Angry Amy: Twitter as the New Post-it Note

You know what makes me angry?!!
Paula Abdul! I realize that she's had a lot of frustrations in working on American Idol with having to put up with Simon Cowell's ego and being the only female judge (except for that one obnoxious first-year judge that no one outside of the music industry has ever heard of), but in her announcement of her departure from American Idol, she could not have harbored more resentment. And how did she decide to tell the world that she was leaving? Via Twitter!!!

I have a hard time believing that the "straight up now tell me" girl can't at least get her publicist to send a press release. Or she should take her issue to TMZ. There's nothing they won't cover! Not only are Twitter announcements passive-aggressive, they are passive-aggressive in a totally pretentious, narcissistic, "I wonder who is the most obsessed with me" way. This fishing for signs of affection just rubs me the wrong way. Twitter definitely has its place, and call me old-fashioned, but this is not it.
To play devil's advocate, though, I'm not being entirely fair to Paula Abdul. Many, many people do not understand what Twitter should actually be used for.
Labels: Angry Amy, celebrities, Lady Amy
The worst would be breaking up with someone (a person rather than a tv show) over twitter. It would be like breaking someone's heart AND telling the world you're single at the same time! I'm sure it's been done, (and probably by Ashton Kutcher).
Haha this would be a fun feature: Inappropriate Celebrity Uses of Twitter. Though it would always overlap with Angry Amy, wouldn't it?
I'm sure the day that Demi and Ashton break up they will be tweetin that shi*.
You wouldn't be so hard on Paula Abdul if you had seen how Bruno treated her! (Not that I'm admitting I wasted a Monday night movie outing on Bruno.)
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