Recession-Style Oscars: Pinching Pennies

1) The Rides
Of course, A-listers would still arrive in style during a depression, but there would have to be some limits on the extravagance - absolutely NO Hummer-limos. For second-class stars two trends would naturally occur. First, they could hoof it, but this would probably prove to be difficult in high heels and a giant mob of fans and paparazzi. Second, there's always a carpool, which could actually be pretty fun, like a miniature pre-party in a car! Plus, carpooling would help out the press because they could photograph a lot of celebs for the price of one.

Next, in a depression, celebrities would simply have to settle for second-rate clothing designers. Even if you're not suffering, you're going to catch a lot of flack if you show off your money. Case in point: Sarah Palin. Don't wear your fancy pants when it's not appropriate. But if stars aren't willing to be seen in something other than Versace or Oscar de la Renta, they might set up some kind of exchange program. Everyone could wear someone else's dress from the previous year.

We don't hear much about scrapping metal these days, but if it came to that, the Academy could definitely do their part. The gold-plated britannium of the current Oscar trophy could be swapped out for plaster, as was done during WWII. Though plaster is not quite as glamorous, who would really know the difference? Better yet, the trophy could be made out of chocolate with a gold-colored foil wrapper. Mmmmmmm. It's fancy-looking AND delicious. How could they go wrong?

Those are two things that could make stars just like us -- hand-me-down Oscar dresses and Oscars that are actually made of chocolate. In fact, we could probably shop at Ragstock and Lunds and get all our Oscar shopping done in one fell swoop were we to be invited to the Oscars (and we ARE as a blog going to be invited to the Oscars, right? RIGHT?!?)
Ooh are those chocolate Oscars real? Buying those seems to be more realistic than me baking Oscar-shaped cookies this year. I'll have to settle with convincing everyone that the Pizza Rolls have little Oscar-shaped pepperonis inside.
chris--yes, those oscar chocolates are real. you can buy them at lunds. maybe i'll bring a few.
also, the pizza rolls will still be delicious regardless of their shape.
I will settle for nothing less than Chris personally dissecting each pizza roll, cutting the pepperoni into Oscar shapes, and then putting them back together and baking them.
I agree with Lady Amy. Those chocolate bars at Lunds are actually imitation Oscars -- they're holding stars, not swords. I refuse to eat something that is oh-so-close to the real thing but not officially licensed, much like I won't play a sports video game that doesn't have the official names and logos of teams and players (am I right, DoktorPeace?)
You're mostly right. There is something to be said of the fake player names in Ken Griffey Presents MLB Baseball for the SNES, with teams themed to represent US presidents (the Royals) and punk rock pioneers (the Mets).
Still, I spent hours using my handheld, pre-internet electronic baseball encyclopedia, going through the game and editing the names for accuracy.
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