As you probably know, the disaster at the bridge near downtown Minneapolis on I-35W was a horrific event in the city. Both Chris and I live close to the bridge, and regularly need to cross it to get to each other's neighborhoods. The events that occurred on 8/1/07 affected everybody's life in the entire Twin Cities metro area in some way, and the entire state of Minnesota, and the country.

In my day job, I work as a tax accountant for not-for-profit organizations of all kind, including philanthropic organizations. The Minneapolis Foundation, Minnesota Community Foundation, Saint Paul Foundation, and the Greater Twin Cities United Way have teamed up to create the Minnesota Helps Fund: Bridge Disaster Fund. All donations to the fund go 100% to program-related expenses, meaning that every dollar you donate goes directly to aid for the situation. Having worked with many different organizations, I know that this is an excellent use of resources.
We at the Blogulator love Minneapolis, and we hope that we can help to heal the city after the disaster in any way possible.

you guys ever read web-comics? you should do a post about them or something. it's a good realm of pop culture.
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