Pretentious Movie Alert: A Serious Man

(*)I hereby have erased the Twins being swept out of the first round of the playoffs from my memory and instead will remember the time the Twins won the division in the one-game playoff in 2009...and then the season ended happily ever after. It's just better that way.
Man is, on the surface, about a man who is has some crappy luck. His wife is leaving him for his best friend, his son is distant, his daughter wants money for a nose job, his brother is a mooch and a screw-up who drains his cysts in his bathroom, his neighbors are gun-toting deer hunters, a student simultaneously bribes and blackmails him, and his tenure track is in constant danger at work. With all of these things going on in his life, he starts to try to make sense of them by going to visit his rabbi, who is not terribly helpful in helping him answer these quandries of life. All of this is set to the backdrop of an opening vignette in which a man who may or may not be a ghost is banished from a couple's home.

(**)Maybe this was only hilarious to me because of its obvious "hey, this movie is based in Minnesota, and nobody in Minnesota knows how to be honest and direct in conversation because they're passive-aggressive wimps." Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
But in many ways, this is the Coen Bros most profound. Although the film kinda rambles on for a long time with scene after scene of Gopnik being humiliated, seemingly without any kind of message, the closing 10 minutes are like a hammer against your skull (or, if we're talking Fargo, an arm into a wood-chipper). I won't spoil anything, but suffice to say you will be initially weirded out, then creeped out, then sad, then reeling in what a brilliant conclusion they brought to us. It's heavy stuff for a film that's in some ways non-stop awkward comedy (but then, maybe it's not.)
The question, then, that is raised is this: do the Coen Bros believe that God exists? Is this film their definitive statement that religion is pointless? These are points that I believe are meant to be debated upon watching this. My view: I don't see it as an anti-church, anti-God scribe, but rather a wicked assessment that we as humans have no control over anything that happens in our life. The way that this idea is subtly carried through in such an entertaining film is a revelation and, quite possibly, Qualler's film of the year.
Labels: Movies, Pretentious Movie Alert, qualler
Ethan Coen = Ingmar
Joel Coen = Bergman
Love love LOVED it!
For philosophical argument's sake: I don't think it was so much saying that we as humans can't control anything as much as it demonstrated that life is randomly, no matter how much we try to do to control our lives. The scene with Larry and Arthur by the pool is an example, I think, where Larry did something that helped him understand and connect with his brother, but in the end, he chose not to do anything to help him (just have a dream/nightmare about helping him). Yes, probably because the man had enough random crap on his plate, but still.
Great point Chris. I love how much this movie burrowed into my brain after I saw it yet was entertaining and watchable as eff going down. That the Coens can get your brain going that much while also making the (pretentious) masses laugh is mighty commendable.
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