Tweet that Shi*
@theMEDIA: I love how twittering has replaced blogging as the newfangled mode of communication that news anchors do not understand. Actually, I hate it.
@Suda51: I just started No More Heroes for Wii, and the second boss I came across is named Dr. Peace, and I had to battle him on a baseball field (note: I like baseball). I can't tell if that makes my life derivative or creative or just the same as it's been.
He's saying the same things I always say.
@ChrisPolley: Watching High Fidelity last week, I realized that you transformed (unwittingly, most likely...) one of the record store conversations into a Pajiba post, that being the one on favorite opening tracks. You are a Nick Hornby character.
@citizens: Which is cooler to be? A random video game character, or a character from a movie adpated from a novel?@adwatchers: Which is cooler to drink? Coke or Coke Zero? False competition is the key to profit.
@RonaldMoore: On the same night that Battlestar Galactica ended, a college basketball player with the same name as the show's executive producer hit the game-winning shot for Siena. The gods must have a plan...
@undeadbros: It's been a long time. Are we still bros?
@Denmark: F off already. Just kidding. You're my bro.
@Ocelot: You're a cool animal, and I like that I can think about you during the hour-long cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid 4. I like your fur patterns the most.

@Milwaukee: Somebody should have merged the beer business and the fur-trading business a long time ago. We could've been bigger than New York, with coonskin hats to show for it.
@KatieCouric: I'm no fashion expert, but your hair is worse than that Cold Case lady's. Thank gawd we can't see your shoes.
@stewie: Watched Family Guy with my dad last week, for the Star Trek guest apps. I don't know if the critics got to me, or if the show just declined, but this stuff is hard to watch now, man.
@thecorners: Yo, I need a re-up on those WMDs.
@Hollywood: I'm antsy for a biopic. Tell me about somebody else who was gay. I bet it changed their life.
@myself: When all you do is consume media, you have little to reflect on but the products. You blog what you reap. Don't get bitter.
@blogulatorstaff: Clean out the fridge before 5 or it gets trashed.

Seriously, who brings this much watermelon to work?
Labels: DoktorPeace, Tweet that Shi*
LOL at Katie Couric. Totally true, for a newsanchor she usually has terrible hair styles.
Cold Case lady is pretty. For CBS.
Aaaaaaand THIS is my favorite feature on this site. Also, those three six month old yogurts in the Blogulator fridge are NOT MINE.
Ooh I did NOT remember that bit from High Fidelity! Haha I was such a dork when that movie came out though, fantasizing about the different possibilities for Top 5 music lists. I'm surprised nobody at Pajiba commented about that.
Yes, best feature ever is right.
@DoktorPeace We're still bros. I promise.
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