The Blogulator goes to Hollywood, Gets Scared, and Comes Back Home

Not all was lost, however. I had two brushes with fame on my trip. First, and most successful, was my siting of radio (and now TV) guru, Ira Glass, checking into my hotel! I was standing outside the front door of the hotel at midnight, waiting for a friend to show up, when the cab pulled up and a tired and ragged Ira got out of the back seat. Instinctively, I began to walk toward him when I realized that I am WAYYYY too chicken to stop and talk to a celebrity. So when he gave me an exhausted, "please don't talk to me right now, I just got off a five hour flight," half-smile, I did the only natural thing - walk right by him as if I had no idea he was famous and pretend like I really just wanted to stand on the other side of the door. It was a totally embarrassing retreat to adolescence. I took the middle school approach to getting someone's attention, which is just to completely ignore them. It never got me a date in middle school and it got me absolutely nowhere with Ira!

The second star contact I had on the trip was not nearly as exciting, and I did not walk away with any tangible evidence, nor did I want to. The conference got producer Brian Grazer to speak/be interviewed for one of the sessions. Check out this picture - I am convinced that Brian Grazer is actually Clay Aiken, aged by 30 years. I'm not really sure why they booked Brian Grazer to speak, except perhaps for

Which brings me to the meat and potatoes of this blog post - this week's big event, The Emmys. I thought about doing some good celeb stalking outside the Nokia Theater on Sunday since I was in L.A. anyway, but decided against it because I figured I wouldn't be able to get close enough - and I couldn't figure out how to get there on the bus. Only later did I find out about the bomb scare that caused celebrities to have to walk from three blocks away! Now I'm kicking myself. That could have been a grade A, star-stalking three blocks! Oh, well. I got to do the second best thing to creepily spying on the Emmys - read the Blogulator recap and listen to Minnesota Public Radio's commentary.

MPR ran a piece on Monday about how so many of Sunday night's Emmys went to cable television shows, even though a significantly smaller percentage of the population actually watch, or are able to watch, those shows. Now, if you buy Brian Grazer's idea of success (*buy* being the optimum word), then logic would dictate that American Idol or Dancing with the Stars would sweep up all the awards because it has the most viewers. And the most viewers = the most advertisements = the most $$$$$! On the other hand, the awards are supposed to go to the "best" shows. But is it really fair for so many awards to go to programs that are not accessible to everyone? Is everyone able to join in on the criticism of the judges' selections? I want to open this topic up for discussion because I'm quite torn on the issue. It's hard to get into an awards show that is only dishing out prizes to programs I've never heard of, but at the same time it might also be a good way to get to know the shows that I'll be Netflixing in the coming year.
So have at it. Discuss...
[Editor's Note -- Big ups to Qualler, who was recently asked by Star-Tribune Music Editor Jon Bream to contribute to his weekly 'Pick Six' feature, offering up a half-dozen of cool new things in music. Check out the article here.]
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, TV
RE: Your discussion point
Yeah right, like I want poor people watching my elitist programming! There's a price to great television, rubes.
p.s. The reason they're all poor is because they spend money at the places that advertise on American Idol! It's like the Circle of Life.
Which DMV was that? The one I used in CA was as stale as Grazer's ideas.
Ira Glass was sitting alone in a hotel bar, and you had a bunch of MPR material, and you didn't use it? Think how different your life could have been. Think how different my life could have been, hanging out with Amy and Ira Glass...
Well, he wasn't sitting alone, which was one of many reasons why I was nervous to approach him.
p.s. I'm excited to go to the city tonight that hasn't vomited recently (i.e. Las Vegas).
Las Vegas is CONSTANTLY vomiting and getting it all over other cities, Mark.
two things:
only a nobody walks in LA
-missing persons
i hate the fact that cable shows get all sorts of nominations. damages? in treatment? what the fuck are these shows? never heard of them.
anybody can get an acting nomination when they're allowed to use real swears and show off titties. c'mon, emmy's, show some recognition for the people working in the system, the people on good ol' broadcast TV.
cable should have it's own emmy's. cable should also go to different schools. i'm not prejudiced. i'm just saying...
OR...make cable free for everyone! Hey, hey whatdya say! Equal shows for equal pay!
Sean -- you must be poor. You can have your American Idol.
Maybe you guys should stop eating so much and paying so much for whores, so that you can finally sit back and not watch these shows with the rest of us.
Oh Doktor -- everybody knows, I can't make it through a day without a little coke off a hooker's rear end.
Sean, it sounds to me like you want to persecute cable TV the way vampires are persecuted on HBO's True Blood. And that is totally unfair, because, while most vampires really do want to drink your blood, some of them, especially those who "turned" in the Civil War era, are interested in attempting to calm those urges, despite peer pressures to drink blood. And that's just not cool.
I was thinking about this kinda thing while at the Twins game last night (First game I've ever seen them win! My curse is over!). All those richies who could afford lower-level tix get all the tubegun t-shirts and are always home to the "row of fame" giveaways and such. I felt so coldly separated by class and the perks just rubbed salt in my middle class wound - why can't baseball tix just be first come first serve?
Oh yeah, America revolves around making money.
Ditto for the TV world, sorry Sean et al.
But if you look at this all through a postmodern deconstructionist lens...
Haha, to be fair, the Hormel Row of Fame winners could be anybody -- I have seen it in the upper deck as well. And the shirt tubes, of which I have once witnessed a friend actually winning, are generally oversized ugly t-shirts that they couldn't give away unless it was in the form of a stuffed bear mascot waving wildly at a large group of semi-inebriated fans with hot dogs.
Cable, meanwhile, is easily attaniable if one properly plans ones own financial budget!
p.s. I'm commenting a lot because I like seeing my new commenting icon. I guess you're good for something, Sean! (jay kay, my friend.)
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