i finally heard new radicals as a sophomore in high school, i may have already treated it as a guilty pleasure, but i secretly used it whenever i was feeling down, and it always picked me up. it's impossible to make it through this entire record though. absolutely terrible. key non-single tracks: someday we'll know, technicolor lover
now i'm obsessing over --> "summersend" by misha

hit single: "possum kingdom"
$3.86 on amazon
speaking of angst, that's totally what i thought this was back when the term "pixies redux" was greek to me. i specifically remember saying to my friend brad in the 6th grade that "i love that toadies album because it's angry, but not like metallica." oh boy do i remember being scared of metallica. and yes, you can go ahead and laugh at the 6th grade version of me for thinking that toadies were like totally hard rock. that southern twang somehow didn't turn me off either - i blame my mother listening to country radio whenever i was in the car and me eventually getting used to it and my brother blasting reverend horton heat from the basement. but seriously, can i talk about how i sang so loud and jumped around so much in my room while listening to "possum kingdom" on repeat? i had no idea what he was singing about, but i thought it was really messed up and creepy, and that guitar riff/chord progression made me want to hone my air guitar skills as i blasted my stereo and got ready for the day at like 10 a.m. in the summertime, expending my awkward phase energy before i settled down to watch the price is right. oh, and i guarantee guitar hero 2 is the only reason this costs more than $0.01 on amazon now. key non-single tracks: backslider, i come from the water
now i'm obsessing over --> "just what i needed" by scout niblett
I always try to listen to the New Radicals cd and I just never get in the mood. Its a great cd, but its time in my life has past, sadly. Much like every Our Lady Peace cd, brilliant but unlistenable nowadays.
You know what, Chris? You have too much shame. There should be no such thing as a "guilty pleasure". If it gives you pleasure, then what are you guilty of? Being delighted? That's hardly a punishable offense! The verdict is in, and the jury says that you should like what you like and not feel guilty about anything!
a guilty pleasure (in my opinion) is defined not by others' perceptions of the art in question, but by my own mixed emotions regarding the art in question. do i get joy out of the new radicals? of course. do i get the shivers and kind of want to throw up because when i listen to the new radicals? of course. you can like and not like something at the same time for different reasons. and you should, otherwise one's taste in art doesn't really progress i don't think. plus it's more fun.
2 at a time up to 40? Wow. I'll check back when I can FINALLY grow a beard.
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