The Top 10 Guilty Pleasures of 2005
qualler and i scribbled on cocktail napkins, incited life-threatening arguments and played wicked decisive games of rochambeau to bring you our first list regarding 2005. and now, without further ado, we present to you...
TEN: flightplan
why we feel guilty: because it will be eternally known as "just panic room in the sky" and no one liked panic room either.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because jodie is the hottest actress of all time. (qualler MAY not agree with me here, but i'm the one blogging, so EAT IT sucka.)
NINE: coldplay - "fix you"
why we feel guilty: "i hate how much the breakdown part makes me want to cry a little bit." -qualler. (he's serious).
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: hey, it's still better than new u2.
EIGHT: taradise
why we feel guilty: because underneath all that hilarious alcoholism, plastic surgery flab, and grossly hoarse voice is a real person.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: haha! she's ALWAYS drunk!
SEVEN: jack's mannequin - "the mixed tape"
why we feel guilty: exquisitely cheesy post-post-emo pop from the lead singer of something corporate? of COURSE i'm interested!
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: "it's the most honest form of music." -wipert.
SIX: that xmas coke commercial with the penguins and polar bears.
why we feel guilty: because ice-cold coca-cola is not a logical holiday beverage.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: ADORABLE! fuck.
FIVE: gorillaz - "feel good, inc."
why we feel guilty: "it's sad that anything associated with a leading member of blur has to be considered a guilty pleasure." -qualler.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: it's impossible to not dance to this song. that bassline if funkin' cracking.
FOUR: making fun of death cab for cutie
why we feel guilty: because for a long time, they were genuinely our favorite band. and this makes us feel bad, regardless of how awful plans is.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because they released plans. FUCK.
THREE: kanye west - "gold digger (feat. jamie foxx)"
why we feel guilty: qualler says it rocks him to hard. i say i hate jamie foxx. we're both right.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: seriously, it would be awesome to have this as the recessional song at my wedding someday.
TWO: house of wax
why we feel guilty: because i actually considered having this on my top 10 movies of 2005 list.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because i actually considered having this on my top 10 movies of 2005 list.
ONE: hilary duff - "beat of my heart"
why we feel guilty: n/a
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: too obvious to type. just go listen already.

why we feel guilty: because it will be eternally known as "just panic room in the sky" and no one liked panic room either.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because jodie is the hottest actress of all time. (qualler MAY not agree with me here, but i'm the one blogging, so EAT IT sucka.)

why we feel guilty: "i hate how much the breakdown part makes me want to cry a little bit." -qualler. (he's serious).
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: hey, it's still better than new u2.

why we feel guilty: because underneath all that hilarious alcoholism, plastic surgery flab, and grossly hoarse voice is a real person.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: haha! she's ALWAYS drunk!

why we feel guilty: exquisitely cheesy post-post-emo pop from the lead singer of something corporate? of COURSE i'm interested!
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: "it's the most honest form of music." -wipert.

why we feel guilty: because ice-cold coca-cola is not a logical holiday beverage.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: ADORABLE! fuck.

why we feel guilty: "it's sad that anything associated with a leading member of blur has to be considered a guilty pleasure." -qualler.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: it's impossible to not dance to this song. that bassline if funkin' cracking.

why we feel guilty: because for a long time, they were genuinely our favorite band. and this makes us feel bad, regardless of how awful plans is.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because they released plans. FUCK.

why we feel guilty: qualler says it rocks him to hard. i say i hate jamie foxx. we're both right.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: seriously, it would be awesome to have this as the recessional song at my wedding someday.

why we feel guilty: because i actually considered having this on my top 10 movies of 2005 list.
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: because i actually considered having this on my top 10 movies of 2005 list.

why we feel guilty: n/a
why it's actually good and we're just snobs: too obvious to type. just go listen already.
Labels: chris, Top 10 List
Well done, gents. Can't wait for the other lists.
oh yeah and house of wax is actually genius. lots of commentary on desensitization upon 2nd viewing. quite remarkable actually. i highly encourage watching it again. they crawl out of their own movie poster!
yeah and it's the perfect bad horror movie. they crawl out of their own movie poster!
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